keep it goin mods...

Thread: keep it goin mods...

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  1. smoothtung's Avatar

    smoothtung said:

    Default keep it goin mods...

    (MEMBER OR NO MEMBER) EVERYONE READING THIS; to save this forum or in better terms, to even have a chance at saving it we must start following rules. I know this is the one website where things are loose, and work well that way.. but important rules like plagiarism, harassment, slander etc.. MUST be followed (obeyed)
    Everyone who wants this forum to stay open, message a moderator and Express so..
  2. quickill said:


    Damn man, can't believe this thread is going under. It's been a lot of fun and a good way to work off some stress after a long day of school or work. I'm pretty sure it's gone for good man but will PM a mod and hope for the best. To everyone that has battled, there's been some heat, but we all respect each other and come in here for the same reason - to read and write our best raps possible.
  3. _SBU said:


    "Reasons: permanent violation of Forum Rules in lyrics and posts".
    I suppose it's because of the seemingly hostile content of battle raps. all of that is somewhat abitrary though. imo it's actually a deeply respectful artform.

    if someone can suggest another good forum for battle rapping I'll join up.
    I'd strongly encourage anyone else to come along with me. the battle rap community here has been great.. it would be good to keep as many of us together as is possible and find a new home which'd welcome us.

    Recommendations, anyone?
    in my experience most dedicated battlerap sites are overly competitive. it would be nice to find another one like this.. quite small (so posts don't bury too quickly), friendly and respectful, open cypher style battlerap without many rules or structural requirements. and with an appreciation for varied lyricism including technical aspects. and with appreciation for interesting content- not just all crass mom disses.
  4. smoothtung's Avatar

    smoothtung said:


    Bro none are like this. From what I've seen this one is a complete standout. None are as loose, and imo fun as this one..
    I'm a member of various sites, ill say is set up in the same style as this site, but yes as you said.. it is 'over-competitive'
    But if you join there or anywhere let me know, same goes for all of you.. you guys actually mean somethin ta me.. ha its funny how respect is born from rippin on eachother.
  5. _SBU said:


    yeah I just joined up at rapisalive com tonight. it looks awfully serious and I dont like the dark background so much, but meh. I'm using the same name, add me up.

    good timing actually, I'd nearly run out of interesting things to rhyme with Cheesybacon's name.
    just dropped a verse on 'Venomonomonology' though. fun times.
  6. charles reese said:


    lol _SBU ill miss you guys
    another good site to go to is
    i wish this one would stay up though
  7. smoothtung's Avatar

    smoothtung said:


    Aha goood! I'll peep that in a bit.
    Yea it is real dark and serious, not a lot of respect for good technical writing either. My style goes greatly unappreciated aha. They define good battle rapping by mostly vulgar punches.. less wordplay, metaphors, alitteration etc..
  8. charles reese said:


    im mystereese on that one
  9. quickill said:


    Guys I joined that forum but apparently you have to sign up for a rap battle like you're registering a damn vehicle at the DMV...

    Anyway we need to get a crew on there, all of us that came from this forum. I have the same name over there.
  10. smoothtung's Avatar

    smoothtung said:


    Add me (beautiful destruction ) and cheesy (venomonology) we have a group called the craftsmen.. he have sbu and trefly as members, an tryin to get the rest of our crew on here into that group.
    So add us and message cheesy (venomonology) to join our group.
  11. CheesyBacon said:


    set up the RIP IT rap battle in the group discussions so if y'all don't wanna do the serious stuff on rapisalive you can just post on the group page and keep what we had here goin there. if you join RIA, send me a private message, my name is Venomonology, and I'll add you into the group.

    hopefully this forum continues, ain't been here long enough to know all of you well, but got a new bro in shaad, a hella respect for SBU and had of my dopest lines come out against quickill and nostik - I still feel proud of my man's-chest-to-unite-it line. aha.

    but yeah, let's keep together and not let this die.
    Hip-hop is art. Don't make a pop hit, be smart. Take it back to the start, like KRS and Rakim use passion and heart.