More 110 Lyrics

Thread: More 110 Lyrics

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  1. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:

    Default More 110 Lyrics

    I think I understand some, but I'd really appreciate any help/corrections. Again.

    Ağlama // Don't Cry

    Ağlama // Don't cry
    Geçer bunlar // These things pass
    Kara göründü sonunda ufukta //Black finally appeared on the horizon

    Hayat büyür // Life grows
    Gözümde bazen //In my eyes sometimes
    Yenilirim ama tekrar katılırım yarışa // I'll be defeated but I'll join the race again

    Bak büyüdüm hiç hesapta yokken // Look, I grew, while nothing was planned
    Canımı yaktı // It hurts
    Büyümek güzel sanırken // ? (to grow fine while thinking? )

    Güzel bir gün var biliyorum // I know there's a beautiful day
    Canımı yaksa da hayat // Even if life hurts
    Büyüyorum //I'm growing
    Kimse anlamaz biliyorum // I know nobody understands
    Canımı yaksa da hayat // Even if life hurts
    Gülüyorum // I'm laughing

    Bir yol var yürümem gerek // There's a road I need to walk
    Sonuna kadar gitmem gerek // I need to get to the end

    Aynıyız // We're the Same

    Hiç bitmezmiş şarkılar // The songs never seem to end
    Herkesin bir hikayesi var // Everyone has a story
    Biri beni anlatsın // You tell me one of them
    Vaktim dolmadan // Before my time is up (?)
    Belki seninle aynıyız // Maybe we're the same as you
    Ya da bambaşka insanlarız // Even though we're completely different people
    Farklı hayatlar yaşayıp //Living different lives
    Aynı sonu paylaştık // We shared the same end
    Ne kadar ne kadar // No matter how
    Ne kadar farklıyız // No matter how different we are
    Sonunda hepimiz aynıyız // In the end we're all the same

    Stereotype stereotype
    Kime dönüp baksam önünde bekler hep aynı hayat // If I turn and look at someone in front of me, the same life waits (for both of us)
    Bir de dönüp sorsan her anı film gibi, // And then if you turn and look for, every memory is like a film
    Yazsa roman olurmuş külahıma anlat // ?
    Arasına girdim insanların, çok hikaye dinledim // I entered among people, I heard so many stories
    Hayaller hep aynı gidiş yolunda fark // Dreams are always the same, going on different road
    Bir de yukardan seyre daldım, // And then I dived from above to the water (?seyre?)
    Karınca basmış şehri sokak sokak // ? (Something about an ant? and city street)
    Günün birinde, bir yerde yollarımız karışmış bugüne varmışız // ?
    Sanki biz o eski biz değiliz, ya da hiç olmamışız da öyle sanmışız // As though we are not the way we used to be, or like we never happened and _________
    Gelen giden hep aynı, // Always same passers-by (coming and going)
    Değişmekten korkup, saklanıp rutine sarmışız// Fearing changing, we cover and hide in routine (?)
    Farklıyız çözene kadar uzaktan // ? (we're different, solution is from so far away?)
    Rüzgarız sonra hepimiz aynıyız // We're wind, then we're all the same

    Bir gün belki hiç bilmeden // One day maybe totally unaware/unconscious
    Uyandık aynı rüyada // We woke in the same dream
    Hangimiz düş, hangimiz gerçek // Are we all a dream, are we real
    Bu yalan dünyada? // In this deceptive world?

    *This song was quite difficult for me, but from what I get, I like the message. So I really wanted to try.

    Hep Beni Sevsen // If only you'll always love me (?)

    Çok yordun beni dedi // "You tired me so much" she said
    Çocukça tavırlarınla // With her childish manner
    Belki dönerim dedi // "Maybe I'll come back" she said
    Büyürsen karşımda // "if you'll grow up in front of me
    Hayallerini topladı // She gathered her dreams
    Küçük bir çantada // In a small handbag
    Ve son bir elveda // And one last goodbye
    Tüm yaşananlara // to all (that we) experienced

    Şimdi kapı çalsa // Now if the door rings
    Sen elinde bavulunla // (I think he says here "bavullarınla")>> You with your luggage in your hand

    Sevgilim ben geldim desen // (if only you'd say?) "My love I came to you"
    Kaldığımız yerden // From where we used to be
    Sevgilim ben geldim desen // ?I wish/if only you'd say "My love I came to you"
    Hep beni sevsen// I wish/if only you'd always love me

