'Pohjannaula' songs (Finnish)

Thread: 'Pohjannaula' songs (Finnish)

Tags: english, finnish, folk music, pohjannaula, polka
  1. Louise Miranda's Avatar

    Louise Miranda said:

    Cool 'Pohjannaula' songs (Finnish)

    Hi everybody ^^
    I'm looking for the lyrics of the songs from this band called ‘Pohjannaula’, in Finnish and translation if possible =)
    I'll be so happy if someone can help me with that, coz I really really love this band =) Thanks in advance ^^
    The songs are:

    'Aksel ja Eino'




    'Matkalaulu', 'Pirunpelto' & 'Viimeinen tanssi'.

    Last edited by Louise Miranda; 05-11-2012 at 10:21 PM.
  2. NuttyNuti's Avatar

    NuttyNuti said:


    Here we go! (This song doesn't sound very logical, I may translate something wrong...)


    Aksel ja Eino
    Aksel and Eino [1]

    Pitkien iltojen yksin istu ja saapui luokse käppärämänty maalaajan
    He sat alone during long evenings, and a crouched pine came to a painter, [2]
    luokse Suomen kuvittajan.
    To the illustrator of Finland.

    Siinähän he istuivat Aksel ja Eino,
    There they were sitting, Aksel and Eino,
    velissotaa ennustellen, veljessotaa peljäten,
    Predicting brother war, fearing brother war
    vanhalle honkapenkille.
    On the old pine bench.

    En oo mailla halmeillakaan tämän pallon seutuvilla,
    I'm not in the close areas, on the areas of the globe
    en, en lähimainkaan.
    Not, not even close.
    En vaikka paljaat varpaani kanervaa koski
    Not even if my toes touched heather,
    niin minä, minä poika leijailin.
    So I, I [3] floated in the air.
    Minä, minä poika leijailin.
    I, I floated in the air.
    Minä, minä poika leijailin.
    I, I floated in the air.

    Nyt minä istumaan kahdeksankymmenen neljän vuoden jälkeen
    Now I go to sit after eighty-four years
    tälle iäiselle honkapenkille
    On this ancient pine bench
    jolla ryyppäsivät Aksel ja Eino.
    On which Aksel and Eino used to booze.

    Ol kun ois palokärki puuta kolkuttanut
    It's like a black woodpecker [4] had knocked a tree
    vai olisiko se ollut jotain muuta
    Or had it been something else
    kuin näitä valvottuja öitä.
    Than these night during which I stayed awake.


    Ol kun ois palokärki puuta kolkuttanut
    It's like a black woodpecker had knocked a tree.
    Ol kun ois metsän tummuus mulle huokaillut.
    It's like the darkness of the forest had sighed at me.
    Ol kun ois Finlandia-hymni järvellä soinut.
    It's like the Finlandia Hymn [5] had played on the lake.
    Ol kun ois Finlandia-hymni järvellä soinut...
    It's like the Finlandia Hymn had played on the lake... [continues at the background during the chorus]



    [1] Quite common (though oldish) Finnish male names. Aksel may refer to Akseli Gallen-Kallela (born as Axel Waldemar Gallén, but he changed his Swedish name to Finnish one, he was from a Swedish-speaking Finnish "better" family). He was a famous Finnish painter, actually a kind of national painter. He illustrated several scenes from the Finnish national epic, Kalevala. Wikipedia site about Akseli Gallen-Kallela. I'm not sure who that Eino may be: Gallen-Kallela had no brother that was known as Eino. Though closest ones are his half brothers Ernst Filemon Gallén and Karl Emil Gallén.

    [2] This is how I understood it.

    [3] Literally: "I, I the boy", it's an oldish but still usable way to highlight that "it was me", used by males.

    [4] Bird species, Wikipedia.

    [5] A very famous hymn, almost like a national hymn of Finland, though it's not the actual national hymn. Wikipedia.
  3. NuttyNuti's Avatar

    NuttyNuti said:



    Herding Boy

    Minä paimenpoikana synnyin maailmaan.
    I was born in the world as a herding boy.
    Riekkoja pyydystin - pian on langalla.
    I hunted willow grouses - they are soon in the snare thread.
    Poltto sillon ei ansasta julmasta
    That time, no one felt bad about cruel trap,
    vaan iloittiin täydestä vatsasta.
    But we were joyful about full stomach.

    Villiniityillä kuivui keihäitä.
    Spears were drying at the wild meadow.
    Kilpailimme veljet ja minä.
    My brothers and I were competiting.
    Kauas, kauas keppi lensi,
    The stick flew far, far away,
    vain tähdet kirkkaat ylemmäksi ensi.
    Only the bright stars were higher.

    Paimenpoikana soin näin kuusistossa,
    As a herding boy I played like that in the spruce forest
    Paljain jaloin läpsyttelin,
    I slapped my bare feet,
    lannassa varpaita lämmittelin.
    I warmed my toes in dung.

    Syksyn kuulaat halla-aamut
    Clear frost mornings of autumn
    hönkivät minulle metsäniivi.
    Breathed at me, to my forest. [1]
    Ojennan käteni valkoisiin varpuihin.
    I reach my hand to the white shrubs.
    Marjat löytyvät kun tietää mistä etsiä.
    You can find the berries if you know where to look for.

    Metsän perällä kotimökissä
    At the back of the forest, in a home cottage,
    elelimme emo, veljet ja minä.
    We lived there, my mother, brothers and I.
    Talven kylmyys, lumi sekä tuisku
    Coldness of winter, snow and flurry
    tupaan puhalsi marjapuuron viileeksi.
    They blew into the house and made the berry porridge cold.

