Preslava - Pochvai me

Thread: Preslava - Pochvai me

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  1. PIMOS said:

    Cool Preslava - Pochvai me

    moyla prevod za tazi nova pesen na preslva
    Tekst :

    1/ Той е силен
    като парфюм остава!
    Пробвах всичко да го забравя!
    ... С очите по мене рани прави!
    Не съм видяла друг да може така!
    Той налива, където има жажда
    без да спира и става страшно!
    после взима каквото му е нужно
    да ми се случи се нуждая сега!

    И чуплива пред него стоя -
    разбивача на женски сърца!

    Почвай ме, почвай ме като стъкло разбий ме
    почвай ме, почвай ме от страст убий ме
    почвай ме, почвай ме, и тази нощ си силен!
    На него покажи!

    2/ Той налива, където има жажда
    без да спира и става страшно!
    после взима каквото му е нужно
    да ми се случи се нуждая сега!

    И чуплива пред него стоя -
    разбивача на женски сърца!
  2. crazytofik's Avatar

    crazytofik said:


    Hey. It's my translation. I would say it is "a free traslation" As someone said in the other topic, we need bulgarians here to translate lyrics or correct already translated by "amatour non-bulgarian-but-bulgaria-loving-foreigners" ;D

    1/ Той е силен
    He's strong
    като парфюм остава!
    remains like a perfume
    Пробвах всичко да го забравя!
    I tried everything to forget him
    ... С очите по мене рани прави!
    He's making me wounds with eyes
    Не съм видяла друг да може така!
    I haven't seen anyone doing something like that
    Той налива, където има жажда
    He pours wherever is thirst/desire
    без да спира и става страшно!
    without stopping and it's getting terrific!
    после взима каквото му е нужно
    then he takes whatever he needs
    да ми се случи се нуждая сега!
    let me happen that i need now <it sounds weird but i don't know how to translate it in a different way or i just don't understand it properly >

    И чуплива пред него стоя -
    and I'm standing in front of him weakly
    разбивача на женски сърца!
    heartbreaker <he breaks women's hearts>

    Почвай ме, почвай ме като стъкло разбий ме
    begin me, begin me <well it sounds weird but I think it could mean also "let's begin with me"... i guess> break me like a glass
    почвай ме, почвай ме от страст убий ме
    begin me, begin me, kill me with passion
    почвай ме, почвай ме, и тази нощ си силен!
    begin me, begin me, also during this night you're strong
    На него покажи!
    show him

    2/ Той налива, където има жажда
    He pours wherever is thirst/desire
    без да спира и става страшно!
    without stopping and it's getting terrific!
    после взима каквото му е нужно
    then he takes whatever he needs
    да ми се случи се нуждая сега!
    let me happen that i need now <it sounds weird but i don't know how to translate it in a different way or i just don't understand it properly >

    И чуплива пред него стоя -
    and I'm standing in front of him weakly
    разбивача на женски сърца!
    heartbreaker <he breaks women's hearts>
    София, Пловдив, Варна, Бургас, чалга до дупка - купона е при нас.
  3. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said:


    [QUOTE=crazytofik;917007]Hey. It's my translation. I would say it is "a free traslation" As someone said in the other topic, we need bulgarians here to translate lyrics or correct already translated by "amatour non-bulgarian-but-bulgaria-loving-foreigners" ;D

    What is your level of knowledge in Bulgarian?
    What is your native language?
  4. crazytofik's Avatar

    crazytofik said:


    well, my level in bulgarian is B2 according to european union standards* and my native language is polish, why do you ask?

    София, Пловдив, Варна, Бургас, чалга до дупка - купона е при нас.
  5. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said:


    Dobrze o tym wiedzieć
    Tak swoją wiedzę, bułgarski jest podstawowa znajomość języka
  6. crazytofik's Avatar

    crazytofik said:


    I didn't understand anything besides "dobrze o tym wiedzieć" ;D Later you wrote something like "yes your knowledge, bulgarian is elementary knowledge of language" ;D
    София, Пловдив, Варна, Бургас, чалга до дупка - купона е при нас.
  7. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said:


    I MEAN TO good to know about your levevl and its bassic +
    the Bulgarian lyrics are not too much complicated to trans ...
  8. get_attitude_'s Avatar

    get_attitude_ said:


    I have some corrections (not big) to the translation. Although it seems that the translator have learned his lessons in bulgarian :P

    1) да ми се случи се нуждая сега! - your version: "let me happen that i need now <it sounds weird but i don't know how to translate it in a different way or i just don't understand it properly >"
    It means that she wants this man to happen to her, she wants him to make a move on her so it should be more like:
    -I need him to happen to me now

    2) И чуплива пред него стоя
    This I guess means that she is vulnerable, cause then it's sang "като стъкло разбий ме", which you've correctly translated as "break me like a glass". So it should be:
    -And breakable in front of him i stand

    3)Почвай ме, почвай ме, като стъкло разбий ме
    I think that in english "begin", which you've chosen to use has a bit different tincture. More correctly it would be:
    Go ahead with me, Go ahead with me, break me like a glass <which should mean, that she wants him to start doing what he does with women, videlicet
    to break her hearth>

    4)"без да спира и става страшно!" - you said "terrific", but i thing it should be "terrifically" or "terribly". This is correction of the english word, because you've got the meaning

    Otherwise you did very well, congrats
  9. crazytofik's Avatar

    crazytofik said:


    Hey, thanks for the corrections, usually I know what they're singing about and I can explain it in bulgarian and polish but when I have to translate it into english I have some difficulties, thanks again for your help
    София, Пловдив, Варна, Бургас, чалга до дупка - купона е при нас.
  10. get_attitude_'s Avatar

    get_attitude_ said:


    You are very welcome
  11. PIMOS said: