
Върни,върни назад аре д-д-дай пак,
Turn, turn back come on g-g-give it again!
п-п-пускай бийта, брат!
p-p-play the beat, bro!
От цифра време съм на крак, влизам в тоя трак.
From the number time I'm on foot, I get in this track.
Shake that money maker,
shake what your mama gave ya,like a soul shaker.
Земи тоя ****,влизам ти на feat,
Take this ****, I get in you to feat
в тоя фреш хит,стил bill beat bandit.
in this fresh hit (in) style bill beat bandit
Викай шопове брато,аз ще викам мацки,
Invite shopove*,bro, I'll invite chicks,
на beat тарикатски,знаеш как е градски.
on smart *** beat , you know how is gradski**
Дай пет на ти три,трака усили,
Give me five, (I give you) three, volume up the track
танцувам с лакти леко в стил bill beat bandit.
I dance slow with elbows in style bill beat bandit.
Баш Майсторите са тук на линия,
The exactly masters are here - online
ако питаш мене бате баш мини я !
if you ask me bro exactly - **** her!
Billy The Kid homie-лудия поет,
Billy The Kid homie - the crazy poet
аре дай bounce после с мен матрак дует.
come on give me bounce then with me mattress duet
Face mode to rap,just like that,
стил добре познат-клати целия ти град.
style well-known shake your whole town.

I like the way it's goin' down,
did you know i like this funky sound.
It's got me goin' crazy baby,crazy baby.
You know i like what's goin' down,
and you know i like this funky sound.
It's got me goin' crazy baby you should know.

Това е Jimmy сипи ми,далече от интриги,
This is Jimmy pour me, away from intrigues
аз и Били сме свили на светлинни години.
me and Billy are roll (joint) of light years.
Аз съм космонавт,викай ми Гагарин,
I am cosmonaut, call me Gagarin (cosmonaut, because he feel high from joint)
от Русе до Варна совалката палим.
from Ruse to Varna (cities in Bulgaria) ignition the shuttle
We're so high,Hоuston we got a problem,
чудя се въобще дали някога ще паднем.
I wonder if we will ever ever fall.
Уиски и бадем са голям тандем,
Whiskey and almonds are a great tandem
miss-ки от харем всичките за мен!
babes from harem*** all of them are for me!
Ниско платен,уличен бизнесмен,
Lower paid, street businessman
виж ко ве мен понеже съм джентълмен.
look what bro, because I am a gentleman
Ще взема да взема жена ти леко с мен,
I'll take your wife slowly with me,
от схема на схема търся леко зелен.
from scheme to scheme looking mild green.
Проблема е там,че джама е постояно замъглен.
The problem is that the window constantly blurred.
Свалям се-дигам се,правя го по цял ден !
I'm fall, I'm high, I do this all day!
Баш Майсторите са баш тук сега,
The exactly masters are exactly here now
Jimmy,Billy,Lexus с бас ще свалят всяка стена.
Jimmy,Billy,Lexus with bass will remove each wall.

I like the way it's goin' down,
did you know i like this funky sound.
It's got me goin' crazy baby,crazy baby.
You know i like what's goin' down,
and you know i like this funky sound.
It's got me goin' crazy baby you should know.

* shopove - people who live in Sofia
** gradski - people who live in the same city
*** harem - this is place where the rich mans of Near East had a lot of girls (like slaves) for a pleasure