greek translation for 'love each day'

Thread: greek translation for 'love each day'

Tags: greek, love, translation
  1. janina_1088 said:

    Default greek translation for 'love each day'

    hi everyone!

    what is the greek translation of 'love each day'?

    thank you very much!
  2. janina_1088 said:


    if you could also give me its translation in french, hebrew, and latin? i would appreciate it a lot. thank you so much!
  3. Mixalopoulos's Avatar

    Mixalopoulos said:


    Σ'αγαπω καθε μερα
    Ρεμπέτικο για πάντα. Μάγκες είμαστε.
  4. Narkissos's Avatar

    Narkissos said:


    Love as in the noun or the verb?
    And who is the subject of the action (If it is indeed an action u mean)?
  5. janina_1088 said:


    'love each day'

    it means a person should love each day. the word 'love' is a verb. thank you!