    Paimenpoikana poimin mä puolukoita,
    As a herding boy I picked lingonberries.
    talven varalle kanniskelin.
    I carried them for winter.
    Äidin luokse läpsyttelin.
    I slapped with my feet to my mother.
    Mehtujen soitimella keväisellä jäällä
    At the display of capercaillies on the spring ice
    kukkojen elkeitä mallailin.
    I imitated the gestures of the roosters.
    Riukureissulla tappelin.
    I fight in my journey to the pole toilet [2].

    Paimenpoikana aikaa siitä kauan on,
    As a herding boy, it's a long time from those times,
    metsästelin, marjastelin, villiniittyjä niitin.
    I hunted, I picked berreis, I scythed wild meadows.
    Paimenpoikana aikaa siitä kauan on,
    As a herding boy, it's a long time from those times,
    metsästelin, marjastelin, villiniittyjä niitin.
    I hunted, I picked berreis, I scythed wild meadows.


    [1] I heard "metsäniivi" and I have no idea what it means.

    [2] In ancient times (and still, for example, in some scout camps), there was used in Finland so-called "pole toilets" in the forests. Basically, first you dig a deep pit, then you build a kind of bench on it of poles, and then you can do your business.
  4. Louise Miranda's Avatar

    Louise Miranda said:


    thank you!!!!!! =)))))
    Last edited by Louise Miranda; 10-18-2011 at 11:25 AM.
  5. NuttyNuti's Avatar

    NuttyNuti said:


    Carrying on! This time, I found the lyrics from the net. The costume that the song seems to be based on an old-day Finnish holiday costume hundreds of years ago. Think about a Viking woman and you get close.

    Four-Leaved Clover

    Kuparisolkiset ketjut kulkevat olalta olalle
    Chains with a copper buckles go from a shoulder to shoulder.
    Soljissa apilanlehden kuvia onnea omille
    There is pictures of leaves of a clover in the buckles, [they are bringing] luck to her own people.
    Teoille toiveille ja armaille
    To actions, to wishes and to dear ones.
    Rinnallaan hopeinen hevosenkenkä kiiltävä kaunis
    There is a silvery, shining beautiful horse shoe on her chest.
    Olkahame ja esiliina valkeaa villaa
    A skirt with shoulder straps and apron that is made of white wool.
    Huntu ja vaippa maavärein värjätyt
    A veil and a tunic colored with earth colors.

    Rannerenkaissa sormuksissa eläinaiheita
    There is animal decoration in the bracelets and the rings.
    Tuppipuukko ja korvalusikka kupeilla keikkuvat
    A knife in a sheath and a spoon with an ear are swinging on her sides.
    Kutsuvat kylään lanteet keinuvat
    The swinging hips call to the village.
    Tulinen taattosi minua ei siedä isosiskosi
    You fierce father can't stand me, you big sister
    Mustankipeä ja vihaa täynnä eikä emosi
    Is jealous and full of anger, and your mother
    Liioin minua halua vävykseen
    Doesn't want me to become her son-in-law.

    Kun tanssin
    When I dance
    Tanssin taljankan tahdissa kera karjalaisen naisen
    I dance with the music played by an accordion with a Karelian woman
    Tanssin taljankan tahdissa
    I dance with the music played by an accordion.
    Minä mielin niin kovin paljon ooh
    I want that much, ooh.

    Tässäpä pystyvä pölkkymies vaikka ne puhuu
    There is a skillful woodsman, even if they talk
    Että kuljen aina ojia pitkin poikki henkselitkin
    That I always walk along ditches and that even my suspenders are snapped [in two pieces].
    Älä välitä kontinkantaja ämmistä
    Don't care about hags carrying knapsacks.
    Kuviotanssia katseemme kohtaavat väistämme aina
    In form dance, our glances meet always between [the other dancers]
    Kun äijät kohkaavat aivan hiessä koetan saada
    When the guys rampage covered by sweat, I try to fulfill
    Toteen apilanlehden enteen
    The prediction of the clover leaf.
    Last edited by NuttyNuti; 10-19-2011 at 11:47 AM.
  6. NuttyNuti's Avatar

    NuttyNuti said:


    Eeeeven more!

    Soul Bird

    Minä musta siipi synkältä taivahalta
    I, the black wing from the dark sky
    Terveiset tuon synkältä kankahalta
    Greetings from the dark boreal forest
    Koto koto kotolasta lintu lintu kotolasta
    From home home home place [1] bird bird from a home place.
    Kylmäst kylmäst routaisesta routa routa jäätiköstä
    From cold cold frosty frost frost glacier.

    Oravatkin sammalvuoteellansa vaipuvat uneen kotikoloissansa
    Also squirrels on their moss beds [2] fall asleep in their home holes.
    Eivät ne minulta rauhaa saa niin kuin ei ihmislapsetkaan
    And they can't get peace from me, neither human children.

