French music

Thread: French music

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  1. nicoloco said:

    Default French music


    well French music is not known actually to be romantic, it was the case many years ago with Piaf, Brel, Aznavour, Cabrel, Balavoine and many others, but nowadays the tendency is to realistic songs with everyday or political subjects. Canadians are more romantic I think. But anayway check Chimène Bady or Badi?, Grégory Lemarchal (peace to his soul), Tina Arena (she's Australian but sing in French). some romantic soft stuff here

    I love Camille , and she's all but romantic ha ha. She use to insult people through her songs.

  2. anais89's Avatar

    anais89 said:


    Hey, guys, I'm wondering if you can help me out. I'm really into french rock music, or what I've heard so far, like Kyo and Noir Desir (love "Un Jour en France"), and I'm looking for more bands like that. I've checked out some of the bands already talked about in the forum, some pretty good stuff! Can anybody help me out?
  3. nicoloco said:

    Default French rock bands

    Hi Anais,

    well, if you're fond of French rock and particularly of Noir Desir and Kyo, here are other similiar bands you MUST know ;-)

    - Luke
    - Dolly
    - Aston Villa
    - Dyonisos (stange music, but, well, check that)
    - Lofofora (maybe a bit heavy but worth the listening)
    - Deportivo
    - Kaolin
    - Seaz

    and some other good famous French bands that play "softer music"

    - Mickey 3D
    - Superbus
    - Louise attaque

    and have a look on our "French Baby Shambles";-) : Naast (they are out the rage, young, wild and scandalous, lol)

    spite of their names, all these bands sing in French

    have a look as well on the "godfather band" of all these bands "Téléphone" this band really brought "French rock" into light.
    If you're looking for more "punky" stuff, I can give you other references.

    Finally, do you know that there's a French female singer who's called Anais?


  4. anais89's Avatar

    anais89 said:


    Hi Nico

    I did not know there was a french singer named Anais. Thats kinda fun. Thanks for the help! I would like to know what punky bands are good if you wouldnt mind. ^_^

    Merci beaucoup!
  5. nicoloco said:

    Default anais and punky bands

    Hi Anais,

    Yes, Anais is a very funny singer who's known for her song "mon amour, mon coeur" which makes fun of young lovers wasting their time on the phone saying clueless things, very ironic and funny, she sounds like Violente Femmes, if you know that old band.
    Her new single is a long list of various insults against the girl who stole her lover, awesome!
    (check the clips on youtube)

    About "punky band", well, most of them are dead now (even if some claims punk's not dead")

    historically the first French punk band was "Bérurier Noir" it was a huge success, with very political lyrics. Check also the Manu Chao's first band called "La mano Negra" it really rocks.

    well, other references of cool punk bands, some play very lo-fi stuff we're here very far from neo-punk clear sound of SUm 41, GreenDay or Blink, this is the good ol trashy sound of French alternative scene (lol)

    -Ludwig von 88
    -La souris déglinguée
    -Parabellum (and they famous , re-written, cover of Jaques Brel's song)
    -les sheriffs

    and many many others...
    I hope you'll enjoy that sneak peak on the beer-smelling dark side of French rock n roll;-)

  6. anais89's Avatar

    anais89 said:


    Hey Nico,

    I checked out Anais, she's awesome. I loved "Mon amour, mon coeur". I also am very familiar with the Violent Femmes, love their music. Ironically enough, a guy I know is actually friends with them. Sadly, I have yet to meet them. ^_^

    I will definitely check the new bands you've given me, thanks again. I definitely look forward to that dark side. ^_^

  7. nicoloco said:

    Default French bands from the dark side


    it's cool that you enjoy Anais and the Violent Femmes I'm myself a big fan of both of them. There's something very incredible about the VF and particularely Gordon, the singer.
    10 years ago he produced an unknown French band called Louise Attaque, a little band who use to play only in smokey bars and small festival. Once the record was out no one wanted it, it was rejected by the music industry and radios and finally a very small label accepted the project... the result of all of this is that the Louise Attaque record was the biggest unexpected success in the whole French music history and the 5th best selling ever with 2.5 million copies which is quiet a lot for a country of 50 million inhabitants ;-).

    Tell me which of the bands i listed you really like though I can find you other similar less known references.

