Quotes translation.

Thread: Quotes translation.

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    czarna said:

    Smile Quotes translation.

    I have an unique request, cause it's not about lyrics or songs, but I couldn't find better place to ask it
    I need to translate, from english to turkish, some quotes from "Master and Margarita" of M. Bulgakov.
    I don't have any turkish translation of orignal book. Here's also original russian quotes and its english version from 1967, that I have.
    I'd love to know, how they sound in turkish

    I know thats so much, but maybe it would be possible to translate this second piece at least

    thank you

    1." – Она несла в руках отвратительные, тревожные желтые цветы.
    Черт их знает, как их зовут, но они первые почему-то появляются в Москве.
    И эти цветы очень отчетливо выделялись на черном ее весеннем пальто.
    Она несла желтые цветы! Нехороший цвет.
    Она повернула с Тверской в переулок и тут обернулась.
    Ну, Тверскую вы знаете? По Тверской шли тысячи людей, но я вам ручаюсь, что увидела она меня одного и поглядела не то что тревожно, а даже как будто болезненно.
    И меня поразила не столько ее красота, сколько необыкновенное, никем не виданное одиночество в глазах!
    Повинуясь этому желтому знаку, я тоже свернул в переулок и пошел по ее следам.
    Мы шли по кривому, скучному переулку безмолвно, я по одной стороне, а она по другой.
    И не было, вообразите, в переулке ни души. Я мучился, потому что мне показалось, что с нею необходимо говорить, и тревожился, что я не вымолвлю ни одного слова, а она уйдет, и я никогда ее более не увижу..."

    1. "' She was carrying some of those repulsive
    yellow flowers. God knows what they're called,
    but they are somehow always the first to come
    out in spring. They stood out very sharply
    against her black dress. She was carrying yellow
    flowers! It's an ugly colour. She turned off
    Tverskaya into a side-street and turned round.
    You know the Tverskaya, don't you? There must
    have been a thousand people on it but I swear to
    you that she saw no one but me. She had a look
    of suffering and I was struck less by her beauty
    than by the extraordinary loneliness in her eyes.
    Obeying that yellow signal I too turned into the
    side-street and followed her. We walked in
    silence down that dreary, winding little street
    without saying a word, she on one side, I on the
    other. There was not another soul in the street. I
    was in agony because I felt I had to speak to her
    and was worried that I might not be able to utter
    a word, she would disappear and I should never
    see her again."

    2. За мной, читатель! Кто сказал тебе, что нет на свете настоящей, верной, вечной любви?
    Да отрежут лгуну его гнусный язык!
    За мной, мой читатель, и только за мной, и я покажу тебе такую любовь!

    2.Follow me, reader! Who told you that there is
    no such thing as real, true, eternal love? Cut out
    his lying tongue!
    Follow me, reader, and only me and I will show
    you that love!
  2. moonlight89 said:


    1. "' She was carrying some of those repulsive
    yellow flowers. God knows what they're called,
    but they are somehow always the first to come
    out in spring. They stood out very sharply
    against her black dress. She was carrying yellow
    flowers! It's an ugly colour. She turned off
    Tverskaya into a side-street and turned round.
    You know the Tverskaya, don't you? There must
    have been a thousand people on it but I swear to
    you that she saw no one but me. She had a look
    of suffering and I was struck less by her beauty
    than by the extraordinary loneliness in her eyes.
    Obeying that yellow signal I too turned into the
    side-street and followed her. We walked in
    silence down that dreary, winding little street
    without saying a word, she on one side, I on the
    other. There was not another soul in the street. I
    was in agony because I felt I had to speak to her
    and was worried that I might not be able to utter
    a word, she would disappear and I should never
    see her again."

    1.'' O iğrenç sarı çiçeklerden satıyordu.Çiçeklerin adı ne Tanrı bilir ama
    galiba baharda açan cinsten.Siyah elbisesinden göze çarpıveriyorlardı.
    Sarı çiçeklerden satıyordu.iğrenç bir renkti.Tverskaya'dan bir yan sokağa saptı ve
    döndü.Tverskaya'yı bilirsin değil mi?Orada binlerce insan vardır ama onun kimseyi değil
    sadece beni gördüğüne dair size yemin ederim.Kederli bir bakışı vardı ve ben gözlerindeki
    eşsiz yalnızlıktan çok güzelliğine vurulmuştum.Sarı ışığa boyun eğip ben de
    yan sokağa saptım ve onun peşinden gittim.O bir yanda ben bir yanda tek kelime etmeden
    kasvetli,dolambaçlı o sokaktan aşağıya doğru sessizce yürüyorduk.Sokakta başka kimsecikler yoktu.
    Acı içindeydim çünkü onunla konuşmam gerektiğini biliyordum ve tek kelime edemeyeceğimden,
    onun gözden kaybolacağından ve onu bir daha göremeyeceğimden korkuyordum''

    2.Follow me, reader! Who told you that there is
    no such thing as real, true, eternal love? Cut out
    his lying tongue!
    Follow me, reader, and only me and I will show
    you that love!

    2.Takıl bana,okuyucu!Kim dedi sana doğru,dürüst,ebedi aşk diye bir şey olmadığını?
    kes o yalancı dilini!
    Takıl bana,okuyucu,ama sadece bana ki ben sana o aşkı göstereceğim!
    Al Aleb Ghaleb