    Bekledim günlerce // I wait for days
    Penceremde gizlice // At my secret window
    Belki dedim affeder // Maybe I said ____ (she forgives?)
    Döner bu gece // She returns tonight

    Bir Tek Sen // You Alone

    Hiç dostum olmasa // If I have no friend at all
    Adımı kimse anmasa // If no body remembers/mentions my name
    Telefonum hiç çalmasa // If my phone never rings
    Bir tek sen, bi tek sen yeter bana // You alone, only you are enough for me
    Bugün tek başıma // Today, I was totally alone
    Dolaştım kalabalıkta // I wandered around in a crowd
    Çok yabancıydı tüm dünya // The whole world was so unfamiliar
    Bir tek sen, sen olsaydın yanımda // You alone, I just wanted you by my side
    Gizlice yelken açsam // If I set sail secretly
    Buradan çok uzaklara // To a place so far from here
    Herkes beni unutsa da // Even if everyone forgets me
    Bir tek sen, tek sen yeter bana // You alone, only you are enough for me
    Ben küçük bir balığım // I'm a little fish
    Kıyılarında yüzen// Floating on the shore
    Kurtar beni kıyıya yanaşan // Save me, (? pull me to shore)
    Gemiler beni ezmeden // Before the ships crush me
    Odanda bi akvaryum // An aquarium ___(in your room? )
    Ben içinde yüzsem// If I can swim inside
    Tüm gün hiç sıkılmadan// Every day without getting tired (of it)
    Köşemde seni izlesem // If I watch you in my corner (?)
    Şimdi herkes yanımda // Now everyone is at my side
    O bildik eski romanda // In this old familiar novel (or: we know in this old novel?)
    Rolümü oynuyorum hala// I'm playing the role still
    Bir tek sen, bi tek sen yoksun yanımda... //You alone, only you aren't at my side.

    Durma // Don't stop

    Hiç bir fikrim yok nereye gittiğimden
    Bir yol var önümde mutluluk yok içinde
    Oysa buralar büyüdüğüm sokaklar
    Herşey değişmiş kimliğimi almışlar
    Ne zaman, ne zaman bu kadar kirlendik
    Daha dün masumduk nasıl da değiştik
    Gözlerimi kapattığımda hala o çocuk olsam
    Bir sabah sen uyurken ziline basıp kaçsam
    Hadi durma hadi durma bir yol göster bana
    Hadi durma öyle durma çıkış göster bana

    Tek Tek // One by one

    Hiç sormadım
    Kuralları koydular oynadım
    Hep kaybettim en baştan başladım
    Oynamaktan çok sıkıldım

    Hiç bozmadım
    Herşeyi zamana bıraktım
    Bu bir kabus uyanırım sandım
    Hepsi gerçekmiş bak uyandım

    Kuralları koyan
    Koyduğunu bozan
    Nerde bunun ucu
    Var mı bunun sonu
    Hep içime attım
    Ruhum doldu taştı
    Sustukça ben hergün
    Hayatın tadı kaçtı
    Dayanmak çok zor gördüklerime
    Artık oyun benim ve var bir isteğim
    Tek tek tek tek tek tek yenerim
    Ya da bu oyundan ben giderim

    Siz kimsiniz
    Hasta düşünceler ürettiniz
    Kendi köşenize çekildiniz
    Geçmişi böyle mi sildiniz
    Last edited by partizanka; 11-21-2010 at 10:44 PM.
  2. berrytr's Avatar

    berrytr said:


    Ağlama // Don't Cry
    Kara göründü sonunda ufukta /Land (ground) finally appeared on the horizon
    Canımı yaktı Büyümek güzel sanırken // Growing up hurt me while i was thinking it was something nice

    Aynıyız // We're the Same
    Biri beni anlatsın // Someone should tell about me
    Belki seninle aynıyız // Maybe we're the same with you
    Ya da bambaşka insanlarız // Or we're completely different people
    Ne kadar ne kadar Ne kadar farklıyız //We're so so so different
    Kime dönüp baksam önünde bekler hep aynı hayat // Whomever i turn and look at , the same life waits in front of him (whomever i look )
    Bir de dönüp sorsan her anı* film gibi, // And then if you turn and look for, every moment* is like a film
    Yazsa roman olurmuş külahıma anlat **// If he writes, it becomes a novel
    Hayaller hep aynı gidiş yolunda fark // Dreams are always the same, the difference is on the access road ( the steps people walk to get closer with their targets )
    Bir de yukardan seyre daldım, // And then I looked at attentively (for a longtime) from above
    Karınca basmış şehri sokak sokak // ? the ants flooded into city , every street)
    Günün birinde, bir yerde yollarımız karışmış , bugüne varmışız // One day , in somewhere our roads got mixed up (came across), reached until today
    Sanki biz o eski biz değiliz, ya da hiç olmamışız da öyle sanmışız // As if we are not the way we used to be, or like we never happened but we thought we did

