Music is my healer

Thread: Music is my healer

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  1. trueperfectionisimperfect said:

    Default Music is my healer

    its about how people who struggle to speak about there thoughts and feelings use music as a source to share and also how the right words can help in more ways then known. hope you like and again any improvements will be appreciated.

    when your soul feels old
    and your body is broken
    when you have no one to hold
    soon after you've awoken

    when the world is on your back
    and your in a faceless crowd
    your clouds may all turn black
    so turn your music loud

    music is my healer
    and also my best friend
    its my every emotion
    its my every trend

    when your life is beyond control
    and your love does depart
    let this music heal your soul
    and mend that broken heart

    if you find it hard to share
    whats bottled up inside
    write those lyrics bare
    and spread your music wide

    music is my healer
    and also my best friend
    its my every emotion
    its my every trend

    its there to lend a hand
    in every situation
    gets your body up and ready
    to cure this lunatic nation

    let it be your inspiration
    let it form your words
    it will heal the inflammation
    it will form the lyrics heard

    music is my healer
    and also my best friend
    its my every emotion
    its my every trend
    Last edited by trueperfectionisimperfect; 06-18-2013 at 07:05 PM.
  2. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:


    I L-O-V-E IT!!! This is great, really. You guys are knocking me out with your lyrics. I would buy this song if I heard it on the radio! How very true the song is. These are my favorites of the lyrics:

    when your soul feels old
    and your body is broken
    when you have no one to hold
    soon after you've awoken

    when the world is on your back
    and you're in a faceless crowd
    your clouds may all turn black
    so turn your music loud

    I like stanza-one because I remember feeling "so old" when I was very young; it's an awful feeling. Much more devastating than when you "grow" into maturity or oldness.

    But stanza-two is my F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E !! Every line!
  3. trueperfectionisimperfect said:


    its really nice of you to like my lyrics, it means a lot that you can relate so much to it as well
    yer the second one is my favorite too, i thought it up when i was walking though the town center and it fit so perfectly into the song
  4. trueperfectionisimperfect said:


    i really enjoyed writing this looking back at old songs and remembering how much fun it was doing it
  5. RockinRustle said:


    the only thing I would say is that the "its my every trend" line seems weird to me. Its like throughout the whole song you're talking about how music is you, it flows from you, you and your music are one in the same, and it gives you a purpose. yet the line about trend seems odd to me because "trend" tends to be a mass culture type thing.
  6. freedom_writter said:


    message me if you can sing i'll add you to my youtube channel i think you have serious song writting talent
  7. trueperfectionisimperfect said:


    thanks for the comment rockin do you recon if i changed the "my every trend" to "your every trend" since in the song i say about how it effects others also??

    also thanks freedom those are really kind words