Lailand/Verasi/Mirage - Rodny moj gorad (BY to EN)

Thread: Lailand/Verasi/Mirage - Rodny moj gorad (BY to EN)

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  1. rv65 said:

    Default Lailand/Verasi/Mirage - Rodny moj gorad (BY to EN)

    Словы: Уладзіміра Некляева

    Песняй журлівай, крылом жураўліным,
    Зорак суніцамі
    Першым спатканнем і першым расстаннем
    Горад мой сніцца мне

    Родны мой горад, любоў мая,
    Казка кахання чароўная.
    Ты, калі ласка, чакай мяне
    З кожнай дарогі, са шляху расстайнага.

    Пад блескавічным і сонечным небам
    Днём і парой начной,
    Светлы і чысты, як ветразь надзеі,
    Горад вясны маёй.

    Родны мой горад...

    Закалыхалі начныя праспекты
    Клёны з таполямі…
    Толькі б чакалі у горадзе гэтым,
    Толькі б нас помнілі.

    Родны мой горад....

    I know this song is in Belarusian and is covered by a bunch of artists including the hit Disco Polo group Mirage. I would like this song to be translated into English. Any response would be great.
    Last edited by rv65; 07-05-2012 at 02:05 AM.
  2. Vitaliy Kholodny said:


    Hope this would work

    Lailand/Verasi/Mirage - My dear town

    Murmurous song, wing of crane,
    Strawberries of stars
    The first rendezvous and the first parting
    In the dreams of my town

    My dear town, my love,
    The magic tale of love.
    Please wait for me
    After every wandering, after every parting.

    Sky full of lightings and sun
    Daylight or deep in the night,
    Bright and virgin, like a wind of hope
    The town of my spring.

    My dear town...

    Streets in the night
    Lulled by maples and poplars ...
    Only hope that someone is waiting for us in this town,
    Hope that someone is remembering.

    My dear town...