Instrumental Piece To Identify

Thread: Instrumental Piece To Identify

Tags: arabic, greek, identify, indian, instrumental
  1. sr4000's Avatar

    sr4000 said:

    Question Instrumental Piece To Identify


    I need help to identify this instrumental piece, it is only 01:12 in time length, and appears part of a medley that has been faded early.

    Firstly I would like to know the title of this piece, and also if anyone happens to know who the artist just might be.

    Apologies for the quality of the file, but please let me explain, it is taken from an old radio test transmission from 1974/1975, and was recorded by just an old cassette recorder of the time.

    I think it sounds either Arabic or Greek perhaps, and I was unsure whether to post this question in one of those other sections

    DivShare File - 12 Unknown.mp3
  2. Mixalopoulos's Avatar

    Mixalopoulos said:


    Sounds more like Balkan music.
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