Mouhamed Mounir - Ezzay

Thread: Mouhamed Mounir - Ezzay

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  1. El raisa's Avatar

    El raisa said:

    Default Mouhamed Mounir - Ezzay

    How come?!!

    إزاى ترضيلى حبيبتى
    How can you agree with this my love .

    أتمعشق إسمك و انتى
    عماله تزيدى فى حيرتى وما انتيش حاسه بطيبتى إزاى ؟
    I adore your name while you are increasing my confusion !! you can not feel my kindness ! how came ?!

    مش لاقى فىعشقك دافع
    ولا صدق فى حبك شافع
    I can not locate the motive for your love , and just the honesty loving you can not Intercede for me !

    إزاى أنا رافع راسك و انتى بتحنى فى راسى إزاى ؟
    How can I hold your head up and your are bending mine ?! how came ?!

    أنا أقدم شارع فيكى
    I am the oldest street in you

    و آمالك م اللى باليكى
    I am your left hope

    أنا طفل اتعلق بيكى فى نص السكه و توهتيه
    I am the child who holds to you in the middle of the road and yet you lost him !

    أنا لو عاشقك متخير
    كان قلبى زمانه اتغير
    If your love was a choice ; then my heart would have changed !

    و حياتك لفضل أغير فيكى لحد ما ترضى عليه
    I swear I will keep changing you until you bless me / (you are satisfied)

    ازاى سيبانى فى ضعفى
    طب ليه مش واقفة ف صفى
    How could you leave me in my weakness?!
    Why aren't you on my side?!

    وأنا عشت حياتى بحالها علشان ملمحش فى عينك خوف
    I have lived all my life so as not to see a twitch of fear in your eyes.

    وفى بحرك ولا فى برك
    ازاى أحميلك ضهرك
    At your land and sea to manage to watch your back

    وأنا ضهرى فى آخر الليل دايما بيبات محنى ومكشوف
    And always sleep with my back bent and exposed at night!

    و ازاى ترضيلى حبيبتى
    How can you agree with that my love ?!! How come?!!
    Last edited by El raisa; 03-01-2011 at 01:17 AM.
    "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
    — Albert Einstein
  2. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:


    but I've already done it
    yalla zyadet el 5air 5air thank you
  3. El raisa's Avatar

    El raisa said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Hazar-rox View Post
    but I've already done it
    yalla zyadet el 5air 5air thank you
    it was not added
    I needed the translation for a friend and searched but could not reach it , that is why I did it !
    "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
    — Albert Einstein