Ruger Hauer - Riippusilta (Finnish)

Thread: Ruger Hauer - Riippusilta (Finnish)

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  1. Nere said:

    Default Ruger Hauer - Riippusilta (Finnish)

    ''He's alive.
    Ruger 2010 talos. Niien päät hajos.''

    Mul on tuhansia sivuja jo. Nelisäkeitä, mis maapallon sisus hajoo hei.
    Mä nään sen tulevan, hajonneen unelman. Nään savusia kuvia ku leikitään tulella.
    On pakko rakentaa ja luoda jotain, et voisin rauhassa kuolla tai jotain.
    Mielikuvani mä jostain hain, paikasta jonne koskaan ei mennä sais.
    Mut mä pääsin sieltä ulos vihdoin. Korvat titititinnitti ja sydän vihloi.
    Tää tuntuu viimeseltä illalta, ku annoin kaiken irti rinnasta, ja millä hinnalla.
    Se raapasee vaan pinnalta, ne koittaa luoda musta kuvan ihmisenä itelleen alle timmassa.
    Ja sit ne kysyy onks mul kaikki tänään hyvin, ku mä roikun pää alas, riippusillalta.
    Täällä kaikki riippuu tuurista, tähdistä ja tuulista, aikataulust, duunista.
    Mä kaipaan jotain suurempaa, ei riitä tää nykynen systeemi. Kyynisyys tappoi maailmasta mysteerit.
    Ja vaik tää on vaan yhen miehen utopiaa, mä pidän omas maailmassa tosi kivaa.
    Hei Papru ja Pyhi, hyvinhä se meni aina. Luuleeko maailma? Whad up?

    Kuuleeko maailma? Vampyyrien vaalima, alkutulien blaadima.
    Party party niinku oisin kovinki taaki. Nyt ois sitä aikaaki, vaik massii haalia.
    Riippusiltoja sydäilemäs. Sytytyslankana palaa vallihaudas tyräilemäs.
    Omia viisaita sanojani hyväilemäs, ku sä pudotat mä hyppään peräs.
    Tarttuu levylle se kirkkain nektariini, muttei vastaa Spotify mun vitun tekstariini.
    Ehkä vielä muutama extrariimi, ennen ku kiska menee kiinni, sulkemisaika.
    En saa yhteyttä meklariini, avaimii ferrariini, presidenttii termariini.
    Entinen tulokas ku Hetemajn Perparimi. Tarjoo mulle sedatiivi, suun kiinni laittaa.
    Turha lettu, mut tulipahan leivottua. Ei tästä mulle elinkeinoa tuu.
    Omat ennakkoluulot tuli taas peitottua. Vanha vitsi, uus kertoja ei oo uus.

    ''Keijo venaa myyntilukui jauhot suus, tää on se Vammalan blues.''
    ''"Ei tää levy salee ees Monspilta tuu."''

    Meil on lakoniset tyylit, teil on pakolliset lait. Meil on katteettomat myynnit, kun tän katikasta hain.
    Sillasta riippuvat, tunnissa pilvet liikkuvat, mut hirsipuussa kiikutaan me kaikki sunnuntait.
    Mä oon pajauttanu paljon, järjettömän paljon.
    Ja kaikki ympäriltä hävii, tuntuu ku rakentaisin riippusiltaa galaksien väliin.

    Sen jälkee kun mun tv hajos, mä oon rukoillu paljon.
    Lähinnä uutta telkkarii, muttei taivaast taida nähä alas kellariin.
    Mä oon lukenu Mellerii. Sä voit haukkaa mun sellerii.
    Joo se menee niin, elä elämääs niinku oisit Henry Lee.
    Mirkut ne lirkuttelee, mut päivät ku hevoset ne hirnuen menee.
    Mitä sä virnuilet spede? Vitun Richard Gere.
    Mä oon Lou Reedin Berliini, sä voisit olla objekti mun verbiini.
    Mut sä laitat sen kiinni, oon se paska joka jää kiinni kenkiisi.
    Kaikel ei oo hintaa, mut kaikest voi tehä numeron. Kassalla tuherran kuittiisi karvasen tuheron.
    Kyl kuvet on, ostaa uuden nuteron, puen sen ku puseron.
    Meit ei laiteta museoihin. Kuka hoitaa mun lokeroinnin?
    Meit ei kanneta Kiasmaan, kuhan pysyis vaa himassaan.

    Meil on lakoniset tyylit, teil on pakolliset lait. Meil on katteettomat myynnit, kun tän katikasta hain.
    Sillasta riippuvat, tunnissa pilvet liikkuvat, mut hirsipuussa kiikutaan me kaikki sunnuntait.
    Mä oon pajauttanu paljon, järjettömän paljon.
    Ja kaikki ympäriltä hävii, tuntuu ku rakentaisin riippusiltaa galaksien väliin.

    Meil on lakoniset tyylit, teil on pakolliset lait. Meil on katteettomat myynnit, kun tän katikasta hain.
    Sillasta riippuvat, tunnissa pilvet liikkuvat, mut hirsipuussa kiikutaan me kaikki sunnuntait.
    Mä oon pajauttanu paljon, järjettömän paljon.
    Ja kaikki ympäriltä hävii, tuntuu ku rakentaisin riippusiltaa galaksien väliin.

    ''Ruger Hauer, Se Syvenee Syksyllä, 2010.''

    kiitos .
  2. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:


    hi Nere! You don't need the translation anymore? Otherwise I put my teeth in it!
  3. Fethry said:


    This songs is very melodramatic, and I'm not entirely sure of the meaning of the song. As you can see, it has something to do with using a lots of cannabis, and Ruger's uncertainty of financial life. The lyrics are thrillingly laconic and totally lack of all joy and the pace is very slow. This is REAL Finnish music!

