Solved: can't find the title (pls. help)

Thread: Solved: can't find the title (pls. help)

Tags: unknown song, unknown song need help, unknown title
  1. carlock25 said:

    Question Solved: can't find the title (pls. help)

    i have was watching videos in you tube about some games about DOTA..... suddenly i came across this video..... the opening theme was great and i tried to find the title of the song.....

    can you please help me?????

    here is it:
  2. Mixalopoulos's Avatar

    Mixalopoulos said:


    Ρεμπέτικο για πάντα. Μάγκες είμαστε.
  3. carlock25 said:


    thank you very much..... hehehe..... ^_^