    Vaktim dolmadan // Before my time is up / before i pass away

    Değişmekten korkup, saklanıp rutine sarmışız// Fearing to change we hide and did routine things / routinized
    Farklıyız çözene kadar uzaktan // we're different, until we solve
    Rüzgarız sonra hepimiz aynıyız // We're wind, then we're all the same

    Hangimiz düş, hangimiz gerçek // which one(s) of us is a dream, which is real
    Bu yalan dünyada? // In this deceptive/ transitory world?
    *an / anı : moment / the moment
    *anı / anıyı : memory / the memory
    **külahıma anlat : tell me another one because the one u said sounds a bit lie or u exaggarate

    Bir Tek Sen // You Alone
    Kurtar beni kıyıya yanaşan Gemiler beni ezmeden // Save me// Before the ships crush me which approach to the shore
    Odanda bi akvaryum // An aquarium in ur room
    Ben içinde yüzsem// i wish I could swim inside

    Köşemde seni izlesem // i wish I could watch you in my corner ( on the sofa i sit / or i stand )
    Şimdi herkes yanımda // Now everyone is at my side
    O bildik eski romanda // In this old familiar novel
  3. berrytr's Avatar

    berrytr said:


    Hep Beni Sevsen // wish you (will) love only me

    Çok yordun beni dedi // "You tired me so much" she said
    Çocukça tavırlarınla // With ur childish manner
    Belki dönerim dedi // "Maybe I'll come back" she said
    Büyürsen karşımda // "if you'll grow up in front of me
    Hayallerini topladı // She gathered her dreams
    Küçük bir çantada // In a small handbag
    Ve son bir elveda // And one last goodbye
    Tüm yaşananlara // to all (that we) experienced

    Şimdi kapı çalsa // Now if the door rings
    Sen elinde bavulunla // (I think he says here "bavullarınla")>> You with your luggage in your hand

    Sevgilim ben geldim desen // wish u said "My love I came to you"
    Kaldığımız yerden // From where we used to be ( stopped / broke up)
    Sevgilim ben geldim desen // ?I wish/if only you'd say "My love I came to you"
    Hep beni sevsen// I wish/if only you'd always love me

    Bekledim günlerce // I wait for days
    Penceremde gizlice // At my window secretly
    Belki dedim affeder // I said may be she forgives?
    Döner bu gece // She returns tonight
  4. berrytr's Avatar

    berrytr said:


    Durma // Don't stop

    Hiç bir fikrim yok nereye gittiğimden
    I dont have any idea of where i am going
    Bir yol var önümde mutluluk yok içinde
    I have a road in front of me there s no happiness inside (of it)
    Oysa buralar büyüdüğüm sokaklar
    in fact these are the streets i grew up in
    Herşey değişmiş kimliğimi almışlar
    everything changed , they took my identity
    Ne zaman, ne zaman bu kadar kirlendik
    when, when we got so dirty
    Daha dün masumduk nasıl da değiştik
    Yesterday we were innocent , how we changed..
    Gözlerimi kapattığımda hala o çocuk olsam
    When i close my eyes, i wish i were still that child
    Bir sabah sen uyurken ziline basıp kaçsam
    one morning, If i ring ur doorbell and escape while u r sleeping
    Hadi durma hadi durma bir yol göster bana
    Dont stop show me a way / a method
    Hadi durma öyle durma çıkış göster bana
    dont stop show me the the way out / the solution
  5. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    I was so happy to wake up to this. Thank you so much (once again, my "thank you" button is not showing on my screen )

    Quote Originally Posted by berrytr View Post
    Ağlama // Don't Cry
    Kara göründü sonunda ufukta /Land (ground) finally appeared on the horizon
    Canımı yaktı Büyümek güzel sanırken // Growing up hurt me while i was thinking it was something nice
    That makes much much more sense than what I said.