    Sielulintu sielulintu kiellän sun tulla
    Soul bird, soul bird, I forbid you to come
    Tänne tänne suru suru tuomaan tuomaan itkettämään
    Here here mourn mourn to bring to bring to make cry
    Sielulintu sielulintu kiellän sun tulla
    Soul bird, soul bird, I forbid you to come

    Tänne tänne suru suru tuomaan tuomaan itkettämään
    Here here mourn mourn to bring to bring to make cry
    Tänne tänne surua tuomaan itkettämään
    Here here to bring mourn to make cry
    Tänne tänne suru suru tuomaan tuomaan itkettämään
    Here here mourn mourn to bring to bring to make cry
    Tänne tänne surua tuomaan itkettämään
    Here here to bring mourn to make cry

    Kiertelen kaartelen taivaankannen ylisillä
    I circulate, I curve in the upper parts of the sky
    Ylisiltä katsahtelen pitkää kaulaa kurkottelen
    I peek at the upper parts, I reach my long neck
    Kelle kelle vierahille kah mä hänet kylmättelen
    Who who I should visit, kah, I make him/her cold
    Raajat jäykiks lauleskelen virittelen itkuvirren
    I make his/her limbs stiff, I sing I tune a requiem
    Ihmisellä kylässään pienessä tai suuressa on rakas kotitölli
    A human has a dear home cottage in his/her big or small village
    Kaulani pitkä akkunaan piirtää kehen se osoittaa sen minä otan
    My long neck draws on the window; to whom it points, I take him/her[3]



    Sielulintu sielulintu kiellän sun tulla
    Soul bird, sould bird, I forbid you to come


    [1] "Kotola" is a dialectical/poetic/something version of word "koti", meaning "home".

    [2] I think this is a kind of reference to "Oravan laulu" ("Song of Squirrel") that appeared in Aleksis Kivi's novel "Seitsemän veljestä" ("Seven Brothers"). There is talked about moss beds and being in peace from something. (Side note: "Seitsemän veljestä" was one of first novels that were written in Finnish.)

    [3] A bit weird sentence, I'm not 100% sure of this.
  7. NuttyNuti's Avatar

    NuttyNuti said:


    More and more! Again I found Finnish lyrics (modified them a bit clearer).


    Travel[ling] Song

    Suuren matkan valmistus, kartan maita katsottiin.
    Preparing a great travel, we looked at countries on the map.
    Kauniin paikan aavistus, tuohon maahan tahdottiin.
    Anticipating a beautiful place, we wanted to that country.
    Koko heimo yhdessä, matkatarpeet laitettiin.
    All the tribe together [1] we collected the luggage.
    Kevät koitti hetkessä, kuumaa tietä taitettiin.
    The spring came instantly, we travelled on a hot road.

    Keräsimme simpukat valtameren suolaamat.
    We collected the shells salted by the ocean.
    Näimme nummet kukkulat vanhan ajan muovaamat.
    We saw moors, hills, shaped by the old times.
    Muiden maiden mäissä tauko istu rattaisiin.
    On the hills of the other lands the break sat on the wagon.
    Aisa poikki kärrystä, aina niistä selvittiin.
    A broken pole on the carriage, we always survived from them.

    Sillä matkalla paljon maileja taitettiin.
    We traveled for several miles on that journey.
    Sillä matkalla onnen kukkia taitettiin.
    We picked flowers of luck on that journey. [2]

    Jyrkkä rinne, kiivettiin suuren vuoren laelta.
    A steep rise, we climbed down/up from/to the top of a great mountain. [3]
    Näimme kauas, luultiin niin sinne voimme paeta.
    We saw far, we thought we could escape there.
    Hengitimme savuja, maagisia hetkiä,
    We inhaled smokes, magical moments,
    maistoimme maan mallasta, näimme paljon näkyjä.
    We tasted the malt of the earth, we saw many visions.

    Illan valossa jälleen istuttiin yhdessä.
    In the light of the evening, we sat together.
    Illan valossa kirous istui yhdessä.
    In the light of the evening, the curse sat in one of us. [4]

    Yksi muihin kyllästyi, vuoret vaati veronsa.
    One got bored with the others, the mountains/years demanded their imposition. [5]
    Pitkään piinaan pitkästyi ilmoittaen eronsa.
    He/She gor bored with a long torment, he/she told about his/her separation.
    Muistan tuota tunnelmaa, paunan painoi ystävyys.
    I remember that atmosphere, the friendship weighted a pound.
    Vastannut ei unelmaa kesän matka eikä syys.
    That summer journey or the autumn didn't correspond the dream.

    Kuka kelle kuului, emme tienneet itsekään.
    Who belonged to whom, neither we knew that.
    Kuka kelle kuului, muistan katseen itsekkään.
    Who belonged to whom, I remember the selfish glance.[6]


    [1] In this, heimo/tribe is probably a playful expression meaning the family.

    [2] A word play: a Finnish word "taittaa" can mean several issues: normally it means bending or folding, but it can also mean traveling for a distance. Also it can be talked about picking flowers: when you cut the stalk of the flower, you bend it.

    [3] I'm not sure if that says they are climbing up or down. The word order says that down, but the later lines are more for climbing up.

    [4] Another word play: "yhdessä" can mean both "together" and "in one [of a group]".

    [5] Actually it says "the mountains demanded their imposition", but it sounds a lot like "vuodet vaativat veronsa", "the years demanded their imposition", which is a common phrase/idiom in Finland. The latter one means that someone has spent much time to something and it has started to cause drawbacks. Again a word play, I guess.

    [6] Yet another word play: "itsekään", that means something like "neither my-/you-/him-/herself/our-/your-/themselves", sounds very similar to "itsekkään", that is an accusative case of word "itsekäs", meaning "selfish".
    Last edited by NuttyNuti; 10-20-2011 at 11:28 AM.
  8. NuttyNuti's Avatar

    NuttyNuti said:


    EDIT! This isn't a song by Pohjannaula but by Kotiteollisuus. The songs happened to have the same name. Sorry about messing up! The right song is two posts below.

