Laura Pausini - Bastava

Thread: Laura Pausini - Bastava

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  1. safe1 said:

    Default Laura Pausini - Bastava

    ...and again...If you have some free time to write down the lyrics and translate in English...

    Laura Pausini - Bastava / Enough

    Last edited by safe1; 11-16-2011 at 06:58 AM. Reason: Replaced missing video clip...
  2. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Un sorriso di ritorno per rispondere a un sorriso bastava/a smile back to answer to a smile was enough
    Uno spazio condiviso ma nessun'altare d'oro bastava/ a shared room but no golden altar was enough
    Nella stanza di un albergo d'Europa si potrebbe andare avanti a parlare o si gioca/ in the room of an European hotel we could go on and on talking or playing
    o scambiamoci uno schiaffo di pace/ or let's exchange a slap of peace
    vince il primo che si arrende, si offende lo dice/ the first who gives up, feels offended and confesses it will win,
    Come ci siamo arrivati a volerci così tanto male non so/ i don't know how we ended up hating each other so much
    Come ci siamo permessi di dirci che ognuno fa quello che può/ how dare we tell each other that everyone does what he can
    Una camminata in centro in un pomeriggio bianco bastava/ a walk in the town centre and a white afternoon was enough
    Prevedere il tuo fastidio, fare i conti sopra l'odio bastava/ foresee your annoyance, reckon with hate was enough
    Fare a meno delle buone maniere che confondono e rubano spazio e spessore/ do without your good manners which confound and steal room and depth
    E buttarci sotto l'acqua gelata e accettare che davvero è acqua passata/ and throw ourselves under frozen water and accept that it's really all water under the bridge
    Come ci siamo arrivati a volerci così tanto male non so/ i don't know how we ended up hating each other so much
    Come ci siamo permessi di dirci che ognuno fa quello che può/ how dare we tell each other that everyone does what he can
    Come ci siamo ridotti io e te/ what happened to us
    Come ci siamo permessi di dirci che ognuno fa il meglio per se/ how dare we tell each other that each one does the best for itself
    Dire tutto anche se poco quello che capisci dopo bastava/ to tell everything even if little, what you understand after was enough
    Masticare le parole, rimanere in verticale bastava/ chew words, remain on your feet was enough

    Questa notte mi apre gli occhi e ci guarda, vede povere carezze di guerra/ this night opens my eyes and watches us, it sees sad war's caresses
    Questa notte mi apre gli occhi e ci guarda, vede lacrime d'argento cadere per terra/ this night opens my eyes and watches us, it sees silver tears falling on the ground
    Come ci siamo arrivati a volerci così tanto male non so/ i don't know how we ended up hating each other so much
    Come ci siamo permessi di dirci che ognuno fa quello che può/ how dare we tell each other that everyone does what he can
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  3. safe1 said:


    Ohhh, you rock

    Grazie mille once again
  4. DR__ADEL's Avatar

    DR__ADEL said:


    LOL i was waiting for the new album to listen and translate it but i see much work has already been done
    and yes...she rocks believe me