Alsou - Dvoe na kacheljakh

Thread: Alsou - Dvoe na kacheljakh

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  1. pablo said:

    Default Alsou - Dvoe na kacheljakh

    Please, I need translation.

    About this word:

    I'm confused about 2 meanings:

    1) Swing, a short table sustained by two ropes, where chlidren sit and swing forwards and backwards

    2) seesaw, teeter-totter : a long table, over a log or a support in the middle, so two children
    sit, one on each extreme, and while one goes up the another goes down:


    Двое на качелях

    Вновь ошибся гороскоп, вновь тепло сменил озноб
    Вновь туманно наших снов значенье
    То мы птицей рвёмся ввысь, то летим куда-то вниз
    Как будто наша жизнь вся на качелях

    Двое на качелях у любви одной
    Двое на качелях выбраны судьбой
    Снова взлёты и паденья катятся волной
    Двое на качелях – это мы с тобой

    Там где радуга-дуга нас качают облака
    Мы с ума сошли слегка, ей богу
    И как ветер иногда глупых споров череда
    Но в гости к нам беда не найдёт дорогу


    Может быть судьбы каприз, что мы с тобой нашлись
    И что любовь сама нас отыскала

  2. Sweeety said:


    The first meaning is correct in this song ;-)
    Good luck!
  3. pablo said:


    and, what's the word in Russian for the 2nd meaning?

    Please, don't forget to translate this lyrics!
  4. Sweeety said:


    The word for the second meaning is also качели.
  5. Sweeety said:


    The two on the swing

    The horoscope is wrong again,
    Again the warmth is placed by shivering,
    Again the mining of our dreams is vague.
    We either flying up high like birds
    or falling somewhere
    Like all our life is going on the swing.

    The two are on the swing of one love
    The two in the swing are chosen by fate
    Up and downs are rolling again like a wave
    The two on the swing are me and you.

    There where the rainbow is the clouds are rocking us
    We are really a little crazy
    And there are stupid arguments now and then
    But misfortune will never fine the way to us.


    May be it is just a caprice of fate that we have find each other
    And that the love has found us.