Tamer Hosny 2011 - Elly Gai Ahla

Thread: Tamer Hosny 2011 - Elly Gai Ahla

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  1. Jannah2010 said:


    ohhhh sorry I think I need glasses ne

    your translations are soooo great many thanks <3<3<3<3
  2. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:

    Default Tamer Housny - Sa3edny ansak

    ساعدنى انساك يعنى لو كلمتك بلاش بلاش ترد عليا
    sa3edny ansak ! ya3ny law kallemtak balash balash trod 3alayya
    help me to forget you ! for instance if I called you don't don't answer my call

    ساعدنى انساك لو شفتنى محتاجلك برده متسألش فيا
    sa3edny ansak ! law shofteny me7taglak bardo ma tes2alsh feyya
    help me to forget you ! if you saw that I need you, don't care about me

    ولو افتكرت الذكريات افتكرلى بس القاسية
    law eftakart el zekrayat, eftekrly bas el asya
    if you remembered the memories, remember my harsh ones only

    لو حد قالك انه مات ماتجيش تسأل عليا
    law 7ad 2allak eno mat, matgeesh tes2al 3alayya
    if someone told you " he died " don't come asking about me

    ساعـــدنى انــساك
    sa3edny ansak
    help me to forget you

    بجد عايز انسى الفترة دى من حياتى
    bgad 3ayez ansa el fatra de men 7ayati
    I really want to forget this time period of my life

    ومش عايز افتكر فيها حد
    w mush 3ayez aftekr feeha 7ad
    and I don't want to remember any one from it

    مش عايز ابقى لسه حاسس انى بتزل والسبب انى حبيت بجد
    mush 3ayez ab2a lessa 7asis eny batzal wel sabab eny 7abeit be gad
    I don't want to feel humiliated any more, and the reason is that I loved truly

    ولو افتكرت الذكريات افتكرلى بس القاسية
    law eftakart el zekrayat, eftekrly bas el asya
    if you remembered the memories, remember my harsh ones only
  3. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:

    Default Tamer Housny - Ya masr

    لو هلف الدنيا ديا بشوق عينيا وقلبى راجع للبلدى فيها كل شئ م القلب طالع
    law halef el dunia bsho2 3enayya w 2alby rage3 lelbalad de, feeha kolly shei2 mel 2alb tale3
    if I turned around the world with the longings of my eyes and heart, Im coming back to this country. it has everything that comes from heart

    ناسها رجالة بجد وعملة نادرة فى اى حتة
    nas.ha regala bgad w 3emla nadra fe 2ay 7etta
    it's people are real men, they are a rare coin in any place

    والشرف ده لاى حد انه مصرى دى مش مبالغة
    wel sharaf da le2ay 7ad eno masry de mush mobal'3a
    any one is honored to be an Egyptian, this is not exaggeration

    انا مصرى فوق راسى شايل بلدى
    ana masry foa2 rasy shayel balady
    Im an Egyptian that holds his country over his head

    وعشانها اضحى بعمرى واى صعب يهون
    w 3shanha ada7y b3omry w 2ay sa3b yhoon
    I would sacrifice my life for it, and any hard thing will become easy

    مين قدى ده انا نيلها جوة فى دمى
    meen 2addy da ana nelha gowa fe dammy
    who's equal to me ! it's Nile is in my blood

    وحروفها نور على اسمى
    w 7rofha nour 3ala esmy
    it's letters are a light on my name

    هى اغلى شئ فى الكون
    heya a'3la shei2 fel koan
    it's the most precious thing in the universe

    ولو تسأل يعنى ايه مصرى يعنى قلب وروح ومبدأ
    law tes2al ya3ny eih masry, ya3ny alb w rou7 w mabda2
    if you asked what does Egyptian means. then it means : heart, soul, and principle

    طول حياتنا شعب اصلى وبالسلام دايما بندأ
    tool 7ayatna sha3b asly w bel salam dayman bnebda2
    we've always been good people and we start by greeting

    انت مسلم او مسيحى اخوات احنا حقوقنا واحدة
    enta moslem aw msee7y, e5wat e7na 72o2na wa7da
    whether you're a Muslim or christian we're brothers with the same rights

    حاجة تحصل بينا لا وطول تاريخنا وحدة
    7aga te7sal benna la w tool tare5na wa7da
    something happens between the two of us and during our history it was the same
  4. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:

    Default Tamer Housny - wala teswa el dunia

    من يوم ما قابتلك قولت خلاص
    men yoam ma abeltak 2olt 5alas
    since the day I met you I said " enough !"