    Tell me as well which bands from you hometown are in the spotlight these days, well, the ones you like of course. I like US indie bands because the mainstream stuff we get from USA, here in Europa, is crap*py most of the time and as actual black music (you know the so-called RnB and yo-baby-bling-bling stuff) is not my cup of tea, I'm a bit frustrated. I think that nothing really thrilling came from US since, the Pixies, the Presidents of the US, Dead Kennedys, Cake or Bloodhound gang (and of course the Offspring's 2 first albums!). I love mixed things like Calexico or Dropkick Murphies too

    OK, I quit playing the chatterbox;-) Take care

    Last edited by nicoloco; 10-13-2007 at 02:00 AM.
  8. anais89's Avatar

    anais89 said:


    Hey Nico

    I really liked Louise Attaque, though the only song I found was "Nos Sourires". Kaolin's "Partons Vite" was really good, too. Umm... I liked Superbus, Benabar, Deportivo, Aston Villa, Dolly, NAAST, Telephone, Babyshambles, I still have a few more to listen too, I'm having trouble finding all of them.

    let's see, good American music? I have a lot of Indie music, too. The Hives are good, I saw them in concert a few weeks ago. There's one song by The Proclaimers called "500 Miles" that's good. Other bands... The Strokes, The White Stripes, Dresden Dolls, Amy Winehouse, Grandaddy, Regina Spekter, The Spaceshots, Flogging Molly, The Cranberries, Garbage. If you check those out and get back to me on which ones (if any) you liked, I'll find some more like those for you.

  9. nicoloco said:


    Quote Originally Posted by anais89 View Post
    Hey Nico

    I really liked Louise Attaque, though the only song I found was "Nos Sourires". Kaolin's "Partons Vite" was really good, too. Umm... I liked Superbus, Benabar, Deportivo, Aston Villa, Dolly, NAAST, Telephone, Babyshambles, I still have a few more to listen too, I'm having trouble finding all of them.

    let's see, good American music? I have a lot of Indie music, too. The Hives are good, I saw them in concert a few weeks ago. There's one song by The Proclaimers called "500 Miles" that's good. Other bands... The Strokes, The White Stripes, Dresden Dolls, Amy Winehouse, Grandaddy, Regina Spekter, The Spaceshots, Flogging Molly, The Cranberries, Garbage. If you check those out and get back to me on which ones (if any) you liked, I'll find some more like those for you.

    Hi, thanks for you reply, I'm happy you like all those bands, by the way I did not refer babyshambles directly, i just say that Naast was some kind of Frenchie Babyshambles (you know, the Pete-Doherty-Kate-Moss'-ex-boyfriend-band;-)).

    Well, I know and like all the bands you listed, except Spaceshots and Flogging Molly (never heard, I gotta check that), The Hives are terrific I didn't know they were American, they sound so British. Uhu, no doubt, the Cranberries are definitely Irish (even if there's far more cranberries in US than in Irland)In addition, I must say that Amy Whinehouse is 100% English (and 50% junkie(lol)) it's a pitty she's detroying herself because she's got an awsome voice and a real something in the way she sings. I saw the Strokes and Garbage live, the Strokes were opening David Bowie's show, it was huge, dim sound but tremendous energy. Garbage was the best sound I ever listened in an open air gig, just incredible, i'm fond of Shirley's voice (hum, she's from Scotland, sorry to withdraw again that essential item from the USA hall of fame ;-).

    I'll' give you other French references according to you tastes very soon.

    keep on rockin'

  10. anais89's Avatar

    anais89 said:


    I know not all the bands are American, I just kinda went with ones that were big in America. I'm pretty sure the Hives are American, they had no accents when I saw them in Chicago. I will have to go back to my music and see which ones are actually from America, but I'll get some more bands for you soon. ^_^

  11. blobbykat said:


    Quote Originally Posted by anais89 View Post
    Hi Nico

    I did not know there was a french singer named Anais. Thats kinda fun. Thanks for the help! I would like to know what punky bands are good if you wouldnt mind. ^_^

    Merci beaucoup!
    Les Vulgaires Machins are punky (and from Quebec i think)
  12. nicoloco said:

    Default to blobbycat


    Enhancer is a good I would say soft-core band, or neo-metal if you want hard core French stuff try the two most known; "No one is innocent" and "Lofofora" spite their names, they sing (sang? I thing they splitted now) in French.

  13. fordsucks45 said:


    Hey, does anyone know of any French Metal songs/bands??

    I'm doing a project for French class, and I'm trying to find as divers of a selection as possible, and I've found everything pretty much except for metal.
  14. nicoloco said:

    Default French Metal

    Hi, try to check my 12-16 post on this thread, it's a good start.
