I don't know if this correct...
anyone can help me??
I don't know if this correct...
anyone can help me??
What do you mean correct?
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
A. Einstein
If translation is correct...
I don't know, I don't like all translated phrases. Maybe a native should express an opinion. In general the conception of the song is correct but I disagree in some translated details.
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
A. Einstein
Sire boubou: that's why I posted it... hoping all of you can make on it your critics and corrections -if it will be the case- 'cuz I'm not a native russian speaker.... indeed, I'm grateful by your attention *bow*
For example in the beginning it says
друг за другом and the translation it gives is
Per another friend
Well, I don't understand this english expression. I would say "One after another"
and later, referring to the two lives inside him says
(in russian)
и две жизни параллельных
спорят во мне одном
translating it as
are debating inside me
I disagree with that, спорить is when someone argues, at times intense. In other words the two lives inside him don't debate (politely) but argue with each other.
And then
Ты всё знаешь как большая энциклопедия
translating it as
If all you know, mostly the full encyclopedia????????????
I really don't get this. I would translate
(since) You know everything as if you were a big encyclopedia
explain to me.....
And later on
Я выбираю себя
doesn't mean If I choose her! It means "I choose myself"
So the songs says
Я выбираю себя - не попадаю
I choose myself but don't find myself
я выбираю её и пропадаю
I choose [my second self] and I get lost
замечаю shouldn't be translated as "I'm looking myself" but I would say
and I notice
Well, these were in general lines my remarks. I hope I haven't omitted something. If someone thinks I did, then he/she is welcome to add comment or even corrections.
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
A. Einstein
Thank you so much by your help Boubou... I'll make the corrections right now !![]()