Ahmed Mekky - Facebooky

Thread: Ahmed Mekky - Facebooky

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  1. shhora's Avatar

    shhora said:

    Default Ahmed Mekky - Facebooky

    Hello please anyone can post lyrics (with latin alphabet) and translation for this song .... thank u very much

    "Love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person."
  2. Ulysses.Rap's Avatar

    Ulysses.Rap said:


    Okay so here's the first draft. It's awfully long and I'd appreciate it if someone picked up where I left off.

    كلمات اغنية احمد مكى فيسبوكى 2011

    انا مليش اكونت على الفيس بوك اسمع من مكى خلو بالكو من اللى بيعمل فيس بوك انه فيس بوكى
    Ana maleesh account 3ala Facebook isma3 min Mekky khalluu baalkuu min illy be3mel Facebook innu Facebooky
    I don't have an account on Facebook. Listen to Mekky! Take care [to notice] what Facebook does that's Facebook-y.

    حاول تحلقلو تنفضلو وفكك منه او فكى مهما قالك و حلفلك و بعاتلك صورتى

    They try to follow. They prefer ______ from it or _______ wherever he told you or swore to you an oath to you of my picture

    نازل من البيت بليل اجيب فول بيض ذبادى و فينو العشا الرسمى فى مصر طبعا كلنا عرفينه

    Leaving the house at night, I get white zabadi fuul and where's the official dinner in Egypt? Of course, we all know it.

    قابلت واد فائد من الحته فقرى و اسمه نينو

    I met a beneficial __________ from the poor ___________ and his name was Nino.

    معه مايا و دخان و بيهزى يخربيت سنينه

    With him was water and smoke and shaking and laughing and chattering his teeth.

    قالى ينفع يا مكى على الفيس بوك اعملك اد

    He told me, "Mekky, on Facebook I do you _______"

    انا و احمد معتز و طارق و بك بك وعماد وانت و تنفضلنا التنفيضة السوده دى خد ياض

    You and Ahmed Mu3tazz and Tareq and Bakbak and Emad and I preferred this black __________ _________

    قالتلو يابنى انت بتهزى ولا بتتكلم جاد انا من زمان بينى و بين الفيس بوك

    I told you guys, "are you mocking/joking or are you speaking seriously?" I am from a time between me and Facebook.

    اخرى كان الهاى فايف يمكن و الicq هتقولى عندك فيس بوك هقولك دامن يو

    You will tell me that you have Facebook. I will always tell you the other ICQ was a high-five and maybe...

    خدنى من ايدى البيت يقولى اصل الموضوع ام فاتح الفيس بوك و لقيت 30 اكونت مصنوع

    Take me by my hand. The house told me the origin of the subject...or I opened Facebook and found thirty fake accounts.

    حطين صوتى و كتبين اسمى و عاملين نفسهم اناااا وكل واحد فيهم بيكم الاااااف فى السنة

    They're taking my voice and writing my name and doing the same things I do! And everyone among them and with them has thousands per year.

    هموت و اعرف بيقولو ايه الناس على لسانى حاجة تخوف ترعب حط نفسك مكانى

    I will die and I know telling you what the people are on my tongue is something that I am afraid and terrified of: put me in my place! [?]

    لسة مفوفتش من الصدمة ام نينو ورانى حاجة تانى فاتحلى على الفيس بوك فان بيج مية الف فانز

    I still haven't recovered from the shock, or Nino and Rana are another thing. So I decorated a Facebook fan page with 100,000 fans.

    كاتبين كلام جميل خلى قلبى مرفرف فرحان شكر الكل من كتب ان كان ليدى او مان

    I'm writing beautiful words. Let my happy, fluttering heart thank all who wrote that I had ____________

    ملحقتش افرح راحت الفرحة و بقيت قاعد غضبان

    I didn't chase the happiest. Happiness went and I remained still angry.

    اصل عرفت اللى عامل الصفحة عيل كتيات

    I know the origin of who does my page __________

    متقمصنى و بيتكم زى دبور فى فيلم مرجان كبر جيهك روق ديهك اخبط ديى يا مان

    Don't dress me while your house is like a wasp in the film Morgan [Ahmad Morgan] [?]. It enlarged ________ beat ______

    سلاطتك بابا غنوجك و اضربلك خابور كمان

    Your salad is baba ghanoush and strike me _________ again.

    فتشت قريت كل اللى كتبه الواد ده لقته هباب دخلت فى لحظة كتبت لكل الصفحة ده واد نصاب

    I searched, I read everything that al-Wad wrote. _____________ you entered in an instant and wrote for every page this ____________

    مسح اللى كتبتة بسرعة رد و قال هو الكداب فجاة الكل افش كشر ناقص يرمونى بقبقاب

    Erase what your wrote quickly. He responded and said that he is a liar. Suddenly all ___________________ they're throwing me _____

    و بعتلى شتيمة و عملى بلوك و طردنى طرد الكلاب

    and ________________ and they he threw me out like dogs are thrown out.

