ViLSY feat. DNA

Thread: ViLSY feat. DNA

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  1. Nere said:

    Default ViLSY feat. DNA

    this song was originally posted in the czech/slovak section, because it's sung in both slovak and russian. Ofratko put up an excellent translation of the slovak, but we couldn't get anything on the russian...... so here i am .

    song is here: and the original thread is here:

    the russian begins at around a minute or so in,

    i'm not so much interested in a translation of the russian as i am in a transcription of what she sings, in the original russian, and if one of you could be so kind as to provide that, i would be forever in your debt .

    spasibo bolshoe!
  2. Eudaimon said:


    I failed to understand everything, this is the best I could do.

    My živöm v stolice
    Praga Bratislava
    Jevropy goroda, i uže nemalo-malo
    My povidali na svojom puti
    (something in Slovak)
    My pišem tol'ko o tom
    (something in Slovak)
    (unintelligible line)
    Priklüčenij nemalo-malo
    No ja ??? vsö, što nas ne slomalo

    We live in a capital city
    Prague Bratislava
    Cities of Europe,
    And we've already seen much on our way
    We write only about
    Much adventures
    Bit I ??? everything that didn't break us

    Dva odin - eto dvadcat' pervyj vek
    Vsö tak že ??? na rajonah ili vo dvore
    Ne stoit graffiti žizni na asfal'te (?)
    V samoj seredine jevropejskoj karty
    Tam, gde ??? temno, no svetät fonari
    Gde guläjuščij narod razjezžajet na taksi
    Gde každyj den', je, ot zari do zari
    Gorod podnimajet na nogi ???

    Two one - it's the twenty-first century
    ??? in neigborhoods or in the yard the same way
    Graffiti isn't worth life on the asphalt (?)
    In the very middle of the European map
    Where it's ??? dark but lamps give light
    Where idle people drive around in taxis
    Where every day, yeah, from dusk to dawn
    The sity rouses ???

    Eto Praga, eto Bratislava
    Kakoj-to gorod na beregu ???
    Nesöt potok vody po tečeniju
    Stoličnoj žizni bez razrešenija

    This is Prague, this is Bratislava
    Some city on the bank of ???
    The water flow carries with the stream
    Of metropolitan life without permission

    Každaja ??? otkryv glaza
    Verü ja, što budu stojat'
    I ne unesöt menä
    Kuda-to daleko vdal', gde ne moja zemlä
    Moj gorod, moj mir, bum, eto tak, da

    Every ??? opening eyes
    I'm confident that I shall stand
    And won't be carried away
    Somewhere far away where it's not my land
    My city, my world, boom, that's true, yes.

    Refrain x2
  3. Ofratko's Avatar

    Ofratko said:


    Yep my Russian friends had the same problem with the song. So lets put it togheter and I can supply the something in Slovak And I can help you with some of the ???

    Slovak rap:
    žijem v centre diania v mojom meste
    vel'a l'udi chce v nom žit' vel'a furt ma z neho rešpekt
    Bratislava naše male vel'ke mesto, musiš so urobit' priestor ked chceš mat'miesto
    vieš to viem to ja
    nevidiš len odraz, poznaš cely obraz
    preto vidiš aj ten kontrast
    Nevidiš len drahe centrum, luxusne bydliska, špinave sidliska, sidliskove ihriska
    nevidiš len most SNP a hrad, vidiš charaktery ludi, citis ich smrad
    a čajocky najkrajšie uz si o nich počul, tvaria sa luxusne oblečene nevkusne
    a chlapci chcu byt' vagabundi chcu mat' moc
    Tak sa meni denny obraz a prichadza noc
    Narodil som sa a žijem tu doteraz stale
    otvaram DNA a našej Bratislave

    I'm living in the the center of events in my town
    many people want to live here, many still have respect from it.
    Bratislava small big city you have to create a space to have a place
    I know it you know it you don't see just the reflection you know the entire picture therefore you see also the contrast. You don't see just the expensive town centrum luxurious homes but also dirty settlements, settlement's playgrounds. You don't see just the bridge of SNP( Slovak National Uprising) and the castle you see the characters the people and their bad smell

    And chicks the most "beautiful " you have heard about them they pretend to be luxurious but are dressed frumpily
    boys want to be vagabonds want to have power so it changing the daytime and the night is coming

    i was born here and I live here until now and always I'm opening BN & our Bratislava


    My živöm v stolice
    Praga Bratislava
    Jevropy goroda, i uže nemalo-malo
    My povidali na svojom puti
    Počuvaj DNA a Vilsy
    My pišem tol'ko o tom
    čo sa stalo stalo
    žiznam daj-this what I can hear if it makes any sense
    Priklüčenij nemalo-malo
    No ja aprasivje vsö, što nas ne slomalo
    DNA/Vilsy Praha a Bratislava

    We live in a capital city
    Prague Bratislava
    Cities of Europe,
    And we've already seen much on our way
    Listen DNA and Vilsy
    We write only about
    What happened, Happened
    Much adventures
    But I ??? everything that didn't break us
    DNA/Vilsy Prague & Bratislava

    Dva odin - eto dvadcat' pervyj vek
    Vsö tak že padli na rajonah ili vo dvore
    Ne stoit graffiti žizni na asfal'te -YEP
    V samoj seredine jevropejskoj karty
    Tam, gde nočas temno, no svetät fonari
    Gde guläjuščij narod razjezžajet na taksi
    Gde každyj den', je, ot zari do zari
    Gorod podnimajet na nogi ???

    Two one - it's the twenty-first century
    ??? in neigborhoods or in the yard the same way
    Graffiti isn't worth life on the asphalt yep the building material
    In the very middle of the European map
    Where it's ??? dark but lamps give light
    Where idle people drive around in taxis
    Where every day, yeah, from dusk to dawn
    The sity rouses ???

    Eto Praga, eto Bratislava
    Kakoj-to gorod na beregu Dunaj- Vltava
    Nesöt potok vody po tečeniju
    Stoličnoj žizni bez razrešenija

    This is Prague, this is Bratislava
    Some city on the bank of Danube - Vltava
    The water flow carries with the stream
    Of metropolitan life without permission

    Každaja utra otkryv glaza
    Verü ja, što budu stojat'
    I ne unesöt menä
    Kuda-to daleko vdal', gde ne moja zemlä
    Moj gorod, moj mir, bum, eto tak, da

    Every ??? opening eyes
    I'm confident that I shall stand
    And won't be carried away
    Somewhere far away where it's not my land
    My city, my world, boom, that's true, yes.
  4. Eudaimon said:


    žiznam daj
    Now I've got the line; it's "žizn' nam darit" - "life gives us".

    The word "aprasivje" doesn't make sense; I keep hearing "otomstila" - avenged, but that's meaningless.

    "padli" and "nočas" aren't Russian words.

    As of asphalt, I just wasn't sure what did she mean by "life on asphalt" and why graffiti should be worth it and why it isn't. The line just doesn't make sense to me.

    As of the rest, I guess you're right. "Každoje utro, otkryv glaza..." - "every morning when I open my eyes..." - it's quite simple and I wonder how come I couldn't guess it But then it was at night when I listened to the song first time and I couldn't make it too loud.
  5. Nere said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Eudaimon View Post
    "nočas" aren't Russian words.
    maybe she meant "xx chas" ? dark but at some xx hours lamps give light? i dunno, seems like a weird use of language all around to me, to read what you've written.
  6. Snjezana's Avatar

    Snjezana said:


    aaah very good! now I found this thread, too
    thank u for ur help!

    spasibo and dekuji!