Need help identifying a song from a music video (maybe rock song)

Thread: Need help identifying a song from a music video (maybe rock song)

Tags: kids, rock, sun
  1. RosesSurvive said:

    Exclamation Need help identifying a song from a music video (maybe rock song)

    I think this song is a rock song. I'ts been driving me crazy! It has a really nice beat to it. Nice guitar beat. In the music video there are like ten kids. I think the main kid is blonde and a dude. They're in like middle school maybe and at the end of the video they all hold hands and bring down the sun together. Then I think they smile because they succeed or whatever, I guess. I really need help been bothering me for days! Hopefully you guys'll Know. Let me know, thanks and please hurry!
  2. Th3Diplomat said: