Printesa de aur - poate mai ti la mine

Thread: Printesa de aur - poate mai ti la mine

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  1. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said:

    Lightbulb Printesa de aur - poate mai ti la mine

  2. laurentiu said:


    Astazi ne privim ca doi straini si nu vorbim
    Today we look at each other like strangers and we don't talk
    Si vrem la acel apus sa nu ne gandim
    And we don't want to think about that sunset
    Insa nu putem nici eu, nici tu din amintiri
    But we can't, neither me or you, from our memories
    Sa alungam povestea unei mari iubiri
    To chase away the story of a great love

    Poate mai tii la mine, poate mai tin la tine
    Maybe you still care about me, maybe i still care about you
    Poate mai e vreo sansa sa ne impacam
    Maybe there's a chance we make up
    Poate e o ratacire, poate mai e iubire
    Maybe it's a wandering, maybe there's still love
    Poate ca nu se poate ce a fost sa uitam
    Maybe we can't forget what has been

    Vrem sa ne prefacem sa suntem nepasatori
    You want to pretend like we don't care
    Insa amandoi simtim acei fiori
    But we both feel those chills
    Pe care ii simteam cand dragostea a inceput
    Which we felt when love began
    Cu o mangaiere si cu un sarut….
    With a caress and a kiss...