Nedeljko Bajić Baja - Zapisano je u vremenu (SR-EN)

Thread: Nedeljko Bajić Baja - Zapisano je u vremenu (SR-EN)

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  1. mariusmxm's Avatar

    mariusmxm said:

    Default Nedeljko Bajić Baja - Zapisano je u vremenu (SR-EN)

    Very beautiful song I'm waiting for some suggestions about my translation.

    Zapisano je u vremenu
    It's written in time
    Kakva je to ljubav bila
    What love was that
    Kamo sreće za nas dvoje
    What luck we had
    Kad bi se nekom ponovila
    When it will happen again with someone?

    Zapisano je u vremenu
    It's written in time
    Da se sećam, da se sećaš
    That I remember, that you remember
    Rekla si mi, voleću te doveka
    You told me , I'll love you forever
    A ja tebi, nemoj da me čekaš!
    And I told you, don't wait me!

    Zažmuri, broj do sto, to biće dovoljno
    Close the eyes, count till hundred, it will be enough for me
    Da probam nekako da odem bezbolno
    To try somehow to go away without pain
    Ja neću voleti posle tebe ni u snu
    I won't love after you not even in my dreams
    Zapisano je u vremenu
    It's written in time

    Zapisano je u vremenu
    It's written in time
    Da smo mnogo jaki bili
    That we were very strong
    A gde bi nam bio kraj
    And where would be our end
    Još da smo se za ljubav borili
    If we still fought for love

    Zapisano je u vremenu
    It's written in time
    Plakala si i ja s tobom
    You cried and I cried with you
    I na kraju kad si rekla volim te
    And in the end when you told me I love you
    Teška srca rekao sam zbogom
    It was hard to say goodbye

    Zažmuri, broj do sto, to biće dovoljno
    Close the eyes, count till hundred, it will be enough for me
    Da probam nekako da odem bezbolno
    To try somehow to go away without pain
    Ja neću voleti posle tebe ni u snu
    I won't love after you not even in my dreams
    Zapisano je u vremenu
    It's written in time
  2. milijana's Avatar

    milijana said:


    Bravo Marius!!

    Just wanted to help you with this:

    "kamo sreće" means "if only something would happen/if only there would be luck".
    In this song's example, it means "If only there would be luck for both of us that it (love) happena again to someone (OF US)"
    What he is trying to say is that their love was so great and he wishes that there is good luck for HIM OR HER to have such great love again.

    And this:

    "A gde bi nam bio kraj JOŠ da smo se za ljubav borili" - here "još" means "above everything else", so "And where would be our end if had fought for love, above everything else (what we were doing)". Also, if you put that "još" up with the previous line, then you get another meaning "And where would still be our end (meaning it wouldn't have come at all), if were had fought for love".
    Ps. It could also be translated "If we had fought MORE for love.

  3. mariusmxm's Avatar

    mariusmxm said:


    I got it Thank you Milijana