Igor Losic - DAR MAR

Thread: Igor Losic - DAR MAR

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  1. PIMOS said:
  2. PIMOS said:


    someone ?
  3. milijana's Avatar

    milijana said:


    Igor Lošić - Dar-mar

    Daj, daj, daj dar-mar

    Noćas mi srce plače, zovite svirače
    Nek noćas pesmom prođu kroz njeno sokače
    Tu negde na dnu srca možda mene naće
    I Bog pogledaće me

    Do tada za sve pare častiću drugare
    Lagaću staru majku da mi ništa nije
    Ne znam da izbacim je ja iz lude glave
    Za njenu sreću pijem

    Daj, daj, daj svima duplo piće kelneru, brate rođeni
    Dar-mar u ludom srcu mom je, ljubav mi staru pozdravi
    Daj, daj, daj dupli viski opet, možda mi duša ozdravi
    Dar-mar u ludom srcu mom je, ljubav mi staru pozdravi

    Noćas mi srce plače, zovite svirače
    Nek noćas pesmom prođu kroz njeno sokače
    Tu negde na dnu srca možda mene naće
    I Bog pogledaće me

    Do tada za sve pare lomiću kafane
    Neka svi ljudi vide da mi loše ide
    Džaba bi neke žene za me život dale
    Za njenu sreću pijem


    Give, give, give a mess

    Tonight my heart is crying, call the musicians
    Let them walk down her street with a song tonight
    Here somewhere on the bottom of the heart she might find me
    And the God will have mercy upon me (lit. look at me)

    Until then I will buy drinks to my friends for all the money
    I will lie old mother that nothing is wrong with me
    I don't know how to kick her out from the crazy head
    I am drinking for her happiness

    Give, give, give a double drink to everybody, waiter, my brother
    There is a mess in my crazy heart, say hello to my old love
    Give, give, give a double whiskey again, maybe my soul will heal
    There is a mess in my crazy heart, say hello to my old love

    Tonight my heart is crying, call the musicians
    Let them walk down her street with a song tonight
    Here somewhere on the bottom of the heart she might find me
    And the God will have mercy upon me

    Until then I will be crushing pubs for all the money
    Let all the people see that I am doing bad
    In vain some women would give their life for me
    I am drinking for her happiness

    *Dar-mar means a mess, a chaos, but can also refer to drinking and singing in pub (kinda like a party gone wild).

    Sorry Pimos, here is your translation
  4. PIMOS said:

