sisu - americandrim PLEASE!!!

Thread: sisu - americandrim PLEASE!!!

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  1. predator23 said:

    Exclamation sisu - americandrim PLEASE!!!

    someone write down the text in English and Romanian, please
    thank you
  2. Crisa said:


    Here you go.

    Sisu -Americandrim

    De mic pot să zică "How do you do" ?
    Uite puştiul meu ştie engleză , o să ajungă bine, nu?
    Probabil īntr-o misiune a infanteriei marine la Kabul
    Şi-l primeşti acasă īn sicriu de plum,nu?
    Şi nu trebuie să plāngi, trebuie să fii tare
    Căci siguranţa natională e pusă de sentimente (not sure about this that's what I understand) sub ameninţare
    Că cică trebuie să fim reci ca la răcoare
    Īntr-o luptă care nu ne priveşte de nici o culoare
    Că vor să ducă McDonald's in Babylon
    Şi să-mbete curva bestiei cu petrol
    America ia partea celor slabi şi se īngraşă
    Şi după aia ţipă că le aruncă bombe-n casă
    Dacă aţi crede īn Dumnezeu nu v-ar fi frică de moarte
    De fapt n-ar trebui s-o īnfruntaţi noapte de noapte
    Salam alaikum freti mei ştiu că lupta voastră e dreaptă
    Nu uitaţi armele nu aduc fericire niciodată

    American dream

    From an early age kids can say "How do you do" ?

    Look my kid speaks English, he'll end up fine, right ?
    Maybe in a mission of the marine infantry in Kabul
    And you'll receive him back home in a lead coffin, right?
    And you don't have to cry, you have to be strong

    Cuz the national safety is under threat of feelings
    Cuz we have to be cold like it is in jail

    In a fight that doesn't concern us in the least
    Cuz they want to bring McDonald's to Babylon

    And to make drunk with petrol the beast's *****
    America take the side of the weak ones and gets fat

    And after that they scream cuz there are bombs thrown in their house

    If you'll believe in God you won't be afraid of death
    In fact you shouldn't cope with it every night
    Salam alaikum
    -Peace be up on you (a greeting that Arabs use when they meet) my brothers ,I know that your fight is fair
    on't forget that guns never bring happiness
  3. predator23 said:


    thank you very much
  4. Crisa said:


    You're welcome !