Amarraditos - María Dolores Pradera

Thread: Amarraditos - María Dolores Pradera

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    citlalli said:

    Default Amarraditos - María Dolores Pradera

    Vamos amarraditos los dos
    espumas y terciopelo,
    yo con un recrujir de almidón
    y tú serio y altanero.
    We go around tied up, the two of us,
    Foam and velvet,
    Me with a rustle of starch
    And you, serious and haughty

    La gente nos mira
    con envidia por la calle,
    murmuran los vecinos,
    los amigos y el alcalde.
    The people on the streets
    Look at us with envy,
    The neighbours, friends
    And the mayor whisper

    Dicen que no se estila ya más
    ni mi peinetón ni tu pasador,
    dicen que no se estila no, no
    ni mi medallón ni tu cinturón.
    They say that neither my (ornamental) comb
    Nor your tiepin are fashionable anymore,
    They say that neither my locket
    Nor your belt are fashionable anymore, no no

    Yo sé que se estilan
    tus ojazos y mi orgullo,
    cuando voy de tu brazo
    por el sol y sin apuro.
    I know that your amazing eyes
    And my pride when I walk on your arm
    In the sun and without hurry
    Are fashionable

    Nos espera nuestro cochero
    frente a la iglesia mayor,
    y a trotecito lento recorremos el paseo,
    tú saludas tocando el ala
    de tu sombrero mejor,
    y yo agito con donaire mi pañuelo.
    Our coachman waits for us
    In front of the priory church,
    And at a slow trot we go all along the avenue,
    You greet by touching the rim of your best hat,
    While I wave my handkerchief with grace

    No se estila ya sé que no se estila,
    que te pongas para cenar
    jazmines en el ojal...
    It’s not fashionable, I already know it’s not fashionable
    For you to put a jasmine in your buttonhole
    At dinner time…

    Desde luego parece un juego
    pero no hay nada mejor
    que ser un señor de aquellos
    que vieron mis abuelos.
    Of course it may seem like a game,
    But there’s nothing better
    Than being one of those gentlemen
    My grandparents used to see

    Nos espera nuestro cochero
    frente a la iglesia mayor,
    y a trotecito lento recorremos el paseo,
    tú saludas tocando el ala
    de tu sombrero mejor,
    y yo agito con donaire mi pañuelo.
    Our coachman waits for us
    In front of the priory church,
    And at a slow trot we go all along the avenue,
    You greet by touching the rim of your best hat,
    While I wave my handkerchief with grace

    No se estila ya sé que no se estila,
    que te pongas para cenar
    jazmines en el ojal...
    It’s not fashionable, I already know it’s not fashionable
    For you to put a jasmine in your buttonhole
    At dinner time…

    Desde luego parece un juego
    pero no hay nada mejor
    que ser un señor de aquellos
    que fueron mis abuelos.
    Of course it may seem like a game,
    But there’s nothing better
    Than being one of those gentlefolk
    Like the ones my grandparents were

    And the version by Los Morochucos:
    Last edited by citlalli; 09-29-2011 at 07:21 AM.
    “If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.” ― Terry Pratchett.