    يقطع النت على النتيت على العينتيتو عليه

    He cuts the internet on ___________ on _________ on it

    دورت اكتر و لقيت صفحات على النت كتيره كل لما افتح صفحة القيها مليانه فتاوى كتيرة

    I looked more and I found many pages and the net and every thing I opened a page I found a million many fatwas.

    اخبار حصرى على لسانى و علاقتى بالناس زىدى زى علاقة الدولارات باليرة

    News ________ on my tongue and my relationship with the people is like this, like the relationship of dollars with the lira.

    معرفش عنهم حاجة ولا حتى بتجمعنا الجيرة ربنا يشفيهم دول ناس عيانه مش ناس شريرة

    I don't know about them or even if they gather the gear [?]. God sees through those people with his eye - not evil people.

    كل ساعة بتصريح متفبرك ليا و كلو حماسة ايشى فن و اخبار شخصية و فتى فى دين و سياسة

    Every hour with a shout _____________ you to me and all the zeal is something that's an art and it's gossip and it ignores religion and politics.

    الاغرب انى بلاقى ناس عقلة كبيرة و بتصدق وبتاخد كل اخبارى المكتوبة منهم و بتفرق

    The closest that I came to encountering people is a big mind and you are credulous and take all of my written news from them and spread it.

    فاوقفت مع نفسى واقفة طويلة و لقيت الحل قررت اعلن فى اغنية انى مليش اكونت او سايت

    So I took a long stand with myself and found the solution. I decided to announce in a song that I don't have an account or site.

    لو قابلك اى مكى على النت قول له جود نايت

    If any Mekki meets you on the net, tell him him "Good night!"
  3. Gole Yas said:


    (((He starts singing))

    فى يوم قاعد فى كوفى شوب بشرب قهوه و سجارة
    One day I was sitting in a coffee shop drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette
    سرحت قفلت عينى زورت ذكرياتى زيارة
    I daydreamed, closed my eyes, and took a visit to my memories
    سرحت فى اد ايه الدنيا ديه واطية وغداره
    I daydreamed in how much this world is low and deceitful
    و ان حب الناس 90% منه تجارة
    And that the love people has is 90% deception
    و ده مش كل اللى افتكره ده عصارة العصارة
    And this is not all I thought of, this is the summary of the summary
    اصلى افتكرت فترة ضعت فيها و دوقت خسارة
    I actually thought of a time where I was lost and had a taste of defeat
    على رأى ست كبيرة فى حتتنا الدنيا خيارة
    Upon the saying of an old lady in our neighborhood “life is all about choosing”
    اسمع منى الحدوتة دى وافهم العبارة
    Hear this story from me and learn the moral

    (((He tells them to stop, that he’ll start all over again, they call him in, one of them shows him something on facebook.. after he reads a few comments.. he tells Shadi to play him a beat.. and he starts singing the first line.. likes it.. and goes back in to record.. this is what he says))

    انا مليش اكونت على الفيس بوك اسمع من مكى خلو بالكو من اللى بيعمل فيس بوك انه فيس بوكى
    I don't have an account on Facebook. Listen to Mekky! Don’t think that he who has an account in my name would be me!!

    حاول تحلقلو تنفضلو وفكك منه او فكى مهما قالك و حلفلك و بعاتلك صورتى
    Try to get rid of him or stay away, get rid of him and don’t believe him no matter that he tells you or swears to you or sends you my pictures

    نازل من البيت بليل اجيب فول بيض ذبادى و فينو العشا الرسمى فى مصر طبعا كلنا عرفينه
    Leaving the house at night to get broad bean, yogurt, eggs, and bread... the official dinner in Egypt, of course, we all know it.

    قابلت واد فائد من الحته فقرى و اسمه نينو
    I met a boy who was not fully sober, from the poor neighborhood and his name was Nino.

    معه مايا و دخان و بيهزى يخربيت سنينه
    With him was water and smoke and he joking around, what the..!

    قالى ينفع يا مكى على الفيس بوك اعملك اد
    He told me, "Mekky, can I add you on Facebook”

    انا و احمد معتز و طارق و بك بك وعماد وانت و تنفضلنا التنفيضة السوده دى خد ياض
    Me, and Ahmed Mu3tazz and Tareq and Bakbak and Emad, you do this to us! Uuhh here you go...! *meaning he was pissed at him*

    اعملنا اد اعملنا اد
    Add us, add us
    مش مهم معتز وطارق المهم انا وعماد
    Mu3tazz and Tareq are not important, Ahmed and I are!

    قالتلو يابنى انت بتهزى ولا بتتكلم جاد انا من زمان بينى و بين الفيس بوك ميت سد و سد
    I told him “are you joking around or are you speaking seriously? For a long time between Facebook and I are a hundred barriers"

    اخري كان الهاى فايف يمكن و الicq هتقولى عندك فيس بوك هقولك دامن يو
    The last I had was Hi5 and maybe ICQ, but if you say you have Facebook then ill say Damn You!

