Denislav - Dunera ( Duner Kuchek)

Thread: Denislav - Dunera ( Duner Kuchek)

Tags: denislav, duner kuchek, dunera
  1. Goran said:

    Default Denislav - Dunera ( Duner Kuchek)

    If someone has the time and will, I'd apreciate a translation of this wonderful song. I can understand a little, some words and the context, but not everything. Also, a transliteration from cyrilic to latin would be cool, to make learning Bulgarian easier. Mnogo običam tova pesen.

    Big thanks in advance from Croatia.

  2. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    What a stupid song I would say! As you're not a native speaker you can't understand what is he singing about! Believe me, if you would understand you would not say 'this wonderful song'! It's pitty that the chalga music is listened by many foreign people instead of some quality songs that we have. Sorry, but I won't translate it, because it doesn't worth the time!
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  3. Goran said:


    South slavic languages are similar enough that I can understand about 90% of it, and I know exactly what the song is about. Its just a few details that I am missing.

    As for the rest... de gustibus non est disputandum. I am not searching for the meaning of life but catchy tunes to liven up the mood.
  4. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Yes, everybody has her/his own opinion so there is no problem that you want to have the translation. I just wanted to express my opition on this matter, so if anybody else is keen on translating the song.... please, welcome!
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  5. mariusmxm's Avatar

    mariusmxm said:


    Write here the sentences which you don't understand and I will try to help you
  6. Goran said:


    Айде на дюнерите, който разбира тука се спира
    Ajde na dunerite kojto razbira tuka se spira
    Come for duner, which of course is here

    ела бате да ти дам едни дюнер, како ела и ти.
    Ela bate da ti dam edni duner, kako ela i ti.
    Come so I give you one duner, so you can eat too.

    На кой му пука майна, че съм кофти момче
    Na koj mu puka majna, če sem košti momče
    For those who really care, I am a bad boy

    след мен влиза моя човек с дюнерите
    Sled men vliza moj čovek s dunerite
    behind me comes my man with the duner

    да не би да ти е ясно, че това е парчето
    Da ne bi da ti e jasno, če tova e parčeto
    If you dont understand, this piece

    с ляв, прав в тоя хит влиза момчето.
    s lav, prav v toja hit vliza momčeto.
    From left, from right in the center comes the man.

    Шак-шак-шука днюнера е тука, де го чукаш то де се пука
    Šak-šak-šuka dunera e tuka, da go čukaš to da se puka
    Shak-shak-shuka duner is here, to **** them where they care

    кат го хванеш хем е голям, я го лапни, че ме е срам. (x2)
    Kat go hvaneš hem e golam, ja go lapni, če me e sram
    When you grab it, it is big, i <lapni> it, shame on me.

    Дюнера, дюнера леле майко дюнера
    Dunera, dunera, lele majko dunera
    Duner, duner, ohoh mother duner

    щом го стиснеш дава ти кос тайната е в белия сос.(x2)
    šom go stisneš dava ti kos tajnata e v belija sos.
    When you squeeze it gives you <kos>, the secret is in the white sauce.

    Има малки, големи и средни, само някой отгоре му да не седни
    Ima malki, golemi i sredni, samo nakoj otgore mu da ne sedni
    There are small, big and mediom, just one on top does not sit

    много е важно тука месото, като в покера братко асото.(x2)
    mnogo e važno tuka mesoto, kato v pokera bratko asoto.
    Much important is the meat, like ace in poker.

    Дюнера, дюнера леле майко дюнера
    Dunera, dunera lele majko dunera
    Duner, duner, ohoh mother duner

    щом го стиснеш дава ти кос тайната е в белия сос.(x3)
    šom go stisneš dava ti kos tajnate e v belija sos.
    When you squeeze it gives you <kos>, the secret is in the white sauce.

    This is as much as I could understand, probably not very correct. And I am unsure what 'ja go lapni' exactly means(I do have the general idea based on context, but better not get too technical, because of the context ) and the word 'kos'. I also presume šak-šak-šuka has no meaning.
  7. mariusmxm's Avatar

    mariusmxm said:


    кос means: ouzel but I found no meaning in the song text , means also oblique but again I found no meaning...

    който разбира тука се спира
    who understands stops here
    како ела и ти
    kako?? come you too - I never heard "kako" in bulgarian language... btw i'm not a native speaker.
    че това е парчето
    that this is the piece
    много е важно тука месото /maybe мястото
    very important the place is here - make more sense

    And you're right šak-šak-šuka has no meaning is like la la la or na na na .. Anyway the most retarded lyrics I have ever seen .. I'm glad that I could help you :P
  8. Laborer_OF_Love4's Avatar

    Laborer_OF_Love4 said:


    Mariusmxm and Goran,

    "Kako" is a female who is bigger than you.It's a question of age,not size.And I'm saying it because some people may be under the impression that the woman in the video is named "Kako",because she is kinda big.

    "Я го лапни" means "Come on,gorge it" , or "Come on,eat it", to say it more simple.

    "Много важно е тука месото" - "The meat is very important here" (yes,the song is dirty)

    "Коз" means "Trump" - a powerful,but hidden card.

    If there's anything I've missed to elucidate you on,feel free to ask