Taxi Matematica Imposibilia

Thread: Taxi Matematica Imposibilia

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  1. Ecirtap said:

    Default Taxi Matematica Imposibilia

    Would someone translate these lyrics, please? I couldn't find them on the site. Thank-you!

    sunt un triunghi
    nu sunt dreptunghic...
    nu sunt echilateral...
    sunt un triunghi oarecare
    un triunghi banal

    iubirea noastra..
    e o matematica imposibila...
    iubirea noastra
    e o ecuatie incompatibila...
    nici o rezolvare...
    nici o metoda..
    nici o maniera..
    pt ca u....esti o sfera...

    sunt un triunghi...
    3 colturi vizibile
    multe invizibile..
    sunt un triunghi..
    tentatiile is clare...irezistibile
    fantezia mea e sa-ti cuprind..
    forma perfecta de portelan...
    si incerc zi de zi...
    dar nu pot..
    dar nu stiu
    sa ma ridic...din plan

    iubirea noastra..
    e o matematica imposibila...
    iubirea noastra
    e o ecuatie incompatibila...
    nici o rezolvare...
    nici o metoda..
    nici o maniera..
    pt ca u....esti o sfera...

    oo da...asa e scris
    de la egipteni si greci..
    oricum ar fi ...tu esti...360
    eu...oricat ma adori sunt....180

    iubirea noastra..
    e o matematica imposibila...
    iubirea noastra
    e o ecuatie incompatibila...
    nici o rezolvare...
    nici o metoda..
  2. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    i'm a triangle
    i'm not rectangular
    i'm not equilateral
    i'm just a triangle
    i'm an ordinary triangle

    our love
    is an imposible math
    our love
    is an incompatible equation
    with no resolution
    through no method
    in no way
    because you are a sphere

    i'm a triangle
    3 visible corners
    many invisible
    i'm a triangle
    the tentations are clear, irresistible
    my fantasy is to embrace
    your perfect shape of porcelain
    and i'm trying it daily
    but i can't
    or i don't know
    how to get up from the plan

    our love
    is an imposible math
    our love
    is an incompatible equation
    with no resolution
    through no method
    in no way
    because you are a sphere

    that's how it's written
    by the egyptians and greeks
    no matter what, you are 360
    and i, no matter how much i amass
    i'm 180

    our love
    is an imposible math
    our love
    is an incompatible equation

    it's unreal
    you are a sphere
  3. Ecirtap said:


    Much appreciation!