    Ruger Hauer - A Cable bridge

    Ruger 2010 in the house. Their heads broke.

    I've already got thousands of pages. Four lines, where the core of Earth breaks, hey.
    I see it coming, a broken dream. I see smoky pictures when one plays with fire.
    It's a must to build and create something, so I could die peacefully or something.
    My visions I brought from somewhere, from a place where one is not permitted to go. (1)
    But I got out of there at last. My ears suffered from tinnitus and my heart was aching.
    This feels like the last evening, when I left all go from my chest, and what a price.
    It only scratches your from the skin, they are going to create a picture of me as a human for them in under an hour.
    And then they ask if I have everything fine today, when I'm hanging head down, from a cable bridge.
    Here everything depends on luck, stars and winds, schedules, jobs.
    I yearn for something greater, this system I now have is not enough.
    Cynicism killed mysteries from the world.
    And even if this is just a one man's utopia, I have very much fun in my own world.
    Hey Papru and Pyhi, it went well all the time. Does the world hear us? (2)
    Whad up?

    Does the world hear us? Cherished by vampires, smoked by the fires in the very beginning.
    Party party like I was a real thug. Now I got the time, for example to gather dough.
    Walking at cable bridges. Burning as a fuse, failing in a moat. (3)
    Caressing my own wise words, when you drop I jump after you.
    The clearest nectarine adheres on a disc, but Spotify does not respond to my fuc*ing text message.
    Perhaps a couple of extra rhymes, before the kiosk is closed, closing time.
    I can't contact my broker, keys for my Ferrari, Presidentti for my thermos. (4)
    A former newcomer like Hetemaj's Perparimi. Offer me a sedative, it closes my mouth. (5)
    A pointless pancake, but it was still baked. This is not going to make me a living. (6)
    My own prejudices had been crushed again. An old joke, the new narrator is not a new one.

    "Keijo waits for my sale figures eagerly, this is the Vammala blues." (7)
    "This CD can't even make it to Manspi." (8)

    We've got laconic styles, you've got forced laws. We've got negative sales, when I brought this from the cage.
    Hanging from a bridge, in an hour clouds move, but in the gallows we all hang every Sunday.
    I've been blazing much, ludicrously much.
    And everything disappears from around me, it feels like I'm building a cable bridge between galaxies.

    After my TV broke down, I've been praying a lot.
    Mostly for a new telly, but I don't think they see from heaven down to this basement.
    I've read Meller. You can take a bite of my celery. (9)
    Yeah it goes like that, you gotta live your life like you was Henry Lee.
    Chicks they do the sweet talk, but the days go like neighing horses. (10)
    Why are you grinning spede? Fuc*ing Richard Gere. (11)
    I'm Lou Reed's Berlin, you could be the object for my verb.
    But you just shut it off, I'm that sh*t which gets stuck in to your shoes. (12)
    Not everything has a price on it, but you can make a situation out of anything. At the checkout I smudge a hairy pus*y into your receipt.
    Yea I got the cheese, to buy a new shirt, I wear it like a hoodie. (13)
    We are not going to be put into museums. Who will handle my compartmentalizing?
    We are not going to be carried to Kiasma, just let us stay home. (14)

    We've got laconic styles, you've got forced laws. We've got negative sales, when I brought this from the cage.
    Hanging from a bridge, in an hour clouds move, but in the gallows we all hang every Sunday.
    I've been blazing much, ludicrously much.
    And everything disappears from around me, it feels like I'm building a cable bridge between galaxies.

    We've got laconic styles, you've got forced laws. We've got negative sales, when I brought this from the cage.
    Hanging from a bridge, in an hour clouds move, but in the gallows we all hang every Sunday.
    I've been blazing much, ludicrously much.
    And everything disappears from around me, it feels like I'm building a cable bridge between galaxies.

    Ruger Hauer, it's going to get deeper in fall, 2010.

    1. This suggest that Ruger has experienced some kind of illegal drug to aquire inspiration for this (and other) songs.
    2. Papru and Pyhi are just nicknames, Papru would be translated to 'Paper' and Pyhi to 'Glory' if this was from US.
    3. This part "failing in a moat." does not seem to have any meaning whatsoever. Tyräillä could also mean that he's angry at something; in that case, more sufficient word would have been "kyräillä".
    4. Presidentti is popular Finnish coffee, which is often thought to be better than most of the coffees. It costs about 2-3 times more than the cheapest coffee. Presidentti translates to 'president'.
    5. This name I do not know, it doesn't seem to have any connection to the lyrics.
    6. Here I'm just trying to underline the meaning of this song. Seemingly he has a struggle going on with his album sales. Also this could refer to cannabis, since cannabis can be used via baking it.
    7. This is just another name, Keijo, and Vammala blues. Vammala is a small town in Finland.
    8. I have no idea what he is trying to say with this. I assume it's either an (underground) bar or small radio station.
    9. Probably he means that someone can suck his di*k; this, however, is not sure as using the word 'celery' is very rare. Though I admit that it rhymes with Meller (Luen Melleriä; pure mun selleriä).
    10. I hope this part was translated clearly enough.
    11. Spede is a famous Finnish actor, who made several movies in the 60's-80's. his name is often used to describe someone as a fool; or clown. You should watch his movies to understand why
    12. He means that he's just a piece of dogs sh*t, and the other person accidentaly steps on him and his stuck on the shoes of the other person. No tips of this persons identity are left.
    13. 'nupero' and 'pusero' both mean the same; so I just put words 'shirt' and 'hoodie' since they're close enough. The original meaning loses it's value after translating.
    14. Kiasma is a big museum of modern arts in Helsinki.
    Last edited by Fethry; 11-05-2012 at 02:33 PM. Reason: So there's some stupid expurgating software here.. How "nice"!