Help Identifying Romanian Song

Thread: Help Identifying Romanian Song

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  1. helpmepls1 said:

    Default Help Identifying Romanian Song

    Can anybody please help me identify this song? There is no mp3 tag info. I would like to know the artist and song title. If someone could at least give me the artist name. Or if somebody could at least translate the song into English or at least a couple verses or the chorus would be best. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. JunjouLover's Avatar

    JunjouLover said:


    Need someone else to get the parts I didn't get.

    Mamă: mi-e greu să spun acest cuvānt
    Mom, it's hard for me to say the word
    Cānd mă gāndesc la tine īncep să plāng īn rānd īn rānd
    When I think of you I start to cry time and time again
    Mă-neacă lacrimile
    I'm drowning in tears
    De viața mea mi-e teamă
    I'm scared of my life
    Căci niciodata n-am știut ce-nseamnă dragoste de mama
    Since I've never known what a mother's love means

    Mamă, suferința īmi face rău
    Mom, (this) suffering does me bad
    E trist fără tine
    It's sad without you
    Nu mai suport de tot mai greu
    I can no longer endure all the hard things
    Mai greu și eu mă rog la mamă, Doamne
    Hard, and I pray to my mother, Lord
    Căci nici acum nu știu ce-nseamnă dragoste de mamă
    Since even now I don't know what a mother's love means

    Mama ești punctul forte-n viața mea
    Mama, you are the strong point in my life
    Īngerul meu păzitor
    My guardian angel
    Veghează-mă ????
    Watch over me ????
    Iar eu te voi cānta mereu, o viață īntreagă
    But I will sing to you forever, a whole lifetime
    Căci niciodata nu voi ști ce-nseamnă dragoste de mamă
    Since I will never know what a mother's love is

    Mamă, īncerc să te visez
    Mom, I try to dream of you
    Te iubesc, mamă
    I love you, mom
    Mi-e dor de tine
    I long for you
    Inima te cheamă
    My heart calls for you

    Doamne, ce-nseamnă dragoste de mama?
    Lord, what does a mother's love mean?

    Mamă, dac-aș putea să te readuc īn viața mea
    Mom, if I could get you back in my life
    Aș ști și eu ce īnseamnă dragoste de mama
    I too would know what a mother's love means
    Last edited by JunjouLover; 12-22-2010 at 10:55 AM.
  3. helpmepls1 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by JunjouLover View Post
    Lemme see if I can translate the song for you. I did some sleuthing, but came up short, so just gimme some time.
    Thank you very much.
  4. JunjouLover's Avatar

    JunjouLover said:


    Okay, I edited my old post, but I just need someone to listen to the song and get the little snippets that I couldn't make out.
  5. baby_girl_'s Avatar

    baby_girl_ said:


    I helped you with the first unknown sentence. The second one unfortunatelly I couldn't understand it too..and I'm romanian))))

    Quote Originally Posted by JunjouLover View Post
    Need someone else to get the parts I didn't get.

    Mamă: mi-e greu să spun acest cuvānt
    Mom, it's hard for me to say the word
    Cānd mă gāndesc la tine īncep să plāng īn rānd īn rānd
    When I think of you I start to cry time and time again
    Mă-neacă lacrimile
    I'm drowning in tears
    De viața mea mi-e teamă
    I'm scared of my life
    Căci niciodata n-am știut ce-nseamnă dragoste de mama
    Since I've never known what a mother's love means

    Mamă, suferința īmi face rău
    Mom, (this) suffering does me bad
    E trist fără tine
    It's sad without you
    Nu mai suport de tot mai greu
    I can no longer endure all the hard things
    Mai greu și eu mă rog la mamă, Doamne
    Hard, and I pray to my mother, Lord
    Căci nici acum nu știu ce-nseamnă dragoste de mamă
    Since even now I don't know what a mother's love means

    Mama eşti punctul forte-n viața mea
    Mama, you are the strongest thing in my life
    Īngerul meu păzitor
    My guardian angel
    Veghează-mă ????
    Watch over me ????
    Iar eu te voi cānta mereu, o viață īntreagă
    But I will sing to you forever, a whole lifetime
    Căci niciodata nu voi ști ce-nseamnă dragoste de mamă
    Since I will never know what a mother's love is

    Mamă, īncerc să te visez
    Mom, I try to dream of you
    Te iubesc, mamă
    I love you, mom
    Mi-e dor de tine
    I long for you
    Inima te cheamă
    My heart calls for you

    Doamne, ce-nseamnă dragoste de mama?
    Lord, what does a mother's love mean?

    Mamă, dac-aș putea să te readuc īn viața mea
    Mom, if I could get you back in my life
    Aș ști și eu ce īnseamnă dragoste de mama
    I too would know what a mother's love means
  6. helpmepls1 said:


    Thank you baby_girl_ and JunjouLover. No one could figure out the artist or song title from this?
  7. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    i hear smth like: esti stea din stea but pfff its kinda weird.. it means you are star from a star
  8. baby_girl_'s Avatar

    baby_girl_ said:


    Yup, that's what I've heard too, but I thought that maybe I have some problems with my hearing))))) It sounds weird yup, but I think that's what he's saying..
  9. helpmepls1 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by baby_girl_ View Post
    Yup, that's what I've heard too, but I thought that maybe I have some problems with my hearing))))) It sounds weird yup, but I think that's what he's saying..
    Thanks, can anyone identify the group/band who does this song?