gossip at church

Thread: gossip at church

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  1. yoshi...noya said:

    Default gossip at church

    why is it that the churchs' are filled w/ gossip? why do people go to church and instead of praising God they talk about others? myu family is having that problem and at first it wasn't that bad but now is just not right those people that are gossiping are making things up and now the whole church knows about it. so does any one have an idea on how to end this??
  2. Hannah's Avatar

    Hannah said:

    Smile No Perfect Answer---But A Just God

    Quote Originally Posted by yoshi...noya
    why is it that the churchs' are filled w/ gossip? why do people go to church and instead of praising God they talk about others? myu family is having that problem and at first it wasn't that bad but now is just not right those people that are gossiping are making things up and now the whole church knows about it. so does any one have an idea on how to end this??
    I know exactly how you feel I've been there as well and it's not easy it's hard. You have to remember that we are still of flesh, and that even the enemy shows up to Church with us at times or maybe all the time but if we praise and worship God in the midst of all our troubles the enemy will flee that is a promise of the Lord. Don't worry hold your head up high in spite of it all especially if lies are bieng spread pray for your brothers and sisters in the Lord forgive them love them anyway and give God the glory let Him take care of it all, at the same time humble yourself be noble in Him, and you'll see that they will see something different in you and they will be humbled as well. This is why many people leave Church because they don't understand these things can still happen even in Church, at times people go to Church and who they are at home, work, or anywhere they are the same at Church, we have to realize that to call ourselves Christians (And I am only speaking to Christians, please if this doctrine and belief does not pertain to you no offense intended) means change, responsibility to grow and mature from milk to meat comes with that name. All of this will come to pass and it will make you all the more stronger for it, it's when you remain among those whom you have forgiven and loved that you are able to progress to the next level and grow in unity like a true Church should, God wants us to do this and more, His son Jesus did.

    In His grip. Hannah
    Last edited by Hannah; 07-28-2006 at 05:34 PM.
  3. Itakley said:


    It is always hard when people gossip. They never know what they are taliking about. They just let themselves go by their feelings wheather it is jelousy, anger, or just to harm other people because they can. The one and only way that I have know that works for just about everyone is ignor it like it's not happening be nice to them like God want you to be. An you'll see that they will be thinking the worst of themselves when they notice that they are letting themselves be guided bu the wrong Person . . . . . .
  4. minga said:


    I agree with Hannah. Just because they are church people does not mean that they are not human. You must learn to forgive so that you will be forgiven. In the end you will be stronger in the Lord. Everyone must go through the narrow road by themselves. Be stong in the Lord Jesus Christ and know that you have sisters in Christ who will be praying for your family.
  5. Vera said:


    Hello, I'm new to this forum, but thought I would post to ask how it's going in your church? Maybe you could speak with your pastor about it?
  6. yoshi...noya said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Vera
    Hello, I'm new to this forum, but thought I would post to ask how it's going in your church? Maybe you could speak with your pastor about it?
    well we tried but the people that are spreading the gossip around were able to convince the pastor and the pastor doesn't believe us anymore and i had thought about going to another church but i don't kno' 'cuz i'm the leader of the praise band at my church so i don't kno' what i'm gonna do
  7. RCOLLIER said:


    Sometimes people forget that we are supposed to be "striving" to be like Christ. But, again, we must remember that we are only human and God gave us "free will." We all make mistakes. And we're supposed to know right from wrong. You just have to learn to be mindful of yourself. Only "YOU" can get yourself into heaven. Sometimes when we open the door just a crack and let evil in.....the devil just kicks the door even wider! Pray for them - ask the Lord to guide - He will supply what you need in HIS own time.
  8. nafloresi said:


    The word says that if we are having a problem with a person that we should talk to them first alone, then take someone else like an elder or pastor to talk to them. If you said that the pastor is taking sides, well if you know with all your heart that you are not being treated fairly. go down on your knees and ask God for what you should do. About leaving while being a leader in the church, i wouldn't just leave I would again put it in prayer, inform your leaders and ask them to pray about it too. At the end of it all you must remember that you are there to please God, you are leading the people into His presence and you should be in constant communication with Him. If you are not giving your all when you are worshiping because of this, maybe he wants you serving somewhere else.... I'm getting wordy, i guess in summary i say go down on your knees. someone told me this once.. if what they're saying about you is true repent, and thank God that you were able to do so... if it is false, rejoice in the Lord, persecution is one of the signs you are in his path... Blessings
  9. Milly said:

    Smile Don't give the Gossip a platform in your life.

    I am new to this site, gossip will always be there esp in the church.Coming from a Pastors daughter can you imagine what we go thru when people expect us to be perfect like our dad....I've finally come to the conclusion that most of the time people will gossip because:
    1. they want what you have;
    2.they are trying their best to be like you.......
    All I can say thank the Lord for them because it has to;
    1. check you........see if it is affecting them positively/ or negatively..(.this you don't want...negativity)
    2.Stay in God's grace because that is what we all need everyday.The devil will not be able to fool us.