Beogradski sindikat Svedok english translation

Thread: Beogradski sindikat Svedok english translation

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  1. Ofratko's Avatar

    Ofratko said:

    Red face Beogradski sindikat Svedok english translation

    Can somebody please translate this song( my apology I do know it's long and not exactly polite song )

    Hteo bi svak'i da ima zivot ovak'i,
    Da bude kriminalac, Porse - Kavasaki.
    Ovo pravi je gangsteraj, opusti se i pevaj...
    Odrast'o na ulici gde je, vazda', bio belaj.
    Poc'o sam u Svabiji, selidbe, moleraj,
    Baustel sa Turcima, kuntao sa Kurdima...
    Dos'o sam iz pickovca, kog nema ni na mapi...
    Na Zapadu naucio sta je zivot pravi.
    Ovde sam se slifov'o, ispek'o sam zanat,
    Rekao sam sebi: Ma uspecu ja, garant.
    Nas'o bolju sljaku, malo radio na 'kvaku',
    Nisam bir'o klijentelu, prim'o svaku stranku.
    Gilipteri me navukli kad sam otis'o za Frankfurt,
    Da, s' carapom na glavi, vozim ih u banku...
    Tu sam malo odrobij'o, jebi ga, klinac sam bio,
    Iznabad'o svakog ko bi me proziv'o.
    To sam radio za primer, da stekao bih ime,
    Jer rekli su mi stariji da tako to ide.
    Kad izas'o sam vani, iz Sluzbe su me zvali,
    Da obavim neki poslic, novi pasos su mi dali.
    Ja gledam, moja slika, ali pise drugo ime,
    Nista nisu rekli, samo gde treba da idem.
    Iz Hamburga sam, trajektom, otis'o za Stokholm,
    Cetnike i Ustase, sve sam ih izrok'o...
    Rekli mi: Zadrzi sve ono sto si pokr'o,
    Nocu diskoteke, trosio sam mnogo...
    Skupilo se drustvo, svi iz bivse Juge,
    Tamo besneo je rat, a mi, svi, zlatne cuke...
    Tad se raspala i Sluzba, ali ne i nasa druzba,
    Tamo dole sankcije, a nama ovde zurka...

    Svi znaju ko sam ja, da sam dosao sa dna
    I zato grabim sve sto mogu jer mi pripada...
    Ma znaju ko sam ja, Sluzba, Vojska, murija
    I zato grabim sve sto mogu, jer mi pripada...

    Presli via Zurih, sve do Azurne obale,
    Karijeove zlatare, mnogo nam se dopale.
    Za oko su nam zapale, prebogate strankinje,
    Sve su, redom, htele da probaju muskarcine...
    Mi svi mladi sportisti, tetovaze, oziljci,
    Duge kose nosili, nismo im oprostili.
    Posle ih orobili, pa za franke, podvodili...
    Sve smo redom drzali, ne pitaj me rodjeni...
    I da ne verujes, tako mi u Ricu nesto klopali,
    U sred zalogaja zvonim, u malo da se zadavim.
    Vidim: plus tri osam jedan..., mozda majka me treba,
    Ili neko od mojih sa sela? Ko me zove u sred jela...?
    Kad neki nepoznat glas kaze: Znas ti ko je ovde?
    Ti se tu zajebavas, dok se nasi ovde bore...
    Brzo pakuj torbe, jos sutra da si ovde...
    Nemoj da nam vrdas, da ne pravimo problem...
    Znao sam ja ko je, spakov'o se brze-bolje...
    Ma ima petnaest godina da nisam bio dole...
    Taman sam se ponadao da videcu moje,
    Kad ono malo morgen, eto mene u sred Bosne.
    Sa cinom i ekipom, blindiranim dzipom,
    Sve po naredjenju ja nista nisam pit'o.
    Nista nisam pip'o sem malo bele tehnike.
    Kojekakvih kuraca smo trpali na slepere...
    Kad sam dos'o u Beograd, sve sam mrko gled'o.
    Sve te gradske mangupcice, za cas sam poredj'o.

    Hohstaplercice i sline, sto tu mi nesto glume...
    A moze, vrana, sa zemlje, u dupe da im kljune.
    I nije bilo tesko, da sve im lepo uzmem...
    Takav je moj zivot, ja drugacije ne umem...

    I ceo grad me zna, kao da sam s' asfalta,
    I neka misle svi, da, teska sam seljacina...
    Jer, ceo grad me zna, pevaljka, manekenka,
    I svaka kaze da sam ljakse, al' mi, ipak, da...

