i need help again with this song

Thread: i need help again with this song

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  1. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said:

    Question i need help again with this song

    please help
    i need the exact trans for this song
    this trans is good? please fix the mistake if you see
    Нещо много тежка си
    you Something very hard
    нещо обясняваш ми\ you explain something me,
    но много слабо чувам
    but I hear very weak
    силна музика на макс
    loud music to the max
    how your voice gone now
    Я повтори ...
    Repeat it
    да спра или да спя с тебе каза ми
    to stop or to sleep with you told me
    едното много ми хареса как звучи
    One that I like very much how that sounds
    Я повтори ..
    .Repeat it ...
    да чуя пак добрите новини
    hear again good news
    Я повтори ...
    .Repeat it ...

    Ти си мислиш за едно,
    You think of one thing
    казваш ми обратното,
    you say to me the oposite
    но много слабо чувам
    but I hear very weak
    виж добрите новини
    see the good news
    и на шумно чувам ги кажи...
    and hear them in loud say
  2. mariusmxm's Avatar

    mariusmxm said:


    It's the exact trans
  3. PIMOS said:


    Im not sure for this
    citycat trans this like this:
    едното много ми хареса как звучи but what the word that mean = like and one of those words ? maybe its the mean of the song but he not sing it...
    I like very much how one of those words sounds like
    виж добрите новини
    you see, I can hear the good news
    и на шумно чувам ги кажи...
    even when they're whispered to me, tell me...
  4. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said: