Viny Roumy - El Shera3 El Aswad

Thread: Viny Roumy - El Shera3 El Aswad

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  1. josephpausini said:

    Default Viny Roumy - El Shera3 El Aswad

    One of the best from Viny Roumy !

    بالشارع الأسود مشيت والدني ليل
بالعتمة مابشوف لبعيد بسمع صوت الماضي
ذكريات رجعت والخوف بلش يلاحقني
مافي اهرب ولا في ابقى..
هون بهالشارع انسرقت
هون وجعت
هون بكيت وبقيت ابكي سنين
شو صار وقتها ليه ضعفت وسلمت حالي؟؟
ليه ماكنت اقوى ودافعت وقاومت..؟؟
شو نفع الندم هلأ!!
هون بهالشارع الأسود سرقتي قلبي 
سرقتي روحي سرقتي حياتي
هون بكيت قد ماحبيتك
وعالأرض غفيت شو ذنبي حبيتك..
شو راجع اعمل هون بيكفيني وجع وعذاب
مش راجع فتش على قلبي اللي انسرق
راجع بقلب جديد ناطرك تسرقيه من جديد.. 

    Thanks in advance to those who'll translate it
  2. A.Magdy.A's Avatar

    A.Magdy.A said:


    The black Street

    I walked in the black street at night
    I couldn't see much further in the dark , I heard the sound of the past
    Memories Went back clear to me and Fear started hunting me
    No Way To Escape , No Way To Stand Still

    In That street I had been Stolen
    In That street I had been Hurt
    In That Street I cried And cried for Years
    ًWhat happened then ? Why did i went weak and i give-up ?
    Why wasn't i stronger ? Why didn't i resist and Struggle ?

    What's the use of crying now !!!
    In That Black street You stole my heart
    You stole my soul and my life
    Here , I Cried as much as i loved you
    I snoozed on the Ground . What's my crime that i loved you
    What am i doing here again ? That's enough hurt and suffer
    I won't come back
    I'll look for my stolen heart
    Then I'll be back with a full new heart waiting you to steal it again