Poem? Farsi to english please

Thread: Poem? Farsi to english please

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  1. Miladz said:

    Default Poem? Farsi to english please


    Need to know what the guy reads from the paper from 00:00 till 1:11

    Please someone translate <3
  2. Miladz said:


    Someone ?
  3. cametaa's Avatar

    cametaa said:


    Hi there,
    This is a letter he is writing to his late mother, hoping his father would read it and change his mind about remarriage.
    سلام مامان
    salam maman
    Hi Mom!

    شاید من اولین پسری باشم که برای مادری که نیست نامه می نویسه
    shayad man avalin pesari basham baraye madari ke nist name minevise
    Maybe i am the first son who writes a letter to a mom who is not alive

    البته فکر کنم که تو ما رو می بینی و از حال و روز ما خبر داری
    albate fek konam to ma ro mibini o az halo roozemoon khabar dari
    although, i think you see us and are aware of our circumstances

    پس برات فرقی نمی کنه که برات نامه بنویسم یا حتی گوشی تلفنو بردارم و باهات حرف بزنم
    pas barat farghi nemikone ke barat name benevisam ya hatta gooshie telephono bardaramo bahat harf bezanam
    so it would make no difference for you whether i write a letter to you or even pick up the phone and talk to you

    این کارو بارها کردم مخصوصا اون اوایل که تازه تو رفته بودی و منم بچه تر بودم
    in karo barha kardam. makhsoosan oon avayel ke taze to rafte boodi o manam bache tar boodam
    (as) i have done it many times.. specially when you had just left and i was also younger

    خیلی دلم برات تنگ می شد
    kheili delam barat tang mishod
    i used to miss you so much

    وقتی کسی خونه نبود گوشی تلفنو بر می داشتم و با تو حرف می زدم
    vaghti kasi khoone nabood gooshie telephono bar midashtamo ba to harf mizadam
    when no one was at home, I would pick up the phone and talk to you

    هر چی می خواستم می گفتم اما جوابی نشنیدم
    har chi mikhastam migoftam amma javabi nashnidam
    i would tell (you) anything i wanted but wouldn't get any reply

    گریه می کردم
    gerye mikardam
    i would cry

    گاهی حتی التماس می کردم که حداقل تو خوابم بیای
    gahi hatta eltemas mikardam ke hadde aghal too khabam biai
    sometimes i would even beg you to come to my dream at least

    یه بار اومدی
    ye bar oomadi
    once you came

    داری گریه می کنی؟
    dari gerye mikoni?
    are you crying?

    Last edited by cametaa; 03-07-2011 at 08:40 AM.