Can someone translate this song by Sherine into English please?
I couldn't find the lyrics in arabic
Thanks in advance!
Can someone translate this song by Sherine into English please?
I couldn't find the lyrics in arabic
Thanks in advance!
Nice song![]()
This song talks about her country.. and she talks about it as it's her lover
وحشتني حبيبتي
I miss my lover (her country)
اللي اتعودت عليها سنين
which I've been used to it for years ago
وحشتني ايام عشناها
بجد احنا الاتنين
I miss the days which we lived together
احساس من غيرها
ده لا يتكرر ولا يتعاش
It was (a great feeling), without it, it'll never be exist again οr be lived again
ده مجرد افكر فيها
الدنيا مبتسعنيش
When I only think about it,the life can't be enough for me (because of happiness)
وكلام الدنيا الحلوة
عليها ده ميكفيش
And all speech in this world will never be enough (to describe it)
ومفيش غير هي
حبيبت قلبي ومبسبهاش
and it's my only sweetheart, and I'll never leave it
اجمل ايام من عمري
انا عشتها بس في بلدي
I lived the most beautiful days in my country
اصلي انا متاكدة
ان محدش حبها ادى
Already I'm sure that nobody loves her as much as I do
اهلها دول اهلي وعمري
ما حسيت اني لوحدي
Its people are my family, and I've never felt that I'm alone
من يعرف ينسي بدايتة
واصلة وناس حباها
Who can forgets his region and people who he loved
طب هنسي ازاى بلدي
اللي ادتني اللي اتمنى
So, how can I forget my country which has given me whatever I wish\want
معقول تكون امي في
حضني وخايفة مطمنهاش
Is it possible that my mother is in my arms and she's afraid that I don't assure her
Syria ♥
لّا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
Suriyeli damarımda Türk kanı akıyor.
could you write please in latin letters (transliterstion from arabic) too, if its not difficult for you
The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossibility.
Of course my dear, here you are
وحشتني حبيبتي
wa7ashetni 7abibti
I miss my lover (her country)
اللي اتعودت عليها سنين
Elli t3awwedt 3aliha sneen
which I've been used to it for years ago
وحشتني ايام عشناها
wa7ashetni ayam 3eshnaha
بجد احنا الاتنين
bgad e7na el tnein
I miss the days which we lived together
احساس من غيرها
E7sas men 3'erha
ده لا يتكرر ولا يتعاش
da la yetkarrar wala yet3ash
It was (a great feeling), without it, it'll never be exist again οr be lived again
ده مجرد افكر فيها
Da mogarrad afakkar fiha
الدنيا مبتسعنيش
el dunya ma be-tsi3neesh
When I only think about it,the life can't be enough for me (because of happiness)
وكلام الدنيا الحلوة
we kalam el dunya el 7elwa
عليها ده ميكفيش
3aliha da ma yekfish
And all speech in this world will never be enough (to describe it)
ومفيش غير هي
we mafish 3'eir hya
حبيبت قلبي ومبسبهاش
7abibet albi we ma basebhash
and it's my only sweetheart, and I'll never leave it
اجمل ايام من عمري
Agmal ayam men 3omri
انا عشتها بس في بلدي
ana 3eshtaha bass fi baladi
I lived the most beautiful days in my country
اصلي انا متاكدة
Asli ana mota2akkeda
ان محدش حبها ادى
Inn ma 7addish 7abbaha addi
Already I'm sure that nobody loves her as much as I do
اهلها دول اهلي وعمري
Ahlaha doul ahli we 3omri
ما حسيت اني لوحدي
ma 7asseyt inny li-wa7di
Its people are my family, and I've never felt that I'm alone
من يعرف ينسي بدايتة
meen ye3raf yensa bdayto
واصلة وناس حباها
we aslo o nas 7abbaha
Who can forgets his region and people who he loved
طب هنسي ازاى بلدي
6ab ha-nsa ezzay baladi
اللي ادتني اللي اتمنى
elli edditni elli atmanna
So, how can I forget my country which has given me whatever I wish\want
معقول تكون امي في
ma32oul tekoun ommi fi
حضني وخايفة مطمنهاش
7odni we 5ayfa ma6amennhash
Is it possible that my mother is in my arms and she's afraid that I don't assure her
Syria ♥
لّا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
Suriyeli damarımda Türk kanı akıyor.