this mile

Thread: this mile

Tags: first song, pop punk, rhyme, sad song, second post
  1. Philip Wrobel said:

    Default this mile

    the first song i ever wrote, sry if it kinda sucks
    got the title wrong sorry, its supposed to be my mile

    my mile
    your smile
    the tile
    the maybes
    the save mes
    i know what you gaves me

    i wake up
    and pray that
    this is
    a dream
    but it still
    seems to

    i walk
    this mile
    my life
    in denial
    to see you
    and stay
    for a while

    you left
    upon the
    alone and
    no smile
    left here
    to walk
    my mile
    your smile
    the tile
    the maybes
    the save mes
    i know what you gaves me
    yes, i know what you gaves me
    you gaves me a smile
    an act of
    as you hit
    the tile
    Last edited by Philip Wrobel; 09-09-2012 at 02:19 AM. Reason: typo
  2. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    Very clever!I like the way you posted it as well!Very unusual.Now that I've given you some feedback,feel free to give some other writers the same courtesy.
  3. Philip Wrobel said:


    alright will do
  4. Johnb31's Avatar

    Johnb31 said:


    I like this song too simple yet perfect. Check out some of my songs and poems on my thread tell me what u think.
    There is not enough space or time to truly let the song unwind
  5. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:


    I like the e.e. cummings style of writing. It cuts to the quick. You are very clear when you write; no extraneous words or "fluff." That's not easy at your age (or any age!). Congrats on your first song. You can be proud of it.

    I believe that you are good enough that you deserve honest feedback; you are good enough that I think you can take it. So here are a couple things:

    Title: The title is fine, but if you want to change it: Click "Edit Post," then click "Go Advanced." There you can change it in the title-box if you wish.
    Changing of Title: Just an alternate consideration--it's in the poem also, "THIS MILE."
    Repetition in poem: I like the repetition of phrases (stanzas) and repetition of word useage (mes/maybes). The one that might need work IMHO is "gaves me":

    the maybes
    the save mes
    i know what you gaves me
    yes, i know what you gaves me . . .

    Some alternatives for your consideration--if you even choose to consider them:

    "gave mes"

    OR a change grammatically to:

    I know all the "gave mes" (referring back to what the other person perceives as having given "so much" to you).

    HOWEVER, if this gaves me is a flashback to a use of words between two people, and it needs to stay the same, you might consider putting it in quotes. This would alert the reader/hearer that it was a quirky, private "knowing" and way of speaking between the two. Instead of:

    I know what you gaves me

    How does this sound?

    I know all the "gaves me"
  6. Johnb31's Avatar

    Johnb31 said:


    Frankie you give so much time consuming feedback Im amazed by that. I wish I had more time to give in depth feedback you really help out a lot.
    There is not enough space or time to truly let the song unwind
  7. Philip Wrobel said:


    hahaha if anyone cares, i just realized that i sing this song to the same rhythm of blink 182's intro of apple shampoo
  8. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Johnb31 View Post
    Frankie you give so much time consuming feedback Im amazed by that. I wish I had more time to give in depth feedback you really help out a lot.
    When I'm into giving feedback, I don't do much writing of my own!
    When I glimpse talent, and someone trying, I feel they deserve a little bit of attention.
    I know I sure did.
    But thanks, John31!