    خدنى من ايدى البيت يوريني اصل الموضوع ام فاتح الفيس بوك و لقيت 30 اكونت مصنوع
    He took me to his *** by my hand so he would show me the origin of the subject... He opened Facebook and I saw it to be thirty fake accounts

    حطين صورتى و كتبين اسمى و عاملين نفسهم اناااا وكل واحد فيهم بيكلم الاااااف فى السنة
    They have put my picture, and written my name, and making themselves be me! And each one of them talks to thousands of people each year!

    هموت و اعرف بيقولو ايه الناس على لسانى حاجة تخوف ترعب حط نفسك مكانى
    I would die to know what people are telling others using my name, it’s a scary thing, put yourself in my place!

    لسة مفوئتش من الصدمة ام نينو ورانى حاجة تانى فاتحلى على الفيس بوك فان بيج مية الف فانز
    I still haven't recovered from the shock as Nino showed me another thing.. he opened a fan page that had over 100,000 fans

    كاتبين كلام جميل خلى قلبى مرفرف فرحان شكرا الكل من كتب ان كان ليدى او مان
    They wrote beautiful things that let my heart flutter and be happy.. Thank you to everyone who wrote something whether they be a lady or man

    ملحقتش افرح راحت الفرحة و بقيت قاعد غضبان
    just as I was about to be extremely happy, the happiness went and I sat down angry

    اصل حست اللى عامل الصفحة عيل كتيان
    I felt that he who created the page was someone of no use

    متقمصنى و بيتكلم زى دبور فى فيلم مرجان كبر جيهك روق ديهك اخبط ديى يا مان
    He took my identity, and he speaks like Daboor in the movie Morgan [Ahmad Morgan].. get a life man!

    سلاطتك بابا غنوجك و اضربلك خابور كمان
    Your salad is baba ghanoush and have some vegetables as well
    *5abor is a kind of green leaf vegetable*

    فتشت قريت كل اللى كتبه الواد ده لقته هباب دخلت فى لحظة كتبت لكل الصفحة ده واد نصاب
    I searched, I read everything that person wrote, I found him to be an over exaggerator, on his page I wrote for every one that this person is a lier

    مسح اللى كتبتة بسرعة رد و قال هو الكداب فجاة الكل افش كشر ناقص يرمونى بقبقاب
    He quickly erased what I wrote. He responded and said that I am a liar. Suddenly everyone got angry, all what was left was for them to throw their shoes at me

    و بعتلى شتيمة و عملى بلوك و طردنى طرد الكلاب
    He cursed me, blocked me, and threw me out like a dog

    يقطع النت على النتيت على العينتيتو عليه
    may --- on the --- for the ---
    *he curses but doesn’t say the words out loud, instead uses the word “net” just like in movies when a person curses and you only hear a large BEEP sound

    دورت اكتر و لقيت صفحات على النت باسمي كتيره كل لما افتح صفحة القيها مليانه فتاوى كتيرة
    I looked more and I found many pages on the net in my name and every time I opened a page I found them to be filled with lies

    اخبار حصرى على لسانى و علاقتى بالناس زى الدولارات باليرة
    Exclusive new using my own tongue and my relationship with the people as easy as the relationship of dollars with the lira

    معرفش عنهم حاجة ولا حتى بتجمعنا الجيرة ربنا يشفيهم دول ناس عيانه مش ناس شريرة
    I don't know anything about them, we are not even connected by geographical area, may God cure them for these are sick people not only evil

    كل ساعة بتصريح متفبرك ليا و كلو حماسة ايشى فن و اخبار شخصية و فتى فى دين و سياسة
    Every hour there is an exclusive statement coming from me all filled with talks of art, personal news, and opinions on religion and politics

    الاغرب انى بلاقى ناس عقلة كبيرة و بتصدق وبتاخد كل اخبارى المكتوبة منهم و بتفرق
    the weird thing is that I came to encounter many people who are old and smart who believe all the news and spread it around

    فاوقفت مع نفسى واقفة طويلة و لقيت الحل قررت اعلن فى اغنية انى مليش اكونت او سايت
    So I took a long stand with myself and found the solution. I decided to announce in a song that I don't have an account or site

    لو قابلك اى مكى على النت قول له جود نايت
    If any Mekki meets you on the net, tell him "Good night!"
    Last edited by Gole Yas; 09-11-2011 at 04:53 PM.
  4. Ulysses.Rap's Avatar

    Ulysses.Rap said:


    You are my hero, Gole Yas.
  5. stefimarsa said:


    *I have no idea what fino is*
    it s a kind of bread sold in egypt
  6. Gole Yas said:


    thanx for the elabortaion =D
  7. shhora's Avatar

    shhora said:


    is here translated and the part from min 7:00 to 7:33 ?? .. i like that part so much
    "Love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person."
  8. Gole Yas said:


    the little person sings the beginin of Ahmed Mekki's song
  9. shhora's Avatar

    shhora said:


    ok ... thank u very much
    "Love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person."