    Devil Field [1]

    Mies astuu tupaan, ei ota pois mustaa nuttuaan .
    The man stepped into the house, he doesn't take his black coat/tunic away.
    Istuu ilman lupaa ja ei jututtaa voi tuttuaan
    He sits down without a permission and can't talk to his acquaintances.
    Isäntä on hyvä ja tuo pullon kirkasta,
    The master [2], please bring a bottle of translucent [liquid], [3]
    tämä vieras ei kieltäydy viinatilkasta .
    This visitor won't refuse a drop of wine.
    Lyödään korttia pöydässä, panokset kovat on
    Let's play card games on the table, the stakes are high.
    Isännällä on ässä, vieraalla niitä neljä on.
    The master has an ace, the guest has four of them.
    Sairas nauru raikaa, vieras poistuu voitonriemuinen.
    An ill laughter roars, the triumphant visitors leaves.
    Mukaansa mitä saikaan - miehen sykkivän sydämen.
    And what he got with him? - The beating heart of the man.

    Taivaankannen alla
    Under the cover of the sky
    korjaa kurjan halla!
    The frost harvests the poor one!

    Sitten tuli yö, pahojen unien täyttämä,
    Then the night came, it was filled by bad dreams,
    helvetin kylmä, rakkauden hylkäämä.
    Hellishly cold, rejected by the love.
    Työt odottavat tekijäänsä, mökki pystyyn lahoaa.
    The duties wait for their worker, the cottage rots while standing.
    Mies kalpeana kulkee, jotain etsii, yksin samoaa.
    The pale man walks, looks for something, wanders alone.

    Tulta syöksee aamun suu,
    The mouth of the morning spits fire,
    kipinää päivän nyrkki!
    The fist of the day strikes sparks!

    Mies kyntää pirunpeltoa...
    The man ploughs the devil field...

    Kuluu tunnit, päivät, viikot, vuodet, kuluu vuosisadatkin.
    The hours pass, like days, weeks, years, even centuries.
    Mies etsii yhä, väsyneen silmät harittavatkin.
    The man still looks for, the tired eyes also splay.
    Hei, onko olemassa helvettiä täällä,
    Hey, is there a Hell,
    joka on pahempi kuin on elämä täällä maan päällä?
    that is worse than the life here on the earth?
    Viimein isäntänsä kohtaa, sen silmät yössä hohtaa.
    Finally, it meets its master, its eyes glow in the night.
    Se ojentelee kynsiään, miehen lammelle johtaa,
    It reaches its claws, it leads the man to the pond.
    siellä kalmankalpeat kukat koristavat rantaa,
    There the death pale flowers decorate the shore,
    miehen sykkivää sydäntä kukinnossaan yksi kantaa.
    One of them carry the beating heart of the man in its bloom.

    Taivaankannen alla
    Under the cover of the sky
    korjaa kurjan halla!
    The frost harvests the poor one!

    Kynnän pirunpeltoa...
    I plough the devil field...


    [1] That's what it means literally. Pirunpelto (also known as muinaisranta, meaning "ancient shore") is also a real thing; it's an ancient sea/lake shore where the water had washed away all soil and small stones, leaving only the big rocks. Later, the sea/lake had vanished, and only the sorted rocks were left. In old times, people believed that a devil had threw those stones there, that's why the name.
    A pirunpelto looks like this. And yes, that's really something made by the nature.

    [2] Here, the master means the [male] master/owner of the house.

    [3] In Finland, "kirkkaat alkoholijuomat" aka translucent alcoholic beverages (like vodka) are called "kirkkaat" ("the translucents") for short. Usually they are strong beverages.
    Last edited by NuttyNuti; 10-21-2011 at 11:08 AM.
  9. Louise Miranda's Avatar

    Louise Miranda said:


    Dear NuttyNuti =^.^=
    This song that you translated is from this band called 'Kotiteollisuus' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QrdFDpSxoA), that by a coincidence has the same tittle (Pirunpelto!) of this song from the Folk band Pohjannaula, that im looking for ^^ Buuut, anyway, thanks for this translation and the nice explanations (cuz i think this band is so cool also! =) haha ) And thanks for your time dedicated here =) -- Before posting here, I tried to find the lyrics in Finnish, in order to save your time and avoid mistakes, but i guess i didnt search well (i was lazy, sorry ò.Ó ) cuz i couldn't find... But ive searched better just now and found the lyrics for Pirunpelto by Pohjannaula... :$ here they are:

    paha olen enhän muuta väittänyt
    taivaalta kuuta luvannut en
    kepein omantunnoin sydäntäni hautaan
    pohjattomaan suohautaan

    käsin omin pellon raivaan
    viljavan mullan pois kaivan
    tilalle kiviä rantakiviä
    siemeneksi itämään katkeruus ja kateus

    pirunpellon kivet

    kivi on kova niin myös minä
    jumala armahtaa mutta en minä
    sydämettömänä pahan viljelijänä
    en heikkoutta salli enkä sitä siedä

    elonkorjuun sadon kuivaan
    katkeran kateuden taikinaan vaivaan
    viattomat sinisilmät punapunaposket
    syksyn uudisleivän heille syötän

    pirunpellon kivet
    kovettuneet sydämet

  10. NuttyNuti's Avatar

    NuttyNuti said:


    Whoops! My bad. But no problem, next I translate the right song! (No wonder why that song felt a bit different to the other ones.)


    Devil Field [1]

    Paha olen, enhän muuta väittänyt.
    I am evil, I didn't say anything else.
    Taivaalta kuuta luvannut en.
    I didn't promise to fetch the moon from the sky. [2]
    Kepein omantunnoin sydäntäni hautaan
    With a light conscience, I bury my heart
    pohjattomaan suohautaan.
    To the bottomless swamp grave.

    Käsin omin pellon raivaan,
    I clear the field with my own hands,
    viljavan mullan pois kaivan,
    I dig away the fruitful soil,
    tilalle kiviä rantakiviä,
    To replace them, I put shore rocks,
    siemeneksi itämään katkeruus ja kateus.
    As the seed, I put there bitterness and envy to sprout.

