من كذب ؟

Thread: من كذب ؟

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  1. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:

    Default من كذب ؟


    There is a song for Ziad Rahbani called talfan 3ayyash and a friend of mine told me it was referred to ayyash a famous palestinian resistant called AYYASH (يحيى عياش) and israel killed him with cellular phone capisce but according the video below the famous Palestinian leader was assassinated by Israel few months after the song . I've also found out a translation where the word 3yyash is translated as breadmaker(baker).So my question is : Who is talking the true ? My friend or the guy who post the commentary in the video ?

    Second question ? Is 3ayyash a commum word to breadmaker ? I know khabbaz

    Third question : how to translate this : بيقلك كل شي تمام غط حمام و طار حمام


    تلفن عياش لما توقعنا و ناطرينه
    تلفن عياش تلفن يعني الله يعينه
    تلفن عياش تلفن، تلفن عياش تلفن

    كذب عياش لما توقعنا و ناطرينه
    كذب عياش ما بيحلف إلا بدينه
    تلفن عياش كذب تلفن عياش كذب

    تلفن عياش و قال الاشيا مظبوطا
    جود عياش و عرفينا مش مظبوطا
    بيقلك كل شي تمام غط حمام و طار حمام

    تلفن عياش و حرفه بيعرف كيف يزينه
    موفق عياش كيف لالله عم بيعينو

    تلفن عياش و خبر ليه ما بيتلفن
    يكذب عياش يكذب راقي و بيجنن
    بيقلك هوي مظلوم هوي واضح و مفهوم

    فشط عياش ومتل العادة منعرف مينو
    تلفن عياش فشط يعني الله يعينه
    تلفن عياش فشط تلفن عياش فشط
    و أخيرا تلفن عياش متل ما كأنو ما تلفن
    Last edited by gbasfora; 11-17-2010 at 03:19 AM.
  2. CZAREK2581 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by gbasfora View Post

    There is a song for Ziad Rahbani called talfan 3ayyash and a friend of mine told me it was referred to ayyash a famous palestinian resistant called AYYASH (يحيى عياش) and israel killed him with cellular phone capisce but according the video below the famous Palestinian leader was assassinated by Israel few months after the song . I've also found out a translation where the word 3yyash is translated as bredmaker(baker).So my question is : Who is talking the true ? My frien or the guy who post the commentary in the video ?

    Second question ? Is 3ayyash a commum word to breadmaker ? I know khabbaz

    Third question : how to translate this : بيقلك كل شي تمام غط حمام و طار حمام


    تلفن عياش لما توقعنا و ناطرينه
    تلفن عياش تلفن يعني الله يعينه
    تلفن عياش تلفن، تلفن عياش تلفن

    كذب عياش لما توقعنا و ناطرينه
    كذب عياش ما بيحلف إلا بدينه
    تلفن عياش كذب تلفن عياش كذب

    تلفن عياش و قال الاشيا مظبوطا
    جود عياش و عرفينا مش مظبوطا
    بيقلك كل شي تمام غط حمام و طار حمام

    تلفن عياش و حرفه بيعرف كيف يزينه
    موفق عياش كيف لالله عم بيعينو

    تلفن عياش و خبر ليه ما بيتلفن
    يكذب عياش يكذب راقي و بيجنن
    بيقلك هوي مظلوم هوي واضح و مفهوم

    فشط عياش ومتل العادة منعرف مينو
    تلفن عياش فشط يعني الله يعينه
    تلفن عياش فشط تلفن عياش فشط
    و أخيرا تلفن عياش متل ما كأنو ما تلفن

    i can relate only to word عياش it means seller or the bread(and it comes from Egyptian word عيش=bread.I guess this word might be also used in Palestine
  3. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    - To be honest, I don't know when this song was release to be able to judje
    But what I found out is that Yahya Ayyash was assassinated on 1996.

    - No ayyash is not a common word for bakery, I only know 5bbaz, or farran (Forn)
    (In fact logically if they intended to say that the bakery called, they'd say تلفن العياش not عياش, bacause as you can see they know this person, I mean if they say Ayyash and meant bakery (any bakery since it is not with the ال article)) how would they describe him a layer!

    - بيقلك كل شي تمام غط حمام و طار حمام
    He tells you (every thing is ok). Pigeons disappeared and others flew
    (I think it' taken from kids play هدى الحمام، نام الحمام، اكل الحمام، شرب الحمام، طار الحمام
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God
  4. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:


    Thank you Oriee.

    To be honest, I don't know when this song was release to be able to judje

    It was released in 1995.

    But what I found out is that Yahya Ayyash was assassinated on 1996.

    He was killed in January 5, 1996.

    - No ayyash is not a common word for bakery, I only know 5bbaz, or farran (Forn)
    (In fact logically if they intended to say that the bakery called, they'd say تلفن العياش not عياش, bacause as you can see they know this person, I mean if they say Ayyash and meant bakery (any bakery since it is not with the ال article)) how would they describe him a layer!

    Good perception Oriee. I totally agree with you. That Ayyash is a wellknown person and not just a baker.And as the song was released before the death of Yahya ayyash so they are not the same person. But don't you think that there is a weird and macabre coincidence between the song and the killing ?

    - بيقلك كل شي تمام غط حمام و طار حمام
    He tells you (every thing is ok). Pigeons disappeared and others flew
    (I think it' taken from kids play هدى الحمام، نام الحمام، اكل الحمام، شرب الحمام، طار الحمام

    So Could I translate it as : He tells you that everything is going good though the situation has changed ?
  5. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    - But don't you think that there is a weird and macabre coincidence between the song and the killing ?
    بصراحة لا تستبعد اي اشي, yani these days you barely distinguish enemies form friends!
    Besid I've recieved a mail about Fairouz saying that she financed one of the Isreali operations agais Palestinians, I don't remember in which place.

    I think if we really want to know whether he's the mentioned one we should know his characteristics like if he was (swearing with religion بيحلف بدينو) and other things.

    - So Could I translate it as : He tells you that everything is going good though the situation has changed ?
    May be if you said ..., though the situation is not, would be better
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God
  6. Lisbela said:



    What an exiting threat! It's always good to do a little detectivework on checking the facts! Can some tranlate the rest of the song into english?
