Miroslav Ilic - Plakale su plave oci

Thread: Miroslav Ilic - Plakale su plave oci

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  1. rarr3 said:

    Default Miroslav Ilic - Plakale su plave oci


    Miroslav Ilić - Plakale su plave oči

    Kao rosa što od Sunca
    Zasvetli u travi.
    Svetlele su suze njene
    Od očiju plavih.

    Plakale su plave oči,
    Oči lepe žene.
    Plakale su, plakale,
    Plakale zbog mene.

    ''Vratiću se.'', rek'o sam joj.
    Šta drugo da kažem?
    U mojim su oči njene
    Videle da lažem.

    Plakale su plave oči,
    Oči lepe žene.
    Plakale su, plakale,
    Plakale zbog mene.

    Tužno zbogom, nežan pogled
    Od očiju plavih.
    Kraj je bio jedne kratke,
    Al' lepe ljubavi.

    Plakale su plave oči,
    Oči lepe žene.
    Plakale su, plakale,
    Plakale zbog mene.
  2. milijana's Avatar

    milijana said:


    The blue eyes were crying

    Like dew which, from the Sun,
    starts to glow in grass
    Her tears were glowing
    from the blue eyes

    The blue eyes were crying
    The eyes of a beautiful woman
    They were crying, crying
    Crying because of me

    "I'll be back" I told her
    What else to say?
    In mine (my eyes), her eyes
    saw that I lied

    The blue eyes were crying
    The eyes of a beautiful woman
    They were crying, crying
    Crying because of me

    A sad goodbye, a tender glance
    from the blue eyes
    It was the end of one short
    but beautiful love

    The blue eyes were crying
    The eyes of a beautiful woman
    They were crying, crying
    Crying because of me

  3. rarr3 said:

