NARCISA - Ramai cu ea

Thread: NARCISA - Ramai cu ea

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  1. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said:
  2. PIMOS said:


    any-one pliz
  3. Lady_A said:


    Tristete in loc de iubire,
    Sadness instead of love
    O viata fara fericire
    An unhappy life
    Cu tine asta aveam..
    That's what I had with you...
    Credeam ca se schimba soarta
    I thought fate would change
    Tu noaptea sarutai pe alta
    You were kissing someone else at night
    Iar eu pe locul 2 eram,
    And I was second best
    Cand v-am vazut impreuna
    When I saw you two together
    Tu te plimbai cu ea de mana
    You were walking holding her hand
    Gandeste'te ce am simtit:
    Think of how I felt:
    Ca nici pamantul nu ma tine,
    That Earth can't hold me anymore
    Ca cerut cade peste mine.
    That the sky falls down on me
    Ma inseli fara sa'ti fi gresit!
    You were cheating on me without me having done anything wrong!

    Ramai cu ea,nu trebuia
    Stay with her, you shouldn't
    Sa'ti bati joc de iubirea mea
    Have made fun of my love
    Doar un raspuns daca mi'ai da
    If only you gave me the answer
    Ce nu am eu si ce are ea?
    What does she have that i don't?
    Poate asa te voi ierta
    Maybe that way i will be able to forgive you
    Si nu te voi mai blestema
    And I won't curse you anymore
    Daca stiu ca nu pot sa fac ce face ea...
    If I know that I can't do what she can ( funny line)

    Nu pot sa cred ce cruda'i soarta,
    I can't believe how cruel fate is
    Cu mine te gandeai la alta,
    While with me you were thinking about someone else
    Nu ma gandeam ca poti s'o faci..
    I wouldn't have thought you were capable of such a thing...
    Eu iti purtam multa iubire,
    I was loving you a lot
    As fi dat totul pentru tine,
    I would have given everything up for you
    Tu ai vrut doar sa ma ataci.
    You only wanted to hurt me.
    Erai cu ea noapte de noapte,
    You were spending every night with her
    De dragostea ta alta avea parte,
    Another woman was receiving your love
    Iar eu te asteptam plangand.
    And I was waiting for you in tears.
    Tu nici o grija nu aveai
    You were careless
    Tineai in brate ce'ti doreai..
    As you were holding in your arms everything you ever wanted
    Asa ne amageai pe rand..
    That's how you were leading us both on...

    Ramai cu ea,nu trebuia
    Stay with her, you shouldn't
    Sa'ti bati joc de iubirea mea
    Have made fun of my love
    Doar un raspuns daca mi'ai da
    If only you gave me the answer
    Ce nu am eu si ce are ea?
    What does she have that i don't?
    Poate asa te voi ierta
    Maybe that way i will be able to forgive you
    Si nu te voi mai blestema
    And I won't curse you anymore
    Daca stiu ca nu pot sa fac ce face ea...
    If I know that I can't do what she can