春之花 by 黄丽卿 (Chinese to English)

Thread: 春之花 by 黄丽卿 (Chinese to English)

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    abu arab said:

    Default 春之花 by 黄丽卿 (Chinese to English)

    can i find English translation for this song


    thanks in advance
  2. aspwow said:


    一夜东风 将春吹到---- the East Wind in one night,springtime will be sent to you.
    晓起黄莺频报-------early morning,yellow warblers Report good news repeatedly.

    且听迎春调-------- and please listening the Spring Festival melody.
    本来难耐 霜寒枓峭---------Originally intolerable, coldly frostbites
    幸亏春光又来到管教人欢笑---------fortunately,Spring came,everybody feelings happily.

    花色花香 花容俊俏--------the colors of flowers and the balm of flowers,pretty and charming faces

    廉外花对如花貌--------- The flowers look pretty colors
    春色将人撩------the beauty of spring let somebody got drunk.

    花枝花叶 花影苗条 ------flowering branchs and floral leafs, shaded by the flowers Slender

    忙煞粉蝶与啼鸟也对人含笑-----------Butterflies and birds busily For people also with smiles

    未曾送香 春已去了----------Never sent Send sweet,the Spring has been gone

    葬花无计添烦恼-----------Interring the petals disinter the sorrows
    春恨实难消------ the sigh of Spring,it's difficult to ease my pain
    无情相思 偏来相扰------Never intend to think of love,but it deliberately pester me
    憔悴落花逐水流如何度春宵 -----Pallid petals drifting away in an endless night and How could I spend the beautiful spring night!

    It's a chinese poetry style.
    Hardly to translate it.
    Last edited by aspwow; 12-27-2013 at 12:38 AM.