    مش عايز ناس حواليا كفاية عليا تكونى قدامى برتاح
    mush 3ayez nas 7awalayya kfaya 3alayya tkony 2odamy barta7
    I don't need people around me, it's enough for me that you're in front of me I feel good

    وعرفت يوميها ان انا حبيت
    w 3reft yomha en ana 7abeit
    at that day I knew that Im in love

    وبجد ياريت ما العمر يمر كفاية عليا كتير اوى راح
    w bgad ya reit mal3omr ymor kfaya 3alayya kteer awi ra7
    and really I wish life never passes, it's enough for me too much have already passed

    عشات احلم بيكى
    3esht a7lam beki
    I lived dreaming about you

    شوف يجى من قد ايه وانا مستنيكى تيجى قلبى تعيش فيه
    shof yege men ad eh wana mestaneki tegy alby t3eeshi fe
    see from how long I've been waiting for you to come and live in my heart

    ولا تسوى الدنيا من غيرك ولا حاجة
    wala teswa el dunia men '3eirek wala 7aga
    life without you doesn't worth any thing

    ده انتى فرحة عمرى وانتى ليا كل حاجة
    danty far7et 3omry wenty leya kol 7aga
    you're the happiness of my life and you're every thing to me

    وحياتك عندى لا اعيشلك عمرى واخلصلك ومسلم امرى
    we7yatik 3omry la a3eshlk 3omry wa5leslik w msallem amry
    I swear ! for the sake of your life I will my entire life for you and I will be faithful to you, and surrendering myself

    هو انا كنت احلم ولا اطول تكونيلى يا قمرى
    . howa ana kont a7lam walla atool tekoneely ya amary
    have I ever dreamed that you will be mine or been even close my moon ?

    انا ايوه حلمت ان انا حبيت بس انا ليكى انا كده عديت
    aywa ana 7lemt en ana 7abeit bas ana leeky ana keda 3adait
    yes I've dreamed that Im in love, but I'm yours so I passed

    وبجد انا ربنا ادانى فوق ما اتمنيت
    w bgad ana rabena edany fo2 ma tmanet
    and really god gave me more than what I've wished
  5. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:

    Default Tamer Housny - Kol yoam a7ebbo tany

    كل يوم احبه تانى .. اه م اللى هيجرالى ..
    kol yoam a7ebo tany ... ah melly hayegraly
    every day I love him again ... oh what will happen to me

    كل يوم احبه تانى ويزيد هواه فى قلبى
    kol yoam a7ebo tany w yzed hawa fe 2alby
    every day I love him again and his love in my heart increases

    اه م اللى هيجرالى لما يعيش جنبى
    ah melly hayegraly lamma y3eesh ganby
    oh what will happen to me when he lives by my side

    وهحس بأيه وحضنانى ايديه
    w ha7es b2eh w 7adnani edeah
    and how will I feel when his hands are holding me

    واصحى من النوم الاقيه فى حضنى وبراحتى احب انا فيه
    was7a men el noam ala2e fe 7odny w bra7ty a7eb ana fe
    to wake up and find him in my lap, and to love him as I wish

    اااه يوصف احساسى لو حكيت ايام
    aah yewsef e7sasi law 7akait ayyam
    aah what can descibe my feeling even if I talked for days

    ده اللى قولته فى حقك لسه ناقصه كلام
    da elly 2olto fe 7a2ak lesa na2so kalam
    what I said about you still it misses words

    اااه ع اللى انا شايفه معاك واللى انا حاسه فى هواك
    aah 3ally ana shayfo m3ak welly ana 7aso fe hawak
    aah what I saw with you ! and how I feel in your love

    من زمان وانت جنبى ليك مكان جوة قلبى
    men zaman wenta ganby leek makan gowa alby
    you've been beside me from too long, you have a place in my heart

    اه اوعى تبعدى يوم بعد ما الدنيا ضحكت تانى ليا
    ah ew3i teb3edy yoam ba3d mal dunia de7kit tany leya
    ah don't you ever go away after life laughed for me again
  6. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:

    Default Tamer Housny - Elly gay a7la

    السنة دى عدت علينا صعبة صعبة اوى
    el sana de 3adet 3alena sa3ba sa3ba awi
    this year have passed so hard hard

