OBRINT PAS - AL PAíS DE L'OLIVERA (Catalan language)

Thread: OBRINT PAS - AL PAíS DE L'OLIVERA (Catalan language)

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  1. b_fly said:

    Default OBRINT PAS - AL PAíS DE L'OLIVERA (Catalan language)

    Translation, please???

    Al país de l'olivera
    hi ha un riu de paper
    unes galtes color terra
    i un somriure d'argent
    al país de les riberes
    hi ha un canyar sota els estels
    i un mural de fulles seques
    a l'ombra d'un taronger

    Al país de l'olivera

    Al país que dorm a l'era
    hi ha polsim de fruites velles
    bicicletes entre sèquies
    arracades de cireres
    al país de les teulades
    hi ha besos d'aigua llimó
    arrapades a les cames
    parotets a dins del cor
    Al país que dorm a l'era

    Al país de la infantesa
    hi ha il·lusions a les palpentes
    Al país que jo ara enyore
    hi guarde un tresor secret
    un lligam que mai no es trenca
    un amor que mai no es perd.

    Al país de cases blanques
    hi ha pins banyats en sal
    margallons entre baladres
    peus descalços dins el mar
    al país de les marines
    hi ha un sol roig a les vesprades
    catxirulos a les platges
    i uns dits pentinant onades
    Al país de cases blanques

    Al país de les rialles
    hi ha raïm a les porxades
    ametles i olives negres
    un arròs fet amb costelles
    al país de les costeres
    hi ha llaüts i guitarrons
    i la veu de les rondalles
    pessigant les emocions

    Al país de les rialles

    Al país de la infantesa
    hi ha il·lusions a les palpentes
    somnis dibuixats a l'aire
    promeses a les orelles
    Al país que jo ara enyore
    hi guarde un tresor secret
    un lligam que mai no es trenca
    un amor que mai no es perd
  2. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    I've given a try, but mind you: i'm not too familiar with Catalan language and i'm not too sure about a couple of things...

    In the land of the olive
    there's a river of paper
    earth coloured cheeks
    and a silver smile
    in the land of riverbanks
    there's a reedbed under the stars
    and a wall of dry leaves
    in the shade of an orange tree

    in the land that sleeps ???
    there is a pinch of old fruits
    bikes amongst irrigation channels
    cherry earrings
    in the land of the roofs
    there are lemon-water kisses
    scratches on the legs
    dragonflies into the heart

    in the land of childhood
    there are illusions blindly felt
    in the land that i now miss
    is kept a secret treasure
    a bond that never breaks
    a love that can never be lost

    in the land of white homes
    there are pines bathed in salt
    palmettos amidst oleanders
    bare feet into the sea
    in the land of the seacoast
    there is a red sun in the evenings
    kites on the beaches
    and fingers combing the waves

    in the land of the laughters
    there's grapes on the arcades/porches
    almonds and black olives
    a rice dish made with chops
    in the seaside land
    there are lutes and guitarrones
    and the voice of the fairytales
    tickles the emotions

    in the land of childhood
    there are illusions blindly felt
    dreams drawn in the air
    promises in the ears
    in the land that i now miss
    is kept a secret treasure
    a bond that never breaks
    a love that can never be lost
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"