    Pirunpellon kivet.
    The rocks of the devil field.

    Kivi on kova, niin myös minä.
    The rock is hard, so am I.
    Jumala armahtaa, mutta en minä.
    God reprieves, but I don't.
    Sydämettömänä pahan viljelijänä
    As heartless farmer of evil
    en heikkoutta salli enkä sitä siedä.
    I don't allow weakness and I don't stand it.

    Elonkorjuun sadon kuivaan,
    I dry the crops of the harvest,
    katkeran kateuden taikinaan vaivaan.
    I knead the bitter jealousness to the dough.
    Viattomat sinisilmät, punapunaposket,
    Innocent blue eyed ones, red red cheeks,
    syksyn uudisleivän heille syötän.
    I feed the new bread of the autumn to them.

    Pirunpellon kivet,
    The rocks of the devil field,
    kovettuneet sydämet.
    The hardened hearts.


    [1] That's what it means literally. Pirunpelto (also known as muinaisranta, meaning "ancient shore") is also a real thing; it's an ancient sea/lake shore where the water had washed away all soil and small stones, leaving only the big rocks. Later, the sea/lake had vanished, and only the sorted rocks were left. In old times, people believed that a devil had threw those stones there, that's why the name.
    A pirunpelto looks like this. And yes, that's really something made by the nature.

    [2] I'm not sure if there is similar idiom in English, but anyway: In Finnish, "to ask someone to fetch the moon from the sky" means "to ask [selfishly] someone to do something impossible".
  11. NuttyNuti's Avatar

    NuttyNuti said:


    The last one thus far! (I might misheard some parts, for some reason it was sometimes hard to hear what they were singing.) More songs to translate? :3


    Viimeinen tanssi
    The Last Dance

    Sinun huulesi houkuttaa
    Your lips tempt me
    kuumaan suudelmaan.
    To a hot kiss.
    Huulesi houkuttaa
    Your lips tempt me
    mukaan lähtemään
    To come with you
    leikkiin jännittävään.
    To an exciting game.

    Luoksesi vietteli,
    It tempted me to you,
    haluan sinut erin.
    I want you a piece by piece.
    Tehden, kujeillen
    By doing, by playing,
    viet minut mukanasi.
    You took me with you.
    Kuljin tanssiin rakkautiimi,
    I walked to the dance of our love [1]
    tanssiin viimeiseen.
    To the last dance.

    CHORUS (x2)
    Rintaani kiertyvä,
    Twirling around my chest,
    huudan apua.
    I yell for help.
    Kärryt rämisten vauhdilla
    The carriage with speed
    vievät minua.
    take me.
    Ajurina oleva
    The one being the driver
    ei päästä poikaa
    Doesn't leave the boy
    kärryiltä pois,
    Away from the wagon,
    kärryiltä pois.
    Away from the wagon.

    Silmäniskusi lumoaa
    Your eye wink charms me,
    kuuma ilmaan katoaa.
    The heat disappears into the air. [2]
    En katsettani sinusta irti saa
    I can't take my eyes off you,
    enkä haluakaan.
    Neither I want to [do so].

    Kanssasi pois lähden,
    I leave away with you,
    en tiedä minkä tähden.
    I don't know why.
    Naurat kun otat minut,
    You laugh as you take me,
    viet mukanasi
    Take me with you
    pitkän matkan rakkautiimi,
    To the long journey of our love, [1]
    matkaan viimeiseen.
    To the last journey.

    CHORUS (x2)


    CHORUS (x2)


    [1] I heard "rakkautiimi", that means actually nothing, but I think that the singer meant "rakkauteemme", "to our love".

    [2] That's how I heard it.
  12. Louise Miranda's Avatar

    Louise Miranda said:


    Oh yes, if Im not asking too much, there are more! =)) -- I could find only the lyrics for Jääkannel and Karmes



    Minun tekee aina mieli
    Sellainen on miehen mieli
    Immen syliin tekee mieli
    Haarautumaan käypi mieli
    Mielin kielin

    Mieleni minun tekevi
    Tekee minun mieleni
    Mieleni lempeä tekevi
    Tekee lempeä mieleni

    Lemmen taian loihii kieli
    Mahlan maistaa tahmee kieli
    Pohjaan painuu pitkä kieli
    Haarautumaan käypi kieli
    Mielin kielin

    Kieleni minun virkkovi
    Virkkoo minun kieleni
    Kieleni lempeä virkkovi
    Virkkoo lempeä kieleni

    Mieleni minun tekevi
    Tekee minun mieleni
    Mieleni minun tekevi
    Tekee lempeä mieleni


    Karjalan mailla


    Ei kauniimpaa hetkeä olekaan
    Kun tupaan kylmään
    tupaan kylmään saavuimme
    Taivallettuamme yli ensijään ohuen
    Taivallettuamme yli lahden tuohon saarehen

    Lähden kanssasi minne vaan ihan minne vaan
    Sinä viet ja minä vain seuraan minä vain seuraan
    Lähden kanssasi minne vaan ihan minne vaan
    Sinä viet ja minä vain seuraan

    Etsin polttopuut ne vuosia on kuivanneet
    Sinä jostain löysit potkukelkan vanhan ja harmahtavan
    Potkukelkkailimme välissä jään ja tähtien
    Heläji jääkannel alla jalasten ruosteisten


    Niin heläji jääkannel alla jalasten ruosteisten

    Lähden kanssasi minne vaan ihan minne vaan
    Sinä meet ja minä vain seuraan minä vaan seuraan

    Last edited by Louise Miranda; 10-21-2011 at 07:35 PM.
  13. dementikko said:


    Quote Originally Posted by NuttyNuti View Post
    Here we go! (This song doesn't sound very logical, I may translate something wrong...)