    بس المهم اننا فى الاخر بقينا لبعض وحاضنين بعض وحاضنين اوى
    bas el mohim fel a5er enina ba2ena lba3d w 7adnen ba3d w 7adneen awi
    but what matters at the end that we became for each others, hugging each others and hugging deeply

    ولسه اللى جاى احلى
    w lesa el gay a7la
    and still the better is yet to come

    ياحبيبى انا م الليلة دى مش عايز افكر غير فى هواك
    ya 7abebi ana mel leila de mush 3ayez afakr '3eir fe hawak
    oh baby from this night on I don't want to think of anything but your love

    وهنسى اى جرح فى حياتى واللى جاى احلى طول مانا معاك
    whansa 2ay gar7 f7ayati welly gay a7la tool mana ma3ak
    and I will forget any wound in my life, and what's coming is more beautiful as long as I'm with you

    وياك قلبى راح ومعاه نسيت جراح
    ma3ak alby ra7 w m3ah nseet gra7
    with you my heart went ... and with it I forgot wounds

    وكفاية اللى راح من عمرى وانت بعيد
    w kfaya elly ra7 men 3omry wenta b3eed
    and what left from my life when you were far is enough

    بعيد بعيد..
    b3eed b3eed
    far far

    ياحبيبى ماضايقكش الدنيا مش كل يوم بنعيشه فى نار
    ya 7abebi matday2aksh el dunia mish kol yoam mn3esho nar
    baby don't may life to bother you, not every day we live is hell

    عمرك حبيبى سمعت فى مرة عن ليل ماطلعش بعده نهار
    3omrak 7abebi fe marra sme3t 3an lail matle3sh ba3do nhar
    have you ever heard my love about a night that was not followed by a day light ?
  7. binababy1996 said:


    Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much Hazer Rox
    Samo's Princess <3
  8. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:


    Quote Originally Posted by binababy1996 View Post
    Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much Hazer Rox
    welcome sweeti
  9. ctzai99 said:


    thank you Hazar-rox
  10. Jannah2010 said:


    Thank Hazar Rox I think I am now in love with you looooooool :-D
    Many many thanks you are really great greetings Jannah
  11. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:


    Quote Originally Posted by ctzai99 View Post
    thank you Hazar-rox
  12. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Jannah2010 View Post
    Thank Hazar Rox I think I am now in love with you looooooool :-D
    Many many thanks you are really great greetings Jannah
    Hahahaha love you too :P thnx
  13. randa434 said:


    thx 1000 marra hazar
    may you help me with this part ?
    هو انا كنت احلم ولا اطول تكونيلى يا قمرى
    . howa ana kont a7lam walla atool tekoneely ya amary
    have I ever dreamed that you will be mine or been even close my moon ?
    i cant understand اطول تكونيلى?
    shu ya3ni? which of the words means close?what does اطول mean here?

    by the way thx for all you have done for us
  14. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:


    هو انا كنت احلم ولا اطول تكونيلى يا قمرى
    . howa ana kont a7lam walla atool tekoneely ya amary
    have I ever dreamed that you will be mine or been even close my moon ?

    it means she's too much for him and even in his dreams he couldn't dream to reach a girl like him

    اطول تكونيلى
    reach the dream of you being mine

    I translated "wala atool" as "close" because " wala atool " it's like something that's so so far and you can't get to it and can't be close to, hope it's clear now

    and you're welcome sweeti
  15. randa434 said:


    wowwww merci hazar 3 tafasiiiiil
    mashallah rodte 3alayya b sor3aaaa
    allah y5alik

    hayda sharaf la eli mojoude b hal forum
    thx alot?
    bs 3ndi soal tani, ente mn wein? u understand arabic and english very well
  16. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:


    from Jordan and you ? your arabic looks good !
  17. randa434 said:


    wowww ahla w sahla b kil sha3b el jordan
    im from iran ,thats very kind of you but im not very good at arabic bs ana b7awel :d , 3 fekra i love arabic language 5asatan lahjat lebneni
  18. stefimarsa said:


    thx so much for ur traslations!!!!!! u r great!
  19. Eng.ABD_allah.N's Avatar

    Eng.ABD_allah.N said:


    thanksssssssss soOo much for this good woork for nice lyric
    accept my regards
    My Pride Learns Me That Fallin Down Never Insulted The Human Its Only Make Him Stronger To Rise Again...
  20. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:


    Quote Originally Posted by stefimarsa View Post
    thx so much for ur traslations!!!!!! u r great!
    you're welcome