Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations

Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations

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  1. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Keyshia
    what does this mean مخلصن و صدوقي
    Faithful and truthful
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God
  2. linkin85ale's Avatar

    linkin85ale said:


    translation please

    wala btechki
    we law nezlet dommo' yeb'a el garhi mosh hayyen
    we min hawen aliha el wa't
    akeed sakta wala betehki
    arefha teb'a majrooha we madhlooma wa la tbayan
  3. Shoppingxgirl's Avatar

    Shoppingxgirl said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Oriee View Post
    My "like" is sufficient. It equals 100 likes, doesn't it?
    which words means "sufficient" and "equal" please? So I can write them down
  4. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    shoppingxgirl -

    bkfe / btkafi - enough/sufficient

    metl - like/equal

  5. Keyshia said:


    what does هدي عليك means? Does it mean "Calm down"?
  6. randa434 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by linkin85ale View Post
    translation please

    wala btechki
    don't complaine
    we law nezlet dommo' yeb'a el garhi mosh hayyen
    & even if my tears rained down my sore remains mosh hayyen?(I don't have any idea about this)
    we min hawen aliha el wa't
    akeed sakta wala betehki
    sure you are quiet and you don't talk
    arefha teb'a majrooha we madhlooma wa la tbayan
    I know that you stay injured & madhlooma(?) but you don't show this(im not sure about this kamen?)
    any correction will be wellcomed
  7. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Keyshia View Post
    what does هدي عليك means? Does it mean "Calm down"?
  8. Shoppingxgirl's Avatar

    Shoppingxgirl said:

    Lightbulb correction?

    any correction will be welcomed, I tried to translate it myself:

    3eb 3alek
    you're playing

    wnte sho 3arafak mtlan eno 3eb?
    and what do you know that I'm playing?

    mn el soraa... ro7 odros
    from the pic... Go study

    aaaa aza heek mashi... fesh dros asa fatret naqaha ana ba3edne 3m basta2el
    aaa that's like nothing... no studying I'm having a break then I will "basta2el"

    aa yalla eshwe la7me lakan
    ah I will grill meat (???)

    haha I'm not sure ^^
  9. CZAREK2581 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Shoppingxgirl View Post
    any correction will be welcomed, I tried to translate it myself:

    3eb 3alek
    you're playing
    shame on you

    wnte sho 3arafak mtlan eno 3eb?
    and what do you know that I'm playing?
    how did u know that 's shameful \/who let u know

    mn el soraa... ro7 odros
    from the pic... Go study

    aaaa aza heek mashi... fesh dros asa fatret naqaha ana ba3edne 3m basta2el
    aaa that's like nothing... no studying I'm having a break then I will "basta2el"
    ok if it is fine,no lessons now through the recovery time ,i am still.....

    aa yalla eshwe la7me lakan
    ah I will grill meat (???)
    very correct Ah,Grill meat then

    haha I'm not sure ^^
    I tried
  10. Shoppingxgirl's Avatar

    Shoppingxgirl said:


    Quote Originally Posted by CZAREK2581 View Post
    I tried
    haha thanks, I thought 3eb meant play xD

    ah my bad, it's l3eb XD

    basta2el, I think I got it, could it be: Pasta a2el? (I'm gonna eat pasta?)
  11. CZAREK2581 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Shoppingxgirl View Post
    haha thanks, I thought 3eb meant play xD

    ah my bad, it's l3eb XD

    basta2el, I think I got it, could it be: Pasta a2el? (I'm gonna eat pasta?)
    U are welcome

    No Shoppingxgirl there is a verb with following root استقل which means "to become independent" or another meaning
    to consider something

    Hope native's will gonna help us out with the correct meaning in this sentence

    By the way to eat=akal=so the present tense would be عم باكل-
    3am bakol
  12. mvnr1 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by CZAREK2581 View Post
    Hope native's will gonna help us out with the correct meaning in this sentence
    maybe it's (basta2eel) which means (i quit), i'm not sure at all
  13. Miichelle's Avatar

    Miichelle said:


    بعت (لااله الا الله).لكل الفاتحين عندك شوف كام واحد هيذكر الله بسببك

    What it means?
    Loving my husband <3
  14. Shoppingxgirl's Avatar

    Shoppingxgirl said:


    Quote Originally Posted by CZAREK2581 View Post
    U are welcome

    No Shoppingxgirl there is a verb with following root استقل which means "to become independent" or another meaning
    to consider something

    Hope native's will gonna help us out with the correct meaning in this sentence

    By the way to eat=akal=so the present tense would be عم باكل-
    3am bakol

    oh I see... I thought it might be pasta because the person after is answering: I'm gonna grill meat. ^^
    Quote Originally Posted by mvnr1 View Post
    maybe it's (basta2eel) which means (i quit), i'm not sure at all
    So the sentence would be: I'm on recovery time (holiday?) and I'm quiting? or and I've finished (finished the whole course?)
  15. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Miichelle
    ابعت (لااله الا الله).لكل الفاتحين عندك شوف كام واحد هيذكر الله بسببك

    What it means?
    Send "No god but Allah" to all logged in users and count your goods (hasanat)
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God
  16. Keyshia said:


    مرفوق قلبي من العنا مرفوقي what does the word العنا means :?
  17. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    3ana - suffering / hardship
  18. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Keyshia
    what does هدي عليك means? Does it mean "Calm down"?
    I really would like to ask where did you hear this? because it's a little bit strange...
    Unless it's some dialect, the correct expression is هون عليك not هدي.
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God
  19. Keyshia said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Oriee View Post
    I really would like to ask where did you hear this? because it's a little bit strange...
    Unless it's some dialect, the correct expression is هون عليك not هدي.
    I took it from Emirate forum
  20. Ghaly's Avatar

    Ghaly said:


    Maybe it's "that's for you"? هذي as the feminine form of هذا?
    - Racism is not far, it is in everybody's nature. Detect thy fears, thy prejudices, and live in unison with these fears and every being that does not harm thee.