it's aw2at ya donia not hawaky, a song by M Fouad
it's aw2at ya donia not hawaky, a song by M Fouad
aha okayy i see it's a song, thanks Vivaaaaaaa so muuuuuuch
and thanks Esperanto of course ^_^
Ooops aw2at ya donya -> at times
يا غوربي ما في حدا لحده ايلا الله للكل
what this means????hope not something ofensive
is a status:P
It is true that I have had heartache and tragedy in my life. These are things none of us avoids. Suffering is the price of being alive.
what does "enty htfagary" mean?
It is true that I have had heartache and tragedy in my life. These are things none of us avoids. Suffering is the price of being alive.
Can somebody please translate this for me, nobody wants to help me on the other side :s:
a3'la menha nass w ra7oo mn 2dia w b2mana msh hategy 3aliha hya eldemo3 mn emta btgeb ely ra777♥
Thank u so much
Hiii guys I'll be so happy if someone can translate this for me:
أتعرف لـ ـماذا يضحك الطفل عندماا تقذفه الى السماء !!؟؟لأنه يعرف أنك ستلتقطه ولن تدعه يقع !!(تلك هي الثقة )...وتلك هي ثقتي بربي....لو رمتني الأقدار... فسوف تلتقطني...رحمة ربي قبل أن أقع
من رضى بقدرى ارضيته على قدرى و ماكان لك سيأتيك على ضعفك وما ليس لك لن تناله بقوتك وعزتى وجلالى لأرزقن من لا حيلة له حتى يتحير أصحاب الحيل وحتى تكون اسعد الناس توكل على الرزاق وفوض الامر اليه وارضى بحكمه والجا اليه واعتمد عليه فهو حسبك وكافيك وتبسم فان هناك من يحبك ويعتنى بك وينصرك ويسمعك هــــــــو الله وما أخذ منك الا ليعطيك وما أشقاك الا ليسعدك وما أبكاك الا ليضحكك وما حرمك الا ليتفضل عليك
- - ; Nothing compares...
no worries or cares.
Regrets and mistakes - they’re memories made.
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste? ♫
Hi everyone....
Could someone please tell me what "Dakhilo Ana" means? I know it's a term of endearment but I don't know exactly what it means... thanks! And is there something I should say in return?
Hello! i need help! i want to print a t-shirt with a word saying 'peace' in arabic but i'm confused bcoz i'm not sure if it should be written as السلام or simply سلام without an 'al' ?
but does it make any difference in meaning?
شكرا جدا
i got it now, i was confused coz i've found some t-shirts patterns in both styles
Hi, is صاحبتك female or male?