    Aksel ja Eino
    Aksel and Eino [1]
    I believe you missed some crucial references.

    Pitkien iltojen yksinistuja saapui luokse käppärämäntymaalaajan
    He who often sat alone long nights arrived at the painter of crouched pines, [1]
    luokse Suomen kuvittajan.
    To the illustrator of Finland.

    Siinähän he istuivat Aksel ja Eino,
    There they sat, Aksel and Eino,
    veljessotaa ennustellen, veljessotaa peljäten,
    expecting civil war, fearing for the civil war [2]
    vanhalle honkapenkille.
    On the old pine bench.

    En oo mailla halmeillakaan tämän pallon seutuvilla,
    I'm not in the close areas, on the areas of the globe
    en, en lähimainkaan.
    Not, not even close.
    En vaikka paljaat varpaani kanervaa koski
    Not even if my bare toes touch heather,
    niin minä, minä poika leijailin.
    So I, myself floated in the air.
    Minä, minä poika leijailin.
    I, myself floated in the air.
    Minä, minä poika leijailin.
    I, myself floated in the air.

    Nyt minä istumaan kahdeksankymmenen neljän vuoden jälkeen
    Now I go to sit after eighty-four years
    tälle iäiselle honkapenkille
    On this ancient pine bench
    jolla ryyppäsivät Aksel ja Eino.
    On which Aksel and Eino used to booze.

    Ol' kun ois palokärki puuta kolkuttanut
    It's like a black woodpecker [4] had knocked on a tree
    vai olisiko se ollut jotain muuta
    Or had it been something else
    kuin näitä valvottuja öitä.
    Than these night spent awake.


    Ol' kun ois palokärki puuta kolkuttanut
    It's like a black woodpecker had knocked a tree.
    Ol' kun ois metsän tummuus mulle huokaillut.
    It's like the darkness of the forest had sighed at me.
    Ol kun ois Finlandia-hymni järvellä soinut.
    It's like the Finlandia Hymn [5] had played on the lake.
    Ol kun ois Finlandia-hymni järvellä soinut...
    It's like the Finlandia Hymn had played on the lake... [continues at the background during the chorus]



    [1] References to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akseli_Gallen-Kallela and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eino_Leino, artists of the Finnish national romantic era who used Finnish mythology and folk legends in their art right before ...

    [2] The Finnish Civil war 1918. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finnish_Civil_War
  14. dementikko said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Louise Miranda View Post
    Oh yes, if Im not asking too much, there are more! =)) -- I could find only the lyrics for Jääkannel and Karmes



    Minun tekee aina mieli
    Sellainen on miehen mieli
    Immen syliin tekee mieli
    Haarautumaan käypi mieli
    Mielin kielin

    I am always in the mood[1]
    that is the nature of manhood
    to lay on maidens lap is my will
    to fork is my drive
    by ingratiating[2]

    Mieleni minun tekevi
    Tekee minun mieleni
    Mieleni lempeä tekevi
    Tekee lempeä mieleni

    My mind is longing for[3]
    Longing is my mind for
    My mind longing for love
    my loving mind

    Lemmen taian loihii kieli
    Mahlan maistaa tahmee kieli
    Pohjaan painuu pitkä kieli
    Haarautumaan käypi kieli
    Mielin kielin

    The spell of love cast by tongue
    The sap is tasted by the sticky tongue
    To the end is stuck the long tongue
    The tongue goes to fork
    by ingratiating

    Kieleni minun virkkovi
    Virkkoo minun kieleni
    Kieleni lempeä virkkovi
    Virkkoo lempeä kieleni

    My tongue is speaking
    Speaking is my tongue
    My tong is speaking of love[4]
    speaking is my loving tongue

    Mieleni minun tekevi
    Tekee minun mieleni
    Mieleni minun tekevi
    Tekee lempeä mieleni

    My mind is longing for[3]
    Longing is my mind for
    My mind is longing for
    my loving mind

    [1] Mieli means mind, sense, thoughts and desire depending on context. The wordplay is based on this change of context.
    [2] Mielin kielin is an idiom. Literally it is "with mind and tongue", figuratively it is about flattering and pleasing people to fulfill some ultimate goal.
    [3] This is the opening verse of Kalevala. Literally "My mind is doing/desiring to..." and the -vi suffix is archaic. First poem in Kalevala starts with "Mieleni minun tekevi, aivoni ajattelevi..."
    [4] Another wordplay. Lempi is another word for love, but it can also be used in an expression to mean the act of making love. Lempeä is an adjective or a noun in partitive form, in effect changing the "my loving mind" to "I desire to make love" as mieli has also multiple interpretations as explained in [1].


    Ei kauniimpaa hetkeä olekaan
    Kun tupaan kylmään
    tupaan kylmään saavuimme
    Taivallettuamme yli ensijään ohuen
    Taivallettuamme yli lahden tuohon saarehen

    There's no moment more beautiful
    Than in a cold house
    arriving in a cold house
    after walking over thin fresh ice
    after walking over the gulf to that island

    Lähden kanssasi minne vaan ihan minne vaan
    Sinä viet ja minä vain seuraan minä vain seuraan
    Lähden kanssasi minne vaan ihan minne vaan
    Sinä viet ja minä vain seuraan

    I'll go with you anywhere, truly anywhere
    You take me and I just follow, I just follow
    I'll go with you anywhere, truly anywhere
    You take me and I just follow

    Etsin polttopuut ne vuosia on kuivanneet
    Sinä jostain löysit potkukelkan vanhan ja harmahtavan
    Potkukelkkailimme välissä jään ja tähtien
    Heläji jääkannel alla jalasten ruosteisten

    I find the firewood, dried for years
    You found a kicksled somewhere, old and grayish
    We ride the kicksled between ice and stars
    The ice cover crackled under the skids


    Niin heläji jääkannel alla jalasten ruosteisten

    Lähden kanssasi minne vaan ihan minne vaan
    Sinä meet ja minä vain seuraan minä vaan seuraan

    The ice cover crackled under the skids

    I'll go with you anywhere, truly anywhere
    You take me and I just follow, I just follow
  15. dementikko said:


    Oh gosh, another hard-to-translate because of the ubiquitous references to Finnish national epos.

