Serbian Grammar and padezi

Thread: Serbian Grammar and padezi

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  1. mabushii's Avatar

    mabushii said:

    Default Serbian Grammar and padezi

    Can you please explain to me about serbian grammar and padezi?
    眩しいでした ヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ チガウゥ
  2. Dzomba's Avatar

    Dzomba said:


    Padezi are ( better read wiki page...) ....

    Anyway, in Serbian (and Croatian, Bosnian...), you have 7 cases...

    Nominativ - Ko? ili Šta?
    Genitiv - Od koga? ili Od čega?
    Dativ - Kome? ili Čemu?
    Akuzativ - Koga? i Šta?
    Vokativ - Hej! ili Oj!
    Instrumental - S kim? i Čime?
    Lokativ - Gde?, O kome? ili O čemu?

    Everyone of those seven has its own purpose, and everyone answers to a certain question - that's the easiest way of recognizing them, although sometimes even that can be deceptive...
    They are complicated, even for some native serbians.. The students in our schools begin to learn them seriously (I think) somwhere in the 5th grade of elementry school (when they are about 11 years old)... They follow certain rules, and, ofcourse, one whole chapter of our written grammar books are about cases..
    Now, let me see if you understand all of the questions for cases written above, and then I, or someone else, can show you how it works through some examples and basic rules...
  3. mabushii's Avatar

    mabushii said:


    Thanks ^_^ Is there maybe some sentences you can give me for an example?
    眩しいでした ヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ チガウゥ
  4. Dzomba's Avatar

    Dzomba said:


    OK, one by one... First lesson - nominativ..
    The subject of the sentance is usualy in nominativ.. For example, in sentance "Prodavac mu je pomogao da izabere najbolji model.", "prodavac", the subject, is in nominativ... Also, you should know that the object of the sentance, "najbolji model", is in akuzativ. So, the subject in the sentance is usualy in nominativ, and the object is usualy in akuzativ.. (I say usualy... there are lots of tricky exceptions and other rules when they are in other cases..)..
    Now, let's just change some noun whrough all the cases...
    (I'm actualy not sure if I did it right... lol... It was long time ago... )
    Another one... Let's take "Srbija", for ex...
    I think this is a good example... You can realy see how it changes... let's take it through the whole sentances now...
    Srbija je postala kandidat za prijem u EU.
    Dosta toga ce se tek zahtevati od Srbije.
    Uputio se ka Srbiji u nadi da ce pronaci svog brata.
    Uvek cu navijati samo za Srbiju.
    Oj, Srbijo, medju sljivama...
    Te godine je Italija u finalu igrala sa Srbijom.
    Zar se ne secas kada smo pricali o Srbiji?

    I think someone else should continue now...
  5. jpetrovic's Avatar

    jpetrovic said:


    Zar ne bi trebalo da bude prodavče u vokativu?

    Hej, prodavac, daj mi kilo jabuka.

    Hej, prodavče, daj mi kilo jabuka.
  6. jpetrovic's Avatar

    jpetrovic said:


    Personal pronouns also change cases.

    2. (od) mene
    5. -
    6. (sa) mnom
    7. (o) meni

    2. (od) tebe or te
    3. tebi or ti
    4. tebe or te
    5. ti
    6. (sa) tobom
    7. (o) tebi

    2. (od) njega
    3. njemu or mu
    4. njega or ga
    5. -
    6. (sa) njim
    7. (o) njemu

    1. ona
    2. (od) nje
    3. njoj
    4. nju
    5. -
    6. (sa) njom
    7. (o) njoj

    1. ono
    2. (od) onog
    3. onom
    4. ono
    5. -
    6. (sa) onim
    7. (o) onom

    And plural... Mi, vi, oni, one, ona... I'll change later.
  7. Dzomba's Avatar

    Dzomba said:


    Ovaj poslednji post jpetrovic je mozda i najkorisniji za tebe, mabushil... Predpostavljam da je ponekad zeznuto kad naidjete na nesto iz ove liste..

    Btw, jpetrovic, slazem se za ono..
  8. jpetrovic's Avatar

    jpetrovic said:


    Mabushii, maybe you can find some text with words you know, and we can explain to you in which cases are they? Word by word.
    It is dificult for people who are not native Serbian speakers to understand cases. There are only two cases in English and even SEVEN in Serbian!!!
    But, you can learn it slowly.

    Maybe we went too far and you don't understand previous posts? I don't know how good is your Serbian actually.
    Maybe we skipped the most important.

    1. There are 4 groups of words that change cases:
    A. nouns
    B. pronouns
    C. adjectives
    D. numbers.

    2. In a sentence, nouns and pronouns can be in every case, but adjective and number that stands with a certain noun or proverb MUST be in case of that noun (pronoun).

    (Ok, I don't speak English very well. I hope you understand me. )

    Examples: ( just to see how it looks like)

    Stari prodavac
    je prodavao jabuke.

    Kupila sam jabuke od starog prodavca.

    Dala sam sto dinara starom prodavcu.

    Video sam starog prodavca.

    Stari prodavče, daj mi jabuke. ( This sounds a bit odd. People usually use someone's name to call him and don't use vokativ. But, this is regular form.)

    Pričala sam sa starim prodavcem.

    Pričali smo o starom prodavcu.

    Dzomba, ne znam šta tebi da kažem. Neke reči menjaju sufiks u vokativu, a neke ne. Bilo bi smešno kad bi me neko zvao JelenO umesto JelenA. Bar po mom gramatičkom osećaju.
    Last edited by jpetrovic; 03-08-2012 at 12:27 PM.
  9. Dzomba's Avatar

    Dzomba said:


    Pa ne, za prodavca vokativ si upravu.. Nisam bio pazljiv, i eto greske... A i zardjao sam, jedno 6-7 godina nisam radio ovo..
  10. mabushii's Avatar

    mabushii said:


    I understand Serbian and I speak Serbian with my family but I just have a problem with grammar rules and padezi ^_^ So my Serbian is probably not that good if we were to refer to grammar but to read and hear it than I guess it's not that bad xD So thanks for the tips and I will try start from the beginning with the 4 groups and progress further on^_^
    眩しいでした ヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ チガウゥ