Almir Zuhric Bice jos zima i snjegova

Thread: Almir Zuhric Bice jos zima i snjegova

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  1. PIMOS said:

    Smile Almir Zuhric Bice jos zima i snjegova

  2. milijana's Avatar

    milijana said:


    Almir Zuhrić – Biće još zima i snjegova

    Prođe cijela godina, dani idu ja ih brojim
    Proklet život i sudbina kad u mjestu stojim
    Kako kažu, sreću našla si i rodićeš mu sina
    Ali još meni dobrodošla si, tugo jedina

    Biće još zima i snjegova, dođi mi kada poželiš
    Ničija ili njegova, možda ćeš sa mnom da ostariš
    Biće još zima i snjegova, u meni sve je jači bol
    Ničija ili njegova, zbog tebe ubi me alkohol

    Sanjam polja zelena, jedan cvijet u tvojoj kosi
    Al' se drugom sve ostvari i ruku tvoju prosi
    Kako kažu, sreću našla si i rodićeš mu sina
    Ali još meni dobrodošla si, tugo jedina

    There will be more winters and snows

    The whole year has passed, I count days as they go
    Damn life and destiny when I stand in one place
    They say that you found happiness and that you'll give birth to his son
    But you are still welcome to me, my only sorrow

    There will be more winters and snows, come to me whenever you wish
    No one's or his, maybe you will grow old with me
    There will be more winters and snows, the pain grows stronger inside me
    No one's or his, because of you alcohol has killed me

    I dream green fields, one flower in your hair
    But everything has come true to other man and he asks for your hand
    They say that you found happiness and that you'll give birth to his son
    But you are still welcome to me, my only sorrow