i hope anybody can translate these 20 phrases.. :)

Thread: i hope anybody can translate these 20 phrases.. :)

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  1. m-asallah said:

    Default i hope anybody can translate these 20 phrases.. :)

    1. Ako me ikada zaboravis, ne zaboravi da zaboravljeni nikada ne zaboravljaju one koji su ih zaboravili!

    2. Kako mi nedostajes, samo ruku da mi das, kako mi nedostajes da li znas???

    3. Moj zivot zelim dijeliti sa tobom. Moje srce zelim ti pokloniti. Trebam te! Ne mogu vise zivjeti bez tebe. A za to postoji samo jedan razlog: VOLIM TE!

    4. Nikada nemoj odlaziti, ako imas razloga ostati. Znamo sto jesmo, a ne znamo sto mozemo biti.

    5. Ponekad mi toliko lutas mislima pa se pitam kako te noge ne zabole.

    6. Prolazim kroz tamne ulice koje su prije bile svijetle. Ulice tamne kao i moje srce kad nisi ti kraj mene.

    7. Sinoc sam sjedila kraj prozora, kisa je tiho padala. Nisam te opet vidjela, samo se uzalud nadala...

    8. Ti si suza u mom oku, ti si zivot koji zivim, ti si onaj sto postoji, da se samo njemu divim.

    9. Volim samo tebe i sve o tebi znam i sve sto se ljubav zove zelim da ti dam.

    10. Volim te bez obzira na sve tvoje mane ili vrline koje te kompletnim idiotom cine.

    11. Volim te i obozavam te, srce mi place bez tebe, a sto te volim toga se vec sama bojim!

    12. Zeljela sam ti poslati nesto zgodno i lijepo, a opet slatko i seksi... ali, ima jedan problem: NISAM STALA U DISPLAY!!!

    13. Znam mali moj da si daleko od mene. Znam ja to, ali zasto me onda tvoje oci na svakom koraku prate?

    14. Znas li kako oci peku, znas li kako suze teku, kada gubis onog koga ljubis i kad molis onog koga volis.

    15. Znas li koliko je srcu toplo dok misli na tebe!

    16. Zovem te svaku vecer kad kucne nocni cas, al znam da neces doci jer sudbina rastavi nas.

    17. Daj mi sebe od sebe ako neces da mi srce nazebe jer kad tebe nema ljubavi, cini mi se da je zima.

    18. Gdje god podjes sirom svijeta, gdje god zarko sunce sja, nigdje neces naci djevojku da te voli kao ja!

    19. I sve sam druge tvojim imenom zvala, i sve im uzela, a nista im dala, jer kad se samo tvojih ociju sjetim, na svim se neduznim muskarcima svetim...

    20. Kada se iskreno voli, ni razdvojenost ni vrijeme ne mogu nam nista!
  2. bagzi94's Avatar

    bagzi94 said:


    1. If you forget me, don't forget that the forgotten ones never forget ones
    that forgot they. (I'm not sure about this)

    2. I miss you so much, I just want you to give me your hand, I miss you so much, do you know that?

    3. I want to share my life with you. I want to give you my heart heart as a gift.
    I need you! I can't live without you any more! And there's a reason for that: I love you!

    4. Don't ever leave If you have reason to stay. We know what we are,
    what we don't know is what we can be.

    5. Sometimes you're running through my mind so much, that I ask myself:
    How's that your legs does not hurt you?

    6. I'm passing trought the dark streets that used to be light full.
    The streets are just like my heart when you're not around...

    7. Last night, I was sitting by the window, it was raining. I did not see you again, I was just looking foward in vein.

    8. You're the tear in my eye, you're life that I live, you're the one that exists,
    the only one that i admire.

    9. You're the only one I love and I know everything about you and I want to
    give you everything that love is.

    10. I love you and I don't care about your strong and weak points that makes you an idiot.

    Možda sam napravio neku grešku. Ako jesam, molim vas, ispravite.
    Last edited by bagzi94; 01-26-2011 at 05:13 AM.
  3. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    01. If you ever forget me, don't forget that the forgotten never forget those who have forgotten them.

    06. I'm walking through dark streets, that used to be (full of) light. Dark streets, just like my heart, when you're not beside me.

    08. You're the tear in my eye, you're the life that I'm living, you're the only one who exists for me to admire.

    10. I love you without disregarding your weak or strong points which make you a complete idiot.

    11. I love and adore you, my heart is crying without you, but I'm affraid of the fact why I love you

    12. I wanted to send you something attractive and beautiful, but also sweet and sexy at the same time, but there is one problem...I didn't fit in your display.

    13. Boy I know you're far away from me. I know it, but why do your eyes follow my every step?

    That's all for now... I have to go get my hair cut now...