jolka jolka of budka pamietasz

Thread: jolka jolka of budka pamietasz

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  1. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:

    Exclamation jolka jolka of budka pamietasz

    Hi! Would need an english, french or german translation of" jolka jolka pamietasz" by Budka Suflera

    Can anyone help?

  2. bandziol20's Avatar

    bandziol20 said:


    Budka Suflera
    Jolka, Jolka
    Oh, Jolie, Jolie !
    Pamiętasz lato ze snu,
    Do you remember that magic summer ?
    Gdy pisałaś: "tak mi źle,
    When you wrote (to me) : „I feel so bad,
    Urwij się choćby zaraz,
    Slip away just at once !
    Coś ze mną zrób,
    Do something with me !
    Nie zostawiaj tu samej, o nie".
    Don’t let me stay here alone, oh no !"

    Żebrząc wciąż o benzynę,
    Still begging for petrol
    Gnałem przez noc,
    I was rushing through night
    Silnik rzęził ostatkiem sił,
    Engine was wheezing at the end of its tether
    Aby być znowu w Tobie,
    To be again at your’s
    Śmiać się i kląć,
    Laughing and cursing
    Wszystko było tak proste w te dni.
    Everything was so simple in those days…

    Dziecko spało za ścianą,
    Child was sleeping behind a wall,
    Czujne jak ptak,
    Watchful as a bird,
    Niechaj Bóg wyprostuje mu sny!
    God put right his dreams!
    Powiedziałaś, że nigdy, że nigdy aż tak
    You said, that never, that never that so…
    słodkie były, jak krew Twoje łzy
    sweet were, as blood, Your tears

    Emigrowałem z objęć Twych nad ranem,
    I was emigrating from Your arms at dawn,
    Dzień mnie wyganiał, nocą znów wracałem,
    Day was driving me away, at night I was returning
    Dane nam było, słońca zaćmienie,
    Eclipse of the Sun was given to us
    Następne będzie, może za sto lat.
    Next one will be – maybe for a hundred years…

    2. Plażą szły zakonnice, a słońce w dół,
    Along the beach were going nuns and the Sun

    Wciąż spadało nie mogąc spaść,
    Was still falling, (but) unable to fall down
    Mąż tam w świecie za funtem, odkładał funt,
    The Husband – there in the world was laying up pound by pound
    Na Toyotę przepiękną, aż strach.
    For awfully gorgeus Toyota.

    Mąż Twój wielbił porządek i pełne szkło,
    Your husband adored order and full glass,
    Narzeczoną miał kiedyś, jak sen,
    Once he had a fiancée, like a dream,
    Z autobusem Arabów zdradziła go,
    She deceived him with a bus of Arabs,
    Nigdy nie był już sobą, o nie
    He wasn’t himself anymore, oh no !

    Emigrowałem z objęć Twych nad ranem,
    I was emigrating from Your arms at dawn,
    Dzień mnie wyganiał, nocą znów wracałem,
    Day was driving me away, at night I was returning
    Dane nam było, słońca zaćmienie,
    Eclipse of the Sun was given to us
    Następne będzie, może za sto lat.
    Next one will be – maybe for a hundred years…

    3. W wielkiej żyliśmy wannie i rzadko tak,
    We were living in a big bathtub and so rarely
    Wypełzaliśmy na suchy ląd,
    We were crawling onto dry land,
    Czarodziejka gorzałka tańczyła w nas,
    Fairy Booze was dancing in us,
    Meta była o dwa kroki stąd.
    Finish line was two steps away

    Nie wiem ciągle dlaczego zaczęło się tak,
    I still don’t know why it had begun like this,
    Czemu zgasło też nie wie nikt,
    Why it had to passed away – nobody also knows
    Są wciąż różne koło mnie, nie budzę się sam,
    There are still other women by me, I don’t wake up alone,
    Ale nic nie jest proste w te dni.
    But it’s nothing easy in these days.
  3. sinior00's Avatar

    sinior00 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by bandziol20 View Post
    Budka Suflera
    Jolka, Jolka

    Meta była o dwa kroki stąd.
    Finish line was two steps away
    Very good translation, indeed. But... I have one suggestion about the above one line.
    Word "meta" literally means "finish line", but here means something completely different.
    This song is +- 30 years old, and in that time in Poland it was very hard to buy vodka. Well, at night it was nearly impossible at all. But there were "helpful" people who, nevertheless high risk of imprisoning, were selling vodka at their flats, of course 24/7, and of course for a price differ from the one in legal shops :-). And the name of such "underground" kind of shop is META. This corresponds with the line before (in the song) - when you want to be drunk all the time (and don't have possibilities to legally buy vodka anytime you want), it's great when you have META "couple of steps" away :-)
  4. bandziol20's Avatar

    bandziol20 said:


    Okie-dokie. Thanks !
  5. Paul Orhan's Avatar

    Paul Orhan said:


    I'd have a few more stylistical comments but have to admit it's not bad all!

    The phrase "Być znowu w Tobie" implies sexual intercourse so should be translated slightly different - eg. "To be (immersed) within you again", "To be back inside you".