    Karjalan mailla

    Kun ei kuuta
    aurinkoa lainkaan
    silloin enää ei naurua
    eikä ilmaista iloa
    kuka soittaisi, laulaisi
    taivaankansia takoisi

    When there's no moon
    sun at all
    then there's no laughter
    no expression of happiness
    who would play music, sing
    bang on the firmament[1]

    Hevonenkin hengähtävi
    pitkän matkan mentyänsä
    eipä koskikaan vuolaana
    laske vettänsä loputen

    Even a horse has to rest
    after walking a long distance
    not even fast rapids
    have water forever

    mieli on jäämähän
    jäämähän parempi
    kuin on kesken
    kesken katkeamahan

    my mind is to stay
    to stay is better
    than in between
    in between break

    annapas ajan kulua
    päivän mennä, toisen tulla
    taas minua tarvitaan
    tarvitaan, kaivataan
    annapas ajan kulua
    päivän mennä, toisen tulla
    taas minua tarvitaan
    tarvitaan, pyydetään

    but let the time pass
    a day go, another come
    again I'll be needed
    needed, longed for
    but let the time pass
    a day go, another come
    again I'll be needed
    needed, asked to

    Kun taivaankappaleet
    ovat autioina kadonneet
    silloin minua tarvitaan
    kaivataan, pyydetään
    uuden soiton suorittajaksi
    kuun kuljettajaksi
    uuden päivän päästäjäksi
    taivaan taluttajaksi

    When the celestial objects
    are barren and disappeared
    then I will be needed
    longed for, asked to
    perform the new music
    drive the moon
    to be the midwife for a new day
    to lead the sky

    Tarinoita on suuria
    tällä Suomenniemellä rakkahalla
    mutta missä on ne kertojat
    ei kai, ei kai,
    niitä karjalan mai'en myötä menetetty
    jos niin on niin silloin
    annapas ajan kulua
    päivän mennä, toisen tulla
    jo löytyvi kertojat
    kadonnut temppeli Lemminkäisen

    There are great tales
    on this loved Finnish peninsula
    but where are the story tellers
    you don't say, you don't say
    we lost them along Karelian lands[2]
    if it's so well then
    let some time pass
    a day go, another come
    there we find the story tellers
    the lost temple of Lemminkäinen[3]


    On the end parts of Kalevala as Christianity pushed the paganism away Väinämöinen leaves the people, promising to come back when he is again needed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V%C3%A4in%C3%A4m%C3%B6inen

    [1] On Finnish mythology, the Firmament was supported by a big pole. The Firmament was made from an (apparently gigantic) eggshell. Banging on the firmament was probably a reference to the sound of thunder.

    [2] On second world war Finland lost big amount of Karelian isthmus to Soviet Union.

    [3] On the change of 1990's a person named Ior Bock was in a search of the entry to Temple of Lemminkäinen. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ior_Boc...mink.C3.A4inen
  16. Louise Miranda's Avatar

    Louise Miranda said:


    Kiitos hyvin paljon
  17. dementikko said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Louise Miranda View Post
    The Firmament

    onnea on kasvaa
    rakkauden tuvassa
    missä äiti kehtoa keinuttaa
    lapsi keinuu unelaan

    happiness is to grow
    in a house of love
    where mother rocks the cradle
    the child rocks in to the dream world

    onnea on kasvaa
    turvaisessa pihassa
    missä isä keinun puuhun pisti
    lapsi keinuu onnelaan

    happiness is to grow
    in a safe yard
    where father put a swing up in the tree[2]
    the child swings in to the land of happiness

    kun tiehesi päähän sinä kerran tulet
    pihassa keinuu, tuulessa heiluu
    heiluu, heiluu, kehtosi keinuu
    keinuu, keinuu, taivaankansi keinuu

    when you once arrive at the end of your road
    in the yard swings, rocks in the wind
    swings, swings, your cradle rocks
    rocks, rocks, the firmament is a-rocking

    tyttö leikkii leikkejään
    kehtoa hän keinuttaa
    näin äidinperintönä saa
    mitä rakkautta vaalitaan

    a girl is playing
    she's rocking a cradle
    inherited from her mother she learns
    how to nourish the love

    pieni poika urhea
    havumajaa rakentaa
    näin isänperintönä
    mitä turvaa rakennetaan

    a little boy, brave
    builds a hut out of fir branches
    inherited from his father
    how to build the safety

    astut pihaan sieltä kerran lähdit
    majasta havuisesta, kehdosta keinuvasta
    tuulee, tuulee, sinä sen kuulet
    keinuu, keinuu, taivaankansi keinuu

    you step on to the yard you once left
    from the fir tree hut, from the rocking cradle
    wind bloes, blows, and you hear it
    rocks, rocks, the firmament is a-rocking

    astut sisään taloon josta lähdit
    seinällä kuva naisesta, miehestä
    tutuista piirteistä, edeltä jo menneistä
    menkää, menkää, taivaankansi keinuu
    menkää, menkää, taivaankansi keinuu

    you step in the house that you once left behind
    one the wall there's a picture of a woman, of a man
    familiar features, those that passed on before[3]
    go, go, the firmament is a-rocking
    go, go, the firmament is a-rocking

    [1] Onnela, Unela: The -la, -lä ending in Finnish last names and locations is ubiquitous. The -la ending can be loosely interpreted as "house of", "place of", "family of", "state of" etc. So unela, uni + la = "dream" + "land of", i.e. a place where peoples souls go when they are sleeping and dreaming. Respectfully onnela, onni + la = "happiness" + "state of", the state of mind where you're extremely happy. On death people's souls would travel to Manala or Tuonela. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finnish_paganism#Afterlife

    [2] Keinu, a swing is the root for the verb "keinua", to swing or to rock.

