Mohamed Hamaki - Zkryatk Meh

Thread: Mohamed Hamaki - Zkryatk Meh

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  1. binababi1996's Avatar

    binababi1996 said:

    Default Mohamed Hamaki - Zkryatk Meh

    Could someone translate this plz? I dont have a link from youtube, but i downloaded the song from

    Thank You so much!
    They always manage to steal your heart when youre just about ready to cry <3
  2. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    I've already translated this here

  3. binababi1996's Avatar

    binababi1996 said:


    Thanks VivaPalestina sooooo much for everything ur so sweet
    They always manage to steal your heart when youre just about ready to cry <3