Thread: AMIR TATALOO - BADTAR SHOD - translation

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  1. Danijela Spadoni said:

    Lightbulb AMIR TATALOO - BADTAR SHOD - translation

    Please, can somebody translate?
    Thank you!
  2. afsaneh's Avatar

    afsaneh said:

    Default AMIR TATALOO - Badtar Shod

    Khaastam bemuni pish-am bad-tar shod ---------------- I wanted you to stay by my side and, it became worse
    Yek kam khodemuni sham badtar shod ---------------- I wanted to be friendlier, it became worse
    Har kaari kardam tavajoh-et beh-em kam-tar shod --------- I did everything and you notice me less
    Dast-aa-ye sard-et o gereftam sard-tar shod ------------------ I took your cold hands, it became colder
    Sard-tar shod ------------------------------------------------- it became colder


    Goftam bezaaram beram -------------------------------------- you wanted me to leave
    Ke shaayad del-et tang she, nashod ---------------------- maybe you would miss me, you didn't
    Shukhi mikardam -------------------------------------- whenever I was kidding
    Migofti ke nadaari hoselash o ---------------------- you said you're not in the mood
    In aakhari-aa kheili bad shode boodi aziz-am --------- the last days you had become really bad darling
    Sard shode boodi aziz-am -------------------------------- you'd become cold my darling
    Nemishe ashk-aam narizan --------------------------- my tears cannot stop falling
    Bi to bad joori marizam --------------------------------- without you I'm really unwell
    Khaastam bezaaram beram -------------------------- I wanted to leave
    Ke jaa-m khaali baashe chand vaght --------------- so that you would miss me for a while
    Shaayad ye jaa too del-et baashe vase ghalb-am ------------ maybe there is a place in your heart for me
    Khaastam baasham doret begardam, nashod ---------------- I wanted to stay and be kind to you, I couldn't


    Goftam dor o bar-et baasham --------------------------- I thought to be near you
    Ye vaght yaad-et nare man-o --------------------------- so that you wouldn't forget me
    Khaasti beri man gereftam ------------------------------- when you wanted to leave
    Baaz-am jolo dar ro -------------------------------- I once again blocked the door
    Khaastam baashi to pish-e man o nashod ----------- I wanted you to be by my side , but it didn't happen
    Nashod ke dast-aat dor-e gardan-am gereh beshan o ---------- It was not possible for your hands to tie around my neck
    Lab-haat hamin jaa baashe jolo cheshm-am -------------------- and for your lips to be here in front of my eyes
    Sadbaar gofti ke raah-emun dur-e o da'vaa --------------------- you said for a hundred of times that our ways are differnt
    Maa bahs o delshoore beinemun-e --------------------------------- there is quarrel and nervousness between us
    beinemun-e --------------------------------- is between us
  3. Danijela Spadoni said:


    ty ty ty tyyyy!!!!

    kissss! )))