    Ovaj grad i zemlju, ja nikad nisam voleo,
    Ovde sam ziveo, samo zato sto sam morao.
    Ovde, sve je na prodaju, e, vidis, to mi se dopalo,
    Za, bas male pare kupis sve sto je propalo.
    I firme i ljude, stek'o sam i ugled,
    Prijemi, parade, kokteli, ambasade...
    Placao sam stranke, ovakve i onakve,
    Bilborde, reklame, turneje, kampanje...
    Pevale mi razne, ove estradne i gradske,
    Sto misle da sam ljakse, al' za kintu sve rade...
    Sazidao par crkava, da malo smirim savest,
    Posle svega sto sam prosao, nocu tesko zaspim.
    Al' preko dana naspem, tu i tamo i povucem,
    Samo malo, da sredim, nisam ja navucen.
    Nego, svasta cujem, i sta treba i sta ne treba,
    Kriminal i politika? E u tome ti je nevolja...
    Ove sto sam izdrzav'o, sad im postalo malo...
    A mnogo ih je plasilo, sto o njima sve sam znao...
    Pokrenula se istraga o mome poslovanju,
    Trazili me, al' me nisu nasli na imanju.
    Ja ih nisam ceko, al' nisam otis'o daleko,
    Vec dole na primorje, gde ruka ruku miluje.
    Tu nema ekstradicije, il' kako se to kaze...
    Ovde sam slobodan ko galeb,
    Mogu do sutra da me traze.
    I tako, ja i moji jataci, sedeli na obali,
    Smejali se, pricali, neke jastoge klopali.
    I da ne verujes, rodjeni,
    Ponovo zvoni mi mobilni,
    Dobri, stari glas, sto me godinama progoni...
    Kaze: opet smo te pronasli, od nas neces pobeci,
    Biraj sta ti draze: saradnik il' pokojnik?
    Presece me zivog, ovo nisam ocekiv'o,
    Nije bilo lako da napravim izbor...
    Al' jebi ga, sta cu, svakom svoje dupe milo,
    Spakov'o se, klisn'o, na sudu sve sam prizn'o.
    I stare drugare, sve sam, redom, izd'o,
    Ocekiv'o najgore, da ovaj put, sam rikn'o.
    Al' ponovo me zivot, na srecu iznenadio,
    Desilo se ono, cemu nisam se ni nadao.
    Cista proslost, cista savest, nemam zasto da se kajem,
    Dobro je da, ovde, ljudi stvarno slabo pamte.
    Imam novi ugovor, nekim drugima sad dajem
    I kol'ko vidim, rodjeni, jos dugo cu da trajem...

    I svako dete zna, ceo svet pod nogama,
    A ti se pitas, kako? Sta si, duso, mislila?
    I svako dete zna, ceo svet pod nogama,
    A ja se pitam samo, kol'ko kosta Srbija?
  2. milijana's Avatar

    milijana said:


    Here is translation, it's not literally everywhere, but I gave my best

    Witness (collaborator)

    Everybody would want to have a life like this
    To be criminal, Porsche – Kawasaki
    This is real gangster thing, relax and sing
    I grew up in the street where there was trouble everyday
    I started in Germany, moving, wall painting,
    Construction work with Turks, crashing* with Kurds
    I came out of nowhere** that’s not even in the map
    In West*** I learned what is real life
    Here I got refined, I learned my ploy
    I told to myself: I’m gonna make it, for sure
    I found better job, worked little ‘on door handle’****
    I wasn’t choosing clientele, I was accepting every client
    Rouges made me, when I went to Frankfurt,
    To drive them to the bank with a stocking on my head
    I did some time in jail for that, **** it, I was kid,
    Stabbed everyone who would call on me (point at me, judge me)
    I used to do it to set the example, to gain the name,
    Because elders told me that’s how it goes
    When I was released, they called me from Service,
    To do some small job, they gave me new passport
    I am looking at my picture, but other name is written,
    They didn’t say anything except where I should go
    From Hamburg with ferry I went to Stockholm,
    Chetniks and Ustashas(*), I killed them all
    They told me: Keep all that you stole
    Discoteques at night, I was spending a lot
    Friends gathered, all from ex Yugoslavia
    The war was raging there, and we all, golden hearts
    Then the Service fell apart, but our group didn't
    Down there (in Yugoslavia) sanctions, and to us here party

    Everybody know who I am, that I came from the bottom
    And that is why I take all I can, because it belongs to me
    They know who I am, the Service, Army, cops
    And that is why I take all I can, because it belongs to me

