25 Band- Cheghadr Tanhaei Bade

Thread: 25 Band- Cheghadr Tanhaei Bade

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  1. ahangeto said:

    Default 25 Band- Cheghadr Tanhaei Bade

  2. jordin2008 said:


    مي بوسمت ميگي خداحافظ
    اين قصه از اينجا شروع مي شه
    من بغض كردم تو چشات خيسه
    دسته دوتامون داره رو مي شه
    تو سمت روياي خودت مي ري
    مي ري و من چشام و مي بندم
    ما خواستيم از هم جدا باشيم
    پس من چرا با گريه مي خندم

    مي بينمت ميري ولي ميري نمي بيني
    مي بوسمت از من ولي دستات و مي گیري
    مي بينمت مي ري ولي مي ري نمي بيني
    مي بوسمت از من ولي دستات و مي گیري

    چقد تنهايي بده بگو حال تو ام اينه
    اگه اين عشق كشته شه پاي تو ام گيره
    قول داده بودم به مرور زمان خوب شم
    يكم انصاف داشته باش نذار خورد شم
    ببين شايد الان بگي تقصيره ما نيست
    اين داستانه عشقه تو تقويم تاريخ
    ولي مگه مي شه اين همه خاطره رو گور كرد
    و بعد نشست فقط فاتحه اش رو خوند

    نه نميتونم توي كتم نميره
    مگه مي شه عشق يك شبه عقب بشينه
    بدون خاليه جات تا كه تو پرش كني
    واسه آدمي كه يك عمر تو بتش بودي
    من كه هر كاري كردم كه نري يه وقت نه
    نميدونم چرا يهو زدي به هم من
    عاشقتم اينو انكار نكن
    مثه فيلمي كه هيچ وقت اكران نشد

    تو فكر مي كردي بدون من
    دلشوره از دنياي ما ميره
    اينجا يكي همدرد من مي شه
    اونجا يكي دستات و مي گيره
    گفتي كه مي توني بري اما
    بغض تو دستات و برام رو كرد
    ما هر دو از رفتن پشيمونيم
    جون دوتامون زودتر برگرد
    جون دوتامون...

    مي بينمت ميري ولي ميري نمي بيني
    مي بوسمت از من ولي دستاتو ميگري
    مي بينمت ميري ولي ميري نمي بيني
    مي بوسمت از من ولي دستاتو ميگري
  3. jordin2008 said:


    Miboosamet migi khodahafez
    I kiss you and you bid me goodbye
    In ghesse az inja shooroo mishe
    This is where our story begins
    Man boghz kardam, to cheshat khise
    I am about to cry and you are already in tears
    Daste do tamoon dare roo mishe
    We are both about to give away the secrets of our hearts
    To samte royaye khodet miri
    You are going in your direction to find your dream
    Miri o man cheshamo mibandam
    You go away and I close my eyes
    Ma khastim az ham joda bashim
    We both decided to live separate lives
    Pas man chera ba gerye mikhandam?
    So why is it that I cry while smiling?

    Mibinamet miri vali miri nemibini
    I watch you leave but you will leave without noticing
    Miboosamet az man vali dastato migiri
    I kiss you but you take away your hands from me

    Cheghad tanhayi bade, begoo hale to ham ine
    How bad is to feel lonely, please tell me you feel the same way
    Age in eshgh koshte she, paye to ham gire
    You should know if this love dies, you will be an accomplice in its murder
    Ghol dade boodam be moroore zaman khoob sham
    I promised to get better in time (care less about our love)
    Ye kam ensaf dashte bash, nazar khord sham
    Please be kind, don’t let me be crushed (meaning you are asking me too much in asking me to forget our love)
    Bebin shayad age alan begi taghsire ma nist
    Maybe you would say now that it is not our fault
    In dastane eshghe too taghvime tarikh
    And this has been the way of all love stories since the beginning of history
    Vali mage mishe in hame khateraro goor kard
    But how is it possible to bury all these memories?
    Va ba’d neshat fatehasho khund
    And only say prayers for its lost soul (reading Fatehe(from Qoran)is what Muslims do for a dead person to make his soul rest in peace)

    Na nemitoonam tuye katam nemire
    No I can’t and there is no way you will make me believe it
    Mage mishe eshghe yek shabe aghab beshine
    It is not possible for love to retreat in one night
    Bedoon khalie jat ta k to poresh koni
    Know that you will be missing in my heart till you choose to come back and fill that missing part
    Vase adami k yek omr to botesh bodi
    For the one who has adored and idolized you his whole life this is the only way
    Man ke har kari kardam ke nari ye vaght na
    I did everything I could for you to make you stay and never leave
    Nemidoonam chera yeho zadi be ham man
    I do not know why you broke up with me so suddenly
    Ashegham ino enkar nakon
    I am in love with you, don’t deny it
    Mese filmi ke hich vaght ekran nashod
    Like a movie never being able to be released in public (in Iran some movies do not get to be released for some reasons and they are completely denied to be acknowledged)

    To fekr mikardi bedoone man
    You thought that having left me
    Delshoore az donyaye ma mire
    There will be no worries left for you and me
    Inja yeki hamdarde man mishe
    Someone will come to soothe my pains
    Oonja yeki dastato migire
    And you will find someone else to hold your hands
    Gofti ke mitoone beri ama
    You said it is easy for you to leave me but
    Boghze to dastato baram roo kard
    The tears behind your eyes, let your secret out
    Ma har do az raftan pashimoonim
    We both regret our decisions to be alone
    Joone do tamoon zoodtar bargard
    For the sake of both of us please come back sooner (this is my favorite line because she is kind of begging him in our language by asking him to consider both their lives and actually shows that she knows he is missing her too)

    Mibinamet miri vali miri nemibini
    I watch you leave but you will leave without noticing
    Miboosamet az man vali dastato migiri
    I kiss you but you take away your hands from me