    [3] Mennä edeltä, lit. "to go before others (and wait)" refers to the people going to the afterlife before the ones who are here still living. Menkää (2nd person plural imperative of "mennä") on the next lines refers to this.
  18. Isä Apotti said:

    Default Neliapila Lyrics

    Some of the Pohjannaula lyrics are very complex and clever, and not
    easily understood by modern people. The song "Neliapila" gives good
    description of traditional Carolean clothes

    Here is a small change to the "Neliapila" translation:

    "Tuppipuukko ja korvalusikka kupeilla keikkuvat"

    I would translate this line as:

    "A utility knife and earpick are swinging on her sides."

    "Tuppipuukko" ("seathed knife") is small utility knife used as eating
    utensil. The sheath is usually tall and knife is seated deep in the
    sheath so that only the top of the grip is visible.

    "Korvalusikka" ("ear-spoon") is a medical tool fol picking debris from
    ear channel, and could be translated as "ear-pick".

    Here is a picture of the spoon-shaped ear-pick.

    Here is a picture of what was attached to woman's belt:

    This belt-hanger contains coin-pouch, tube for sewing needles and sheath
    for utility knife. Other tools carried in belt-hangers were ear-pick,
    tweezers and scissors.

    Note: Apparently very little has changed in last 600 years. I just
    realised that I have a "Leatherman Style CS" hanging form my belt-loop,
    and it has similar tools as the old belt-hangers.
  19. Isä Apotti said:

    Default Paimenpoika lyrics

    The second line of the first verse:

    Riekkoja pyydystin - pian on langalla.
    I hunted willow grouses - they are soon in the snare thread.

    could be:

    Riekkoja pyydystin - pianolangalla.
    I hunted willow grouses - with wire snare.

    Note: Traditional way to hunt Willow Grouse in Lappland is to use a wire
    snare. The snare is made from 0.25 mm spring steel wire noose (aka.
    piano wire, musical wire), and set so that Grouse will walk head-first
    through the noose and becomes strangled.

    The end of sixth verse:

    Mehtujen soitimella keväisellä jäällä,
    kukkojen elkeitä mallailin.
    Riukureissulla tappelin.

    At the display of capercaillies on the spring ice
    I imitated the gestures of the roosters.
    I fight in my journey to the pole toilet.

    Should be:

    Mehtojen soitimella keväisellä jäällä,
    kukkojen elkeitä mallailin,
    riiureissulla tappelin.

    (While watching the) mating rituals of Wood Grouses on spring ice,
    I imitated the gestures of roosters,
    (and like the roosters) I fought (with other boys) when flirting with girls.

    Note: "Riiu" is traditional Finnish word for picking up girls for
    casual sex. Closest modern translation would be "booty call".
    "Riiureissu" could be translated as "Booty call road-trip".
  20. Isä Apotti said:

    Default Pohjannaula - Neliapila

    Some other translation notes:

    First three lines of the last verse:

    "Tässäpä pystyvä pölkkymies vaikka ne puhuu
    Että kuljen aina ojia pitkin, poikki henkselitkin.
    Älä välitä kontinkantaja ämmistä."

    Here I am, a hard-working woodchopper, even if they say,
    that I always visit every s*lt, and that I can't keep my pants on.
    You should not care about hags spreading rumours.

    (profanity filter bypass: replace "*" with "u")

    Pölkkymies / woodchopper

    "Pölkky" is a tree-stump or a chopping-block. "Pölkkymies" can be
    translated as "Chopping-block man" or "woodchopper". A wood-chopper
    harvested, chopped and sold wood used as fuel for heating houses and
    steam engines. Since all farms had their own patch of forest and did
    their own wood-chopping, professional woodchoppers were employed in
    cities, factories and shipyards.

    Että kuljen aina ojia pitkin / That I always walk along ditches

    To "be in ditches" means that a girl has loose sexual morals. When a boy
    is "walking along ditches" he is visiting this kinds of girls.

    poikki henkselitkin / even my suspenders are snapped

    The "broken suspenders" means that a boy "can't keep his pansts up" and
    tries to have sexual relation with every available girl. This term is
    uses as "You f*cked that ugly b*tch? Were your suspenders broken?".

    (profanity filter bypass: replace first "*" with "u", and second "*" with "i")

    kontinkantaja ämmä / hag carrying knapsack

    "Carrying knapsack" means going from house to house, spreading rumours.

    Background story: This song tells about Carolean figure dances. The last
    of these dances were held in summer of 1939 since Soviet Union conquered
    their lands and Caroleans were evacuated into west in in 1940. During
    the evacuation the Carolean tribe was dispersed.

    The narrator is a woodchopper, and since most professional woodcoppers
    worked in Viipuria area ("Vyborg") so it is likely that the figure dances
    were held at Viipuri.

    That is, the it is likely that the song tells about "Viipurin Kižata"
    dances held at 1939 or earlier.