    We went via Zurich all the way to French Riviera
    We liked very much Cartier's jewelry stores
    Too rich foreigner women caught our eye
    They all, one by one, wanted to try real men
    We all young sportsmen, tattoos, scars,
    With long hairs, didn’t forgive them
    Later we robbed them, then pimped for franks
    We were keeping them all, don’t ask me brother (cousin)
    You can’t believe it, we had a snack in Ritz
    In the middle of my bite I ring, I was close to choke
    I see plus three eight one (**) maybe my mother needs me
    Or someone from my family from village? Who is calling me in the middle of the meal?
    When some unfamiliar voice says: You know who is speaking
    You are jerking around there while ours (our people) here are fighting
    Pack your bags immediately and tomorrow be here
    Don’t palter to us so we wouldn’t make a problem
    I knew who was that, I packed as quick as I could
    There are fifteen years that I haven’t been there
    I hoped to see my family
    But that didn’t happen, there I was in the middle of Bosnia
    With a rank and crew, blinded Jeep
    All according to the order, I didn’t ask anything
    I didn’t touch anything except little of household appliances
    All kind of stuff (***) we were loading into trucks
    When I came to Belgrade I was watching everyone sullenly
    All those city idlers I had put in order in no time

    Little imposters and slobbers that play (act) something here
    And a crow from the ground can pick their ***
    And it wasn’t hard to take them all nicely
    That’s my life, I don’t know differently (to live)

    And whole city knows me, like I am from asphalt (criminal)
    And let everybody to think that I am big scum
    Because whole city knows me, a singer, a model (girls)
    And every one of them says that I suck, but still gives to me

    This city and country I have never loved
    I lived here just because I had to
    Everything here is for sale, and you see, that’s what I liked
    For really little money you (can) buy everything that’s ruined
    And companies and people, I gained reputation as well
    Receptions, parades, cocktails, embassies,
    I was paying clients, this and that (people)
    Billboards, advertising, tours, campaigns,
    Different women sang, these from television and from city((*))
    That think I suck but do everything for money
    I have built few churches to ease my conscience
    After everything I’ve been trough, I am having troubles to fall asleep at night
    But during the day I make a line (drugs), here and then, and inhale
    Just little, to fix, I am not addicted
    But I hear everything, when I am supposed to and what I’m not
    Criminal and politics? In there you have a trouble
    The ones I was supporting think they’re getting little now
    And they were frightened a lot that I knew everything about them
    An investigation started, about my business
    They were looking for me, but they didn’t find me on property
    I didn’t wait for them, but I didn’t go far
    But down to the sea, where hand takes care of hand ((**))
    There is no extradition here, or however it is said
    I am free like a seagull here
    They can look for me forever (till tomorrow – means forever)
    And so I and my people who were hiding me were sitting on the shore
    laughing, talking, ate some lobsters
    And you can’t believe it brother (cousin)
    Again my cell phone rings
    Good old voice that persecute me for years
    Says: We found you again, you won’t escape us
    Choose what you find dearer (prefer): (to be) collaborator or the deceased?
    It cut me alive (scared me), I wasn’t expecting it
    It wasn’t easy to make a choice
    But f*ck it, what to do, everyone love their life (@ss)
    I packed my bags, run away, confessed everything in court
    And old friends, all one by one, I betrayed
    I expected the worse, that this time I am dead
    But again, luckily, life surprised me
    Thing that I didn’t expect happened
    Clean past, clean conscience, I have nothing to regret
    It is good that here, people really have bad memory
    I have a new contract, I give to some others
    And as far as I can see, brother (cousin) I will last for a long time still

    And every child knows, world under the feet
    And you are asking yourself how? What did you think honey?
    And every child knows, world under the feet
    And I am just wandering how much Serbia costs?

    *Slept so deep that no one and nothing could wake him up, dead to the world.*
    **Literally – C*nt town
    ***West – by West we mean developed countries in West and North Europe and USA
    **** To work ‘on door handle’ – To break in and rob/steal (thanks Sewen) / Expression for taxi drivers when they get their customer on the street; costumer didn’t make a call to order taxi. It’s opportunity for driver to earn money aside.
    (*) Chetniks were volunteer soldiers in the Serbian (Yugoslav) army, and Ustashas were soldiers in Croatia. Although Chetniks exist for a century now, they are both meant here as participants of the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They are both described in Wikipedia.
    (**) +381 – calling number for Serbia
    (***) Literally he says: All kinds of di*ks, which means all kinds of things
    ((*)) Singers from estrade are ones who publish albums and make concerts and ones that sing in city, town, are just performing in cafes.
    ((**)) It’s idiom, he went there where he will be protected by the people that are like him, and he will do the same for those who are protecting them

    Last edited by milijana; 04-01-2012 at 01:48 AM.
  3. milijana's Avatar

    milijana said:

    Default took some time, lol.
    Thanks for the correction, I found only that kvaka thing is with taxi drivers.
    I will change it in my song description, if you don't mind
  4. Ofratko's Avatar

    Ofratko said:


    Milijana you are a real angel. Thank you so much. I understood quite a lot from the song before but I had problems with a few words. But I did know what does mean came from Pickovca DD This song is pretty impressive tho thank you again!
  5. milijana's Avatar

    milijana said:


    You are most welcome Ofratko. I'm happy you found out what the word means, lol