    Quote Originally Posted by berrytr View Post
    Köşemde seni izlesem // i wish I could watch you in my corner ( on the sofa i sit / or i stand )
    I don't really understand this. On the sofa?
  6. SiLvEr_MooN's Avatar

    SiLvEr_MooN said:


    Tüm gün hiç sıkılmadan > All day without getting bored at all,
    Köşemde seni izlesem > I wish I could watch you from a secluded spot.
    Makes sense?
  7. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by SiLvEr_MooN View Post
    Tüm gün hiç sıkılmadan > All day without getting bored at all,
    Köşemde seni izlesem > I wish I could watch you from a secluded spot.
    Makes sense?
    Yes Sir. Thanks.

    By the way, sir=cheese (in Yugo)....which may actually be an appropriate nickname for you, after seeing your discussion with Viva.
  8. SiLvEr_MooN's Avatar

    SiLvEr_MooN said:


    Quote Originally Posted by partizanka View Post
    Yes Sir. Thanks.

    By the way, sir=cheese (in Yugo)....which may actually be an appropriate nickname for you, after seeing your discussion with Viva.
    You are welcome but no, no way!
  9. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by SiLvEr_MooN View Post
    You are welcome but no, no way!
    Okay, suit yourself. (I like this phrase. It's new for me!)

    Here are you choices then:

    SilMo- not clever nickname, just lazy
    Ağa- Since I like very much "Alper ağa" from Cartel, this might be good.
    Jaja- we've been over why this is no good, but...
  10. SiLvEr_MooN's Avatar

    SiLvEr_MooN said:


    Quote Originally Posted by partizanka View Post
    Okay, suit yourself. (I like this phrase. It's new for me!)

    Here are you choices then:

    SilMo- not clever nickname, just lazy
    Ağa- Since I like very much "Alper ağa" from Cartel, this might be good.
    Jaja- we've been over why this is no good, but...
    Thanks for introducing this phrase to me, too

    None please And was jaja "eggs"? And what was its hidden meaning?
  11. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by SiLvEr_MooN View Post
    Thanks for introducing this phrase to me, too

    None please And was jaja "eggs"? And what was its hidden meaning?
    Good memory. And I would remind you of its hidden meaning but then the thread will be deleted. And all Berry's, your, and my hard work will be for nothing. And that, my friend, would be too tragic.
  12. SiLvEr_MooN's Avatar

    SiLvEr_MooN said:


    Quote Originally Posted by partizanka View Post
    Good memory. And I would remind you of its hidden meaning but then the thread will be deleted. And all Berry's, your, and my hard work will be for nothing. And that, my friend, would be too tragic.
    I'm so bad at remembering new words in English but how come I remember "jaja" correctly?
  13. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by SiLvEr_MooN View Post
    I'm so bad at remembering new words in English but how come I remember "jaja" correctly?
    Cos you like it with your "sir"? Cos you have a sick mind? Cos it's so catchy? Cos it sounds like the Greek word for grandmother? Cos it sounds like 'yesyes' in German? Cos it goes well with Zaza? Cos you're actually a Bosnian egg-chef?
    I could keep going...
  14. SiLvEr_MooN's Avatar

    SiLvEr_MooN said:


    Quote Originally Posted by partizanka View Post
    Cos you like it with your "sir"? Cos you have a sick mind? Cos it's so catchy? Cos it sounds like the Greek word for grandmother? Cos it sounds like 'yesyes' in German? Cos it goes well with Zaza? Cos you're actually a Bosnian egg-chef?
    I could keep going...
    No, enough, 3rd one, catchy I think
  15. berrytr's Avatar

    berrytr said:


    aaaa why i cant bee thankeddd i want to be upper member if it exists
  16. SiLvEr_MooN's Avatar

    SiLvEr_MooN said:


    A "thank" freak
  17. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by berrytr View Post
    aaaa why i cant bee thankeddd i want to be upper member if it exists
    I don't know!!! It came back for a split-second and now it's gone. Somebody thank Berry for me please!!!!

    And thank her for changing that avatar too!
  18. berrytr's Avatar

    berrytr said:


    emeğimin karşılığını almalıyım ayrıca freak de sensin cheese jaja
  19. SiLvEr_MooN's Avatar

    SiLvEr_MooN said:


    Quote Originally Posted by partizanka View Post
    I don't know!!! It came back for a split-second and now it's gone. Somebody thank Berry for me please!!!!

    And thank her for changing that avatar too!
    I can't thank something that is of no use to me and someone that called me "cheese"
  20. SiLvEr_MooN's Avatar

    SiLvEr